Stupid WKU fans.

For them, it was unprecedented heights given that they had not achieved much in the SEC prior to Petrino. During his 4 years, they went 4-7, 8-5, 10-3, 11-2, and played in the Sugar Bowl, the schools first BCS bowl game. Care to revise your smart a$$ post now?

Lock S foils In attack position!
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Check who played in the SEC title games of '95, '02 & '06......... Care to revise your asinine posts now?

SEC Championship Game History

How many 10 win seasons did they have after 10 years of Nutt? How many BCS bowl games did they go to under 10 years of Nutt? You really want to go on record saying Nutt > Petrino?

Not to mention how weak the SEC West was in 95 and 02.
NC State fans talked lots of trash!! These teams like WKU and NCS don't understand that even though we have had our worst years in school history we are still in the dominate SEC!!!!

Va. Tech didn't know that.

Fact is we have fallen so low that even small time irrelevant schools think they can take us. I wouldn't blame them when you see how we performed against Akron, Troy, and that little GA school that hadn't fielded a team in ages. Until we put fear back in schools' hearts, we must swallow hard when disrespected as we are now. Being haughty and high minded when we can't afford to be won't change the situation. NC ST wasn't that far away from a victory over us despite CP, JH, TB, and ZR. Hopefully, our team doesn't come to the game over-confident and get their teeth kicked in. I don't believe they will because CBJ is one heck of a motivator. He and the team both feel they have much to prove so will likely be rabid dogs on the field. But dismissing a Petrino led team would be a serious error. Expect the Hilltoppers to play and not roll over and play dead like last time we met.
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Va. Tech didn't know that.

Fact is we have fallen so low that even small time irrelevant schools think they can take us. I wouldn't blame them when you see how we performed against Akron, Troy, and that little GA school that hadn't fielded a team in ages. Until we put fear back in schools hearts, we must swallow hard when disrespected as we are now. Being haughty and high minded when we can't afford to be won't change the situation. NC ST was that far away from a victory over us despite CP, JH, TB, and ZR. Hopefully, our team doesn't come to the game over-confident and get their teeth kicked in. I don't believe they will because CBJ is one heck of a motivator. He and the team both feel they have much to prove so will likely be rabid dogs on the field. But dismissing a Petrino led team would be a serious error. Expect the Hilltoppers to play and not roll over and play dead like last time we met.

Good post. however, for a program that is in its first decade of FBS football, WKU is doing well (after they fired Coach Elson). They gave up only 26 points to the Troy team that ran up and down the field on UT last year. They have a MLB who was rated as the number pro prospect at that position for the 2014 draft and a running back who came within 75 yards of breaking Barry Sanders' all-purpose yards record. They have some talent that will be fired up to face an SEC foe.
Do they have UT's overall talent? No.
But to dismiss them just because they are WKU and not the mighty UT is both dangerous and arrogant.
I have followed UT football religiously for over 30 years, but do not feel that putting on a UT jersey automatically makes you better than everyone else, as the past few seasons will attest.
I feel that CBJ is a great coach and will bring UT back up to UT standards, but right now the arrogant and condescending attitude of some UT fans is unwarranted.
Flame away.
Good post. however, for a program that is in its first decade of FBS football, WKU is doing well (after they fired Coach Elson). They gave up only 26 points to the Troy team that ran up and down the field on UT last year. They have a MLB who was rated as the number pro prospect at that position for the 2014 draft and a running back who came within 75 yards of breaking Barry Sanders' all-purpose yards record. They have some talent that will be fired up to face an SEC foe.
Do they have UT's overall talent? No.
But to dismiss them just because they are WKU and not the mighty UT is both dangerous and arrogant.
I have followed UT football religiously for over 30 years, but do not feel that putting on a UT jersey automatically makes you better than everyone else, as the past few seasons will attest.
I feel that CBJ is a great coach and will bring UT back up to UT standards, but right now the arrogant and condescending attitude of some UT fans is unwarranted.
Flame away.

I agree 100%. But what's funny in an non-humorous way is how those species of fans berate opponents' fans for behaving exactly like they do themselves. I used to get really hot under the collar when opposing fan sites posted demeaning statements about Vols fans. But now, I just stay silent because seeing what I too often see on VN makes those accusations so painfully true.

Shirley and I are attending the WKU game because we feel this will be an early indication of CBJ's effectiveness in prepping his team and how they respond. We think it will tell us pretty much what kind of team we will be seeing this coming season. Against a coach who coaches well and calls a very good game. Against a team that shouldn't be a challenge for us in better times but now, potentially could wrestle us to the mat and pin us. This is the litmus test as to how we will do in the W-L columns for 2013. That's what we believe so we will be there.
This year, I will not assume any game is a win or a loss before the game. I hope our guys come out with a chip on their shoulders EVERY GAME! We take them one at a time, and play 4 hard quarters each game. We can't control our opponents' effort level, but the one thing anyone can do is control their own effort. That's true in football, school, and life. You give it everything you have at all times, and sometimes effort beats talent. I've seen it in work, and with my youngest daughter. She was one of only 2 students at her undergraduate college to finish with a perfect 4.0 all four years, and just finished her first year of her Masters with a perfect 4.0 My advise to her after high school was just what I said before. The single thing you can control is the effort you put into what ever you do. In the long run that will serve you well because the majority of people don't have that drive.

Sorry to be a bit preachy, but it's a standard I set, and follow myself.
#88 went on a mesage board and opposing fans said they would beat us? GET OUTTA HERE!!!!
I am a WKU alum, and find it hard to believe that WKU fans think the Hilltoppers have a chance against UT. Why would anyone feel they dont have a chance against us after the last few years. WKU fans think we are the best team in the state of KY, but most of them know they stand no chance. Why do some people find it cool to troll other sites and then run like a girl and yack about what they say?

Lol. Best team in KY? Louisville would stomp a mud hole in y'all's asses.
if we.lose to them then fire hart on the spot.. no way we should lose that game........ no way even a below avg coach which cbj isnt suppose to be.

lose.that one n recruits will jump ship.
A guy I work with is a WKU Alum is talking trash about WKU winning and how bad UT is. He wouldn't take my bet but he's talking trash. Add those posers to the list that need a good old fashioned Big Orange ass whuppin this fall.
Did the Petrino squeeze on the back of the Motorcycle come as a package deal to WKU or is she going to red shirt this year or wet shirt.
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Petrino is an offensive bad a$$. Our defense better be ready.
Our Offense should be able to score at will against them however.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Guys, we're not looking at this the right way. Some WKU fans not only learned to read and write, but how to actually operate a computer and connect to the internet. Maybe we're asking a little much to expect them to have social skills and a realistic outlook on the game?

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