

A take on S.Kings Thinner. But throw in a monster or two. I maybe mistaken But this is the first time I have seen a monster on this show than has not had established provenance in history or myth. Is this a bad thing(?), just a little surprising. I mean a Peruvian fat sucker, I did a search but found notta, well if you don't count Porno....

Seemed like a filler episode. They need to get back on track, IMO.
It was good to see ole Kev and his mom mrs. tran again. So much so that I didn't mind them holding off an extra week on the ghostfacers episode that was scheduled for this week....

Cass with an Army at his command ?

The whole heaven and hell machine stuck in a limbo.

Recently watched the rerun of the episode where Sam and Dean go back in time and talk to their parents as they are pregnant with dean. The one where the archangel Michael possesses their dad and tell them they (their family) are direct descendants of Cain and Abel. That lead me to think they were talking of father to son to father to son and on down the line. Just thought it was interesting and thought provoking considering some of the current plot lines going on in Supernatural.
The Ghostfacers. Fairly good episode with a direct link or mirror image of the problems between Sam and Dean. The Winchesters seemed to be lost in thought for most of the show as the uncanny parallels played out.

Has anyone else noticed how the burning Angel Wings change just enough each week to be barely noticeable almost like they are morphing into something else or hell it may just be me.
Solid ep, good to see