So, do you believe that Mitt Romney is a "God?" Does Mitt Romney think he is a "God?"
If Romney considers himself a "good mormon" he
may believe he will be the God of his own planet.
In Mormonism, men and women have the potential of becoming gods. President Lorenzo Snow said, "As god once was, man is. As God is, man may become."
In order to reach this exalted state of godhood, a person must first become a good Mormon, pay a full ten percent tithe to the Mormon church, follow various laws and ordinances of the church, and be found worthy.
At this point, they receive a temple recommend, whereupon the Mormon is allowed to enter their sacred temples in order to go through a set of secret rituals: baptism for the dead, celestial marriage, and various oaths of secrecy and commitment.
Additionally, four secret handshakes are taught so the believing Mormon, upon entering the third level of Mormon heaven, can shake hands with god in a certain pattern.
This celestial ritual is for the purpose of permitting entrance into the highest level of heaven.
For those who achieve this highest of heavens, exaltation to godhood awaits them.
Then he or she will be permitted to have his or her own planet and be the god of his own world and the Mormon system will be expanded to other planets.
The book of Mormon is more correct than the Bible
God used to be a man on another planet
God resides near a star called Kolob
God is married to his goddess wife and has spirit children