
sam,dean and cas go to rescue the profit.when they find him ,they break in and cas goes full angel.he breaks the tablet and crowley gets away with the end cas is brought to heven while he's talking to sam and angel tells cas to stay with sam and dean.she tells him that he will be brought to heaven every so often to make reports on sam and dean.she also tells him that they brought him back from pergatory,at the cost of many angels.cas is returned where sam and dean are but they are unaware of cas ever leaving and cas doesn't tell them about it.

i don't know if this will help you or not.
sam,dean and cas go to rescue the profit.when they find him ,they break in and cas goes full angel.he breaks the tablet and crowley gets away with the end cas is brought to heven while he's talking to sam and angel tells cas to stay with sam and dean.she tells him that he will be brought to heaven every so often to make reports on sam and dean.she also tells him that they brought him back from pergatory,at the cost of many angels.cas is returned where sam and dean are but they are unaware of cas ever leaving and cas doesn't tell them about it.

i don't know if this will help you or not.

It i did'nt have a clue. Thanks LV.
Great show.....Who the heck is controling the angles and heaven? The mention of Naomi caught my attention as well. She ( Amanda tapping ) is described as a new breed of angel. I think this show is about to kick it another notch.....
Good show last night.seems there is a tablet to shut heaven also.will Crowley find it first?

Naomi is controlling the angels.i just don't know what she's doing.
Very good episode.

I"m not sure but i think Sam and Dean just got a promotion. That and they just hit the jackpot with the Libary of all things known about demons. What did they call it "the Repository"?

As time travel episodes go simplistic, but now they know about what happened to their grandfather.

Should have called out for Cass........
I thought they should've called for cass but I think they were using it as a "when its your time "kind of deal.he would have been out of place in Sam and deans time anyway.

I think they were promoted also.they will have a whole library of knowledge to research.not only knowledge on demons but probably about everything.i just wonder why none of the angels had told them that they were legacies of the letters?they new that Sam and dean were special already.
I love the brothers new home base, and I want a golem.

I had to laugh...I came here to post this almost word for word.

I wonder if they will share the base or have the whole of the Supernatural universe running though its halls. We all know how the Winchesters love tradition.
The things I would do for a golem are terrible probably. The fact he's actually smart too doesn't hurt.
That was one of my favorite episodes of the season. How awesome was Deans new room and his Led Zep vinyl album? I'm really interested to see how the power that Sam absorbed will effect him down the road.
Great episode.

Dean's speech about him being the grunt of this operation and his destiny......I knew right then it would be Sam. Loved the upgraded looks of the hell hound.

The three trials of god: 1 down, 2 too go. Also wondering if some how Dean doesn't end up completing one of the trials or some how duplicating them. You never know this is "Supernatural".
The only thing I don't get is... How did some of the arch angels not know about this? or Lucifer? you'd think the first thing they'd do would be to get a hold of the tablet for this stuff.

but eh. just meta thinking too much I guess.
A couple of good episodes over the last few weeks.... Witches and Titans, diversity is a main stay with this show.
Really looking forward to March 20th show. Cass,Crowley and Meg are all back. The Unholy Trinity.
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