
Misha Collins is hilarious. The episode where he turned into a sex maniac in the alternate future where Sam accepted lucifer was great.

I also loved the idea of Zeus and the titans from last night, but makes me curious why they don't just go out killing folks to get more worshipers again.
Ah, the old gang is back...per Meg "The Apocalypse were the simple days'.

Loved the fact that she told Cass "They where going to move some furniture around" as she continued "you know what I mean" and cass's delayed ever growing grin.

I honestly think that cass's powers are getting juiced up and touching the word of god has put this Angel in a whole different league. Watch out Naomi whatever\whoever you are.
Ah, the old gang is back...per Meg "The Apocalypse were the simple days'.

Loved the fact that she told Cass "They where going to move some furniture around" as she continued "you know what I mean" and cass's delayed ever growing grin.

I honestly think that cass's powers are getting juiced up and touching the word of god has put this Angel in a whole different league. Watch out Naomi whatever\whoever you are.

I'm kind of curious myself where they are going with naomi. So far every angel except for Cas has had some sort of biblicial background/name. The archangels obviously, Uriel being the angel of death, but Naomi is new. I couldn't find her in any sort of dogma really to even get a hint at what she is. But the fact her and Crowley have a past (I love crowley so much its kind of terrible), tells me she's going to be a pretty big deal more than just this.

I just hope they don't pull another Castiel = almost god thing again, or even make him an archangel or seraphim, because we already saw where that went with the whole leviathan thing.

But meg being dead pisses me off a fair bit, but her and cas were still hilarious.
Is Meg actually dead? It looked like they cut away quick enough to leave her fate open. I could see her returning in a different vessel. It's good to see Cas back.
Is Meg actually dead? It looked like they cut away quick enough to leave her fate open. I could see her returning in a different vessel. It's good to see Cas back.

From what it showed it looks like she is.

I'm watching Supernatural Season 3 on DVD, and the Imp returns in a episode similar to Groundhogs Day.
Each time Dean dies the day of Tuesday starts over with Sam waking up.
Is Meg actually dead? It looked like they cut away quick enough to leave her fate open. I could see her returning in a different vessel. It's good to see Cas back.

I think she lives, for no other reason than the blow she took looked like a glancing stab in the side. Now whether that is actually scripted or just the physical mechanics of the scene is a big ?
With Cass becoming a series regular next year (4 years late IMO) well, like meg said Cass is her Unicorn.
I'm kind of curious myself where they are going with naomi. So far every angel except for Cas has had some sort of biblicial background/name. The archangels obviously, Uriel being the angel of death
Actually, Uriel is the angel of repentance. Azrael is the angel of death. Those two get mixed up a lot for what ever reason. :hi:

I just hope they don't pull another Castiel = almost god thing again, or even make him an archangel or seraphim, because we already saw where that went with the whole leviathan thing.
Actually Cas already is a Seraphim, he stated so in one of the flashbacks to he, Dean, and Benny in Purgatory.
Actually, Uriel is the angel of repentance. Azrael is the angel of death. Those two get mixed up a lot for what ever reason. :hi:

Actually Cas already is a Seraphim, he stated so in one of the flashbacks to he, Dean, and Benny in Purgatory.

Uriel, in hebrew lore, is the angel that brought about the plagues upon Egypt, and in the apocrypha he is called specifically as the ruler of tartarus, which was as close to hell as you got in greece other than hades, and in most literature that is non canonical he is referred to as angel of death, More than likely its a combo of it all really. I know that in several others Azriel is the angel of death (like most normal Jewish sects) but since they have yet to bring him in, I like the idea of Uriel the enforcer personally. (again just me though)

I never saw where Cas said he is a seraphim though, I'm sure I did but I just forgot about it. If that's true though then he should be on par with the archangels and at least should've been able to fight lucifer to a standstill for a while, as at least in most lores, seraphim are of equal power or more than an archangel depending on their rank within the choir. That's of course throwing out the KJ bible rankings as they only mention Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael by name as archangels.

