Super Rich Hiding $21 Trillion

FYI, from a Libertarian stand point (me), you are liberal. Not independent. You may be independent as far as not being registered to a certain party, but ideologically, you are not independent (middle of the road).

I don't care about your libertarian standpoint. I have my own; it is moderate and independent. You can define everybody but yourself in some bad way. That makes you more of a radical than an independent, in my view.
Mormonism for dummies:
1. God is not unified and infinite.
2. The Gods are plural and finite.
3. There is no head God who makes other Gods, Saints, etc.
4. One makes oneself a God through striving for and achieving purity and perfection.

While there is a church requirement to tithe, that is premised on the notion that the money will be used to do good deeds; thus, one who tithes is doing good deeds by proxy.

I would say that using your talents to influence as much of the world in as much of a positive manner as possible (you can certainly debate whether or not Romney would be a positive influence), would be purifying and perfecting.

So, do you believe that Mitt Romney is a "God?" Does Mitt Romney think he is a "God?"
I don't care about your libertarian standpoint. I have my own; it is moderate and independent. You can define everybody but yourself in some bad way. That makes you more of a radical than an independent, in my view.

Absolutely awesome.
Fact: The rich already pay the lion's share of taxes in this country.

Fact: Our gov't and the liberal media will do/say anything to make you believe otherwise.

Fact: Our government spends and wastes more tax dollars than Rick James did with cocaine and hookers in the late 80's.

Fact: the gov't solution is to not clamp down on their disgusting level of spending, but rather bully the rich out of more money.

Fact: The Obama admin has resorted to lying and misleading the middle class and is encouraging jealousy, entitlement, and player hating among the American people.
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I don't know how you could call Rupert Murdoch's news "liberal as hell." The liberal slant in news which prevailed for decades hardly exists these days.

no liberal bias in media anymore?? that is pretty much ignorant as hell
Fact: The rich already pay the lion's share of taxes in this country.

Fact: Our gov't and the liberal media will do/say anything to make you believe otherwise.

Fact: Our government spends and wastes more tax dollars than Rick James did with cocaine and hookers in the late 80's.

Fact: the gov't solution is to not clamp down on their disgusting level of spending, but rather bully the rich out of more money.

Fact: The Obama admin has resorted to lying and misleading the middle class and is encouraging jealousy, entitlement, and player hating among the American people.

Why be hateful when you should be grateful?
4. One makes oneself a God through striving for and achieving purity and perfection.
the realUT

Well, if Romney is trying to make himself a God, I don't think he ought to be doing a thing like that in the White House.
Fact: The rich already pay the lion's share of taxes in this country.

Fact: Our gov't and the liberal media will do/say anything to make you believe otherwise.

Fact: Our government spends and wastes more tax dollars than Rick James did with cocaine and hookers in the late 80's.

Fact: the gov't solution is to not clamp down on their disgusting level of spending, but rather bully the rich out of more money.

Fact: The Obama admin has resorted to lying and misleading the middle class and is encouraging jealousy, entitlement, and player hating among the American people.
According to the polls he's leading also. We're doomed.. Of course even if he wasn't they would say he is anyway.....
And for the record, I am not a liberal. Because I am a political moderate, liberals call me conservative

Anyone who could possibly listen to you, or read your opinions, and call you "conservative" is completely retarded.

Unless you've been chatting with Lenin. He might think you're conservative.
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So, do you believe that Mitt Romney is a "God?" Does Mitt Romney think he is a "God?"

If Romney considers himself a "good mormon" he may believe he will be the God of his own planet.

In Mormonism, men and women have the potential of becoming gods. President Lorenzo Snow said, "As god once was, man is. As God is, man may become."

In order to reach this exalted state of godhood, a person must first become a good Mormon, pay a full ten percent tithe to the Mormon church, follow various laws and ordinances of the church, and be found worthy.

At this point, they receive a temple recommend, whereupon the Mormon is allowed to enter their sacred temples in order to go through a set of secret rituals: baptism for the dead, celestial marriage, and various oaths of secrecy and commitment.

