Stupid Georgia...(merged)

Which WR's are hurt? I've seen the same comment but haven't seen it attached to names.
Redshirt frosh Walter Hill- broken right hand 3-6 weeks
Redshirt frosh Israel Troupe- hyper extended elbow, wrist, and shoulder
Junior Michael Moore- pulled hammy
AJ Green- hip flexor
Redshirt frosh Walter Hill- broken right hand 3-6 weeks
Redshirt frosh Israel Troupe- hyper extended elbow, wrist, and shoulder
Junior Michael Moore- pulled hammy
AJ Green- hip flexor

Ouch.. I got a hip flexor in track once. Hurts like hell! I don't think I was 100% for two months.
Ouch.. I got a hip flexor in track once. Hurts like hell! I don't think I was 100% for two months.

Which is why this sucks for him, because he was looking to make an instant impact with his size/speed combo. They really don't have much. Kris Durham might break out this year, but he isn't the fastest guy on the field. It will also hurt because they basically have a new OL. Mo Massaquoi is really all they have.
when the AP #1 Mutts crash and burn!!!!:post-4-1090547912::post-4-1090547912::post-4-1090547912:

They are SOOO overrated!!! Half the team in jail the other half in the hospital!!!It will be great to destroy them in their house, just like 1998. Then we will march to the SECC and NC led by Coach Fulmer, Arian Foster, and Mr. ALL Universe Eric Berry. How sweet it will be!!!!!

i dont care what anybody else says, i dig your attitude...:good!: this is what true vol fans hope for every year, finding every little way possible for this to be the year... let the chips fall as they may but i will never doubt our team before the season even starts like some of our pessimistic friends. we have hope EVERY SINGLE YEAR !!! thats why... ITS GREAT... TO BE... A TENNESSEE VOL !!!:salute:
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And as always, i HOPE they're still undefeated when we spank 'em. wanna be the first one to bust that bubble, because it WILL happen. :dance2:

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