Supernatural does take quite a bit of liberties though, and I expect them too, but calling Castiel a Seraphim, and then having all these angels kicking his ass or taking over him is a bit much. To be fair he should've been able to take the majority of the souls from purgatory if Crowley could have, because we forget, he may be king of hell, but he didn't start off that way. They both should be at the upper limits to their powers by this point.
Uriel, in hebrew lore, is the angel that brought about the plagues upon Egypt, and in the apocrypha he is called specifically as the ruler of tartarus, which was as close to hell as you got in greece other than hades, and in most literature that is non canonical he is referred to as angel of death, More than likely its a combo of it all really. I know that in several others Azriel is the angel of death (like most normal Jewish sects) but since they have yet to bring him in, I like the idea of Uriel the enforcer personally. (again just me though)
Good point. Nice info. :hi:
I never saw where Cas said he is a seraphim though, I'm sure I did but I just forgot about it.
It was in the episode "Blood Brother", 5th episode IIRC.
If that's true though then he should be on par with the archangels and at least should've been able to fight lucifer to a standstill for a while, as at least in most lores, seraphim are of equal power or more than an archangel depending on their rank within the choir. That's of course throwing out the KJ bible rankings as they only mention Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael by name as archangels.
Supernatural does take quite a bit of liberties though, and I expect them too, but calling Castiel a Seraphim, and then having all these angels kicking his ass or taking over him is a bit much. To be fair he should've been able to take the majority of the souls from purgatory if Crowley could have, because we forget, he may be king of hell, but he didn't start off that way. They both should be at the upper limits to their powers by this point.

Truth, I'm really not fond of the whole Naomi thing for example. Honestly, I feel the show has been going downhill since season 6. 6 was fine for the most part, I thought the whole Alpha monsters and Eve thing was neat but a lot of things just didn't add up. For one, season 5 finale you see Chuck (God)[1]
finish typing and then vanish. Onward to szn 6 where there is a war in heaven going on between Raphael and Castiel, where is God in all this? Where did he go in szn 5 finale if not back to heaven? Don't even get me started on the Leviathans lol. But I'm rambling now, so I'll end this post here.

[1] Link
Good point. Nice info. :hi:

It was in the episode "Blood Brother", 5th episode IIRC.

Truth, I'm really not fond of the whole Naomi thing for example. Honestly, I feel the show has been going downhill since season 6. 6 was fine for the most part, I thought the whole Alpha monsters and Eve thing was neat but a lot of things just didn't add up. For one, season 5 finale you see Chuck (God)[1]
finish typing and then vanish. Onward to szn 6 where there is a war in heaven going on between Raphael and Castiel, where is God in all this? Where did he go in szn 5 finale if not back to heaven? Don't even get me started on the Leviathans lol. But I'm rambling now, so I'll end this post here.

[1] Link

See though, they could get around it all if they said "Castiel was very recently promoted to the choir of Serpahim, he is the newest in fact." because that would imply quite a bit of things. He has less followers than the other angels (which we've seen followers = power in this show many times), and he probably doesn't understand his own upper limits. Lucifer is one of the more powerful angels because he was made to be smart, and he used it. If we went completely canonical, Lucifer isn't even among the top 10 most powerful beings in christian/protestant dogma, he'd be behind the godhead, and the seven archangels, metatron most likely, and possibly other high ranking seraphim. We just give him this #2 ranking because he's the antagonist, so he must be all powerful -1. Because who wants to read a story where the good guys have so much more power than the bad guys that they could wipe them out with people who aren't even allowed to sit at the big boy table?

If they say "The angels elected Naomi to rule heaven upon the disappearance of God, therefore she has more power than all the others," then I'm good with that. It at least closes the loophole of it, and also explains that heaven and hell have similar systems just like how Crowley got his power.

but I'm more curious... We've killed Raphael and Gabriel, trapped Michael with lucifer.... What about the other 4 archangels? Don't they give a damn about heaven? And thats not even counting the Metatron.
Wow. Bobby was a surprize. Naomi....still not buying it. I think we will see benny again.
Still wondering about Sam's growing power. I don't ever recall the brothers being this in harmony.

