
The brothers, Kevin, Cas, and Metatron have now teamed up. They have to cure a demon? Let me guess, Crowley.
I want more on Crowley and Naomi's past because it doesn't make any sense.

Remember, he became a demon by selling his soul to hit double digit penii Length, but he's made references to them bumping uglies in the Tigris and Euphrates and all that. Maybe they just forgot it.

I'm really glad they stuck with Metatron being voice of god basically though. Kinda surprised they didn't at least make him a seraphim or something, but it seems like he's more OP than any Archangel at this point. I figured he'd know about the Winchesters and all that just from writing for God and such though. Really excited to see how they end this all.

Also, I wish Meg were still around. Perfect demon to cure and then she can be with good ole Cas.
I want more on Crowley and Naomi's past because it doesn't make any sense.

Remember, he became a demon by selling his soul to hit double digit penii Length, but he's made references to them bumping uglies in the Tigris and Euphrates and all that. Maybe they just forgot it.

I'm really glad they stuck with Metatron being voice of god basically though. Kinda surprised they didn't at least make him a seraphim or something, but it seems like he's more OP than any Archangel at this point. I figured he'd know about the Winchesters and all that just from writing for God and such though. Really excited to see how they end this all.

Also, I wish Meg were still around. Perfect demon to cure and then she can be with good ole Cas.

Meg would have been ideal for this trial. I'm still not sold that she's dead though.
Meg would have been ideal for this trial. I'm still not sold that she's dead though.

It has to be someone they know. But I don't think it can be Crowley, otherwise, no enemies the next season unless they are gonna close the gates to heaven too, which, they might with how Metatron described the insanity of the Archangels (and the fact there's a few left...)

And for some reason... I just don't see them closing the gates. If they do there's no way they can get 2 more seasons in (which is apparently what is planned.) At least Kevin wasn't stupid and figured it all out, though it would be good for them to at least explain how they got kevin out when it was all in his head anyway.
Crowleys speech while the bros were frantically trying to save Sarah was haunting. I had a feeling Crowley would end up being the demon they were trying to cure. I'm happy to see they brought back Abaddon. She was one one of my favorite villains of the season. Next week is it! Can't wait!
Crowley is great. I loved the fact that Abaddon was so pissed off he was king of hell.

Still kind of miffed they used Abaddon for that though, he's supposed to be one of the final generals in the battle of Revelation at Megiddo. And he's an angel. total good guy.

and the terrible mispronunciation of Nephilim... eh. surprised one somehow lived that long since the world was flooded to destroy them back in Noahs day and all.

I still think they used Azazel too early. He was supposed to be the only angel bad enough in history to rival Lucifer, even Lucifer didn't get chained to a pit in complete blackness, for all eternity, even after the world ends. At least Lucifer gets hell. He could've been a great tie in for final big bad with crowley. Oh well. my nerd is showing.
Unless I'm wrong. there's two seasons left now, right? So.... next season officially closes hell probably (if not this season) and the next one does heaven....

but what's left after that? How does magic and summoning and the gods work if you close off both heaven AND hell? There's got to be some major repercussions for this.
A season 10 has not been confirmed although I believe they will get one. I know Jeremy Carver has set up a three season arc starting with this season. After that, who knows....

I did not see that ending coming.

I'm not even mad. The fact after this many episodes they can still hit us with a twist. Yep.

But I swear on my life if they don't get to properly end this show now, I will personally burn down all WB and anything else I have to.
Best episode since they sealed lucifer and Michael in the cage in hell at the end of season 5. Man I knew there would be twist and turns happens all the time on this show but like the man said They can still hit us with them after this many shows and do it so damn well........amazes.

I usually try to surmise what this means for next season. However, this time I may have to give it some more time and some considerable thought as to what lies ahead.
Re-watch a few episodes and seek divine insight:)))

Anyone with a guess..........
Wow, I was not expecting that at all. I loved the twists, and the falling angels at the end. Metatron turned out to be a dick after all. Cas is now a human and Crowley has been nearly cured. Can't wait to see how their transformations effect them. Also, great performances from Jared and Jensen. Will always love those guys. Bring on season 9!
I'm a bit surprised they've not made a Supernatural movie. It lends perfectly to the format of the show with the occasional monsters of the week. They could easily just have a big world ending event or some terrible monster/thing/etc in a town they have to fix.

Tell me you wouldn't watch Crowley on the big screen in hi def as he tries an ancient Mesopotamian ritual to summon a weakened god to do his bidding.
Not really sure if that's a good or bad sign, but that whole end of the episode with the angels falling. That was awesome.

The funny part is, Metatron was all cool about it, like it wasn't a big deal. "After you've lived and died, had tons of babies, when your soul gets to heaven, find me and tell me your story."

That was badass.
SN will return on Tuesday, October 15. Late start, but I think their trying to cut back on midseason hiatuses.
I'm amazed to find out that Actress Sandra McCoy that was in the Horror Slasher killer movie Cry Wolf with Jared Padalecki in 2005, her and Padaecki would return to being in something horror the tv show Supernatural she was the Crossroads Demon.

I can't remember what the name of the episode was but it may be one of the funniest. There was a guy that wrote stories about them, rumors I think that both of them were gay, they could look at the book which described what was happening incuding the emotion of Sam or Dean.

It was like a Stranger than Fiction episode.
I'm amazed to find out that Actress Sandra McCoy that was in the Horror Slasher killer movie Cry Wolf with Jared Padalecki in 2005, her and Padaecki would return to being in something horror the tv show Supernatural she was the Crossroads Demon.

I can't remember what the name of the episode was but it may be one of the funniest. There was a guy that wrote stories about them, rumors I think that both of them were gay, they could look at the book which described what was happening incuding the emotion of Sam or Dean.

It was like a Stranger than Fiction episode.

You're thinking of Chuck, a Prophet of the lord to be technical.
Don't think it's been posted but new spin off coming soon

generally not a big fan of spin offs but depending what character it focuses on I'd watch
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