Last night we decided to deviate from the norm and hit up the local pizza hut after church. The place was empty when we got there, and the waitress was obviously not happy that this group of people decided to eat at her establishment. She was very short with us, and even raised her voice a few times being smart-alecky...but I remembered this thread.
I ordered a water like I always do, and maybe it's because of this thread that I noticed she seemed disappointed. Sorry, I drink water, it is what it is...but I remembered this thread.
I asked for a small pizz..."WE DON'T HAVE SMALL..WE ONLY HAVE MEDIUM AND LARGE...AND THEY'RE THE SAME PRICE". Oh, of course, I guess I should have known that, having no menu and having not set foot in a pizza hut in over a decade...but I remembered this thread.
I was surprised at how quickly the pizza came, and she did a good job keeping the drinks full, and after the food was delivered she settled down a bit. Still, some of my friends sensed the hostility from the waitress, which, as most of us work some sort of service-related job, seems ridiculous. I told them, "guys, apparently the Sunday after-church crowd has a reputation of not tipping well, so regardless of this chick's attitude, let's help her out." Mr Pink resisted, but he came around.
We made it rain...because of this thread.
I hate you all.