Another break until the 24th.
I hate the breaks, but very rare for Sam and Dean to be that wrong, and especially for the 80000 sigils to fail so spectacularly. Yes, Crowely is king of hell and all, but sigil magic has always worked on him before still.

I do like what Naomi said though, "As long as they get rid of you I don't care. I'll deal with what they do to us after."

However, this is an interesting idea that they've introduced, the idea that pissing off the wrong person in Hell can get you there regardless of how good you are. Interesting concept that Hell can overpower heaven like that, or that Reapers moonlight on the side (didn't think the simple angel killing blade would kill a reaper personally).
It was great seeing Bobby and Benny again. I'm really interested to see what's going to happen to Sam after the third trial.
Quote Daloth

"I hate the breaks, but very rare for Sam and Dean to be that wrong, and especially for the 80000 sigils to fail so spectacularly. Yes, Crowely is king of hell and all, but sigil magic has always worked on him before still."

I just watched the episode again and noticed "the why" of why i now know it to be in his head...... think glass.
Quote Daloth

"I hate the breaks, but very rare for Sam and Dean to be that wrong, and especially for the 80000 sigils to fail so spectacularly. Yes, Crowely is king of hell and all, but sigil magic has always worked on him before still."

I just watched the episode again and noticed "the why" of why i now know it to be in his head...... think glass.

So are you implying that we are dealing with another example of what happened to Sam whenever he went bat**** crazy?
Yes or a variation of it. I think the big question now is, Crowley? or Naomi?

I don't think its Naomi for the same reason she gave Crowley, "As long as they close the gates of hell who cares." I think she truly feels that way about getting hell closed. I wonder if maybe what's going on is him trying to read the half tablet has driven him insane?
Did Benny think he's a deplorable predator?

Could Crowley be the Devil the Prince of Darkness?
Did Benny think he's a deplorable predator?

Could Crowley be the Devil the Prince of Darkness?

Lucifer is trapped in a specialized cage with Michael fighting for all eternity pretty much. Crowley is just the demon who took over hell in his absence. Though, I would personally love to see more explanations or a backstory for HOW he did that exactly. Because in most mythos there are several dukes and viziers of hell, all of whom shoulda been way higher than a simple deal making demon.
I kept thinking Crowley or Naomi was gonna show up last second to offer her a deal to save her mom. Or Castiel would just save her for free even. Something.

and yes, as awkward as Charlie is I would wreck her nine ways from sunday. You don't get redheads like that too often anymore.
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Charlie is now a women of letters. I think she will be around.

Did anyone catch the name on the beer carton at the beginning of the show? "Margichugels" Breaking the word up it looks to mean magic and hunters guild. I always do this with the beers I have read years ago about all of the sub-text on supernatural now I will at some point in the future read that it actually means something else but it's always fun to do.
Looked ahead, next a little teaser......

Metatron is known as the angel of life. He guards the Tree of Life and writes down the good deeds people do on Earth, as well as what happens in heaven, in the Book of Life (which is also known as the akashic record). Metatron is traditionally considered to be the spiritual brother of archangel Sandalphon, and both were humans on Earth before ascending to heaven as angels (Metatron is said to have lived as the prophet Enoch, and Sandalphon as the prophet Elijah.
Looked ahead, next a little teaser......

Metatron is known as the angel of life. He guards the Tree of Life and writes down the good deeds people do on Earth, as well as what happens in heaven, in the Book of Life (which is also known as the akashic record). Metatron is traditionally considered to be the spiritual brother of archangel Sandalphon, and both were humans on Earth before ascending to heaven as angels (Metatron is said to have lived as the prophet Enoch, and Sandalphon as the prophet Elijah.

I'm glad they're getting the rest of the archangels in. We've already killed or disposed of the most powerful/famous. I'm a bit miffed by their interpretation of Metatron as most older religions consider him to be the voice of god (along with gabriel) and in the hebrew texts I've found Metatron is the most.... metaphysical angel. He is supposedly closest to the throne of god and made of fire. I think he'd be interested in stopping whatever Naomi is doing simply because he seems like he'd be a character that is old school, ala Michael was.

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