Additionally, four secret handshakes are taught so the believing Mormon, upon entering the third level of Mormon heaven, can shake hands with god in a certain pattern.

This celestial ritual is for the purpose of permitting entrance into the highest level of heaven.

For those who achieve this highest of heavens, exaltation to godhood awaits them.

Then he or she will be permitted to have his or her own planet and be the god of his own world and the Mormon system will be expanded to other planets.

The book of Mormon is more correct than the Bible

God used to be a man on another planet

God resides near a star called Kolob

God is married to his goddess wife and has spirit children
POTUS is going to have fairly strong attrition in voter numbers this fall; especially with the college kids who remain unemployed after putting him in office.

Media can huff and puff about polls and Obama all they want; but the truth is Dems are in trouble!
POTUS is going to have fairly strong attrition in voter numbers this fall; especially with the college kids who remain unemployed after putting him in office.

Media can huff and puff about polls and Obama all they want; but the truth is Dems are in trouble!

Romney camp is helping him all it can.
Anyone who could possibly listen to you, or read your opinions, and call you "conservative" is completely retarded.

Unless you've been chatting with Lenin. He might think you're conservative.

Well bammer fan, on that I agree. But I was not referring only to lousy commie rat type liberals. I was also talking garden variety self-righteous heads up their nasty butts type liberals. Numerous ones of those have besmirched me, as have sundry right wingers. I'm a politically moderate independent. You can put that in your pipe and smoke it...or not.

If there were a bunch of left-wingers yacking it up here, then they would hate on me for taking exception to their malformed notions. But there aren't; there are a bunch of right-wingers here, so they hate on me for taking exception to theirs. That's just the way it is. Both extremes try to intimidate moderates into silence. That's what's wrong with our two parties at this juncture in history, and it's what's wrong with our country. Most Americans are political moderates who want things to work, but we don't have a party to represent us. Despite his views on some issues, President Obama is far more moderate than the Republican Party. I am glad to have a President who speaks for moderates on most issues. Mitt Romney speaks only for his party's right wing machine on almost all issues. That's good enough for right wingers and their fellow travelers, but that's not what's good for the country.
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I don't care about your libertarian standpoint. I have my own; it is moderate and independent. You can define everybody but yourself in some bad way. That makes you more of a radical than an independent, in my view.

you definitely strike me as moderate, just like Obama labels himself a moderate.
you definitely strike me as moderate, just like Obama labels himself a moderate.

There are significant differences in our moderation. I support the Second Amendment because I believe in it. President Obama refrains from harming it because he recognizes my support for it and does not want to pay the political costs. Still, he refrains from harming it, which I appreciate. Why don't you?

I do not support same sex marriage because I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. President Obama supports it by talking about love. Is that a personal conviction or a political calculation? I don't know, but I don't support it, and I think it hurts him politically more than it helps him. President Obama is a Democrat who appeals to traditional voting blocks of the Democrat Party. I am not a Democrat, and have no affinities for its traditional constituents. I don't hate them, but I'm not one of them.

I and President Obama both support the middle class. Republicans do not; they support the interests of the most wealthy over the middle class.

The idea of so many abortions makes me want to cry, but I think it is a decision between a woman and a doctor, not a woman and a back alley butcher or suicide hotline counselor. President Obama supports equal preventive health care for both men and women. I also support preventive health care for both men and women. I don't think that employers have the right to tell female employees that they cannot have preventive health care for female organs in their insurance. That has been against the law for decades, as it should be.

President Obama is conducting an effective war against the army of terrorists which attacked us on 9/11, not against people who did not attack us. That is the correct policy, and I support it. He supports policies of military and economic strength, not policies which waste our blood and treasure in doomed, maniacal wars of military expansion and occupation. If we must go to war for our vital security interests, I trust him to make the necessary decisions. I do not think he is the weak-in-the-head type who will allow himself to be swayed one way or the other against the real interests of the nation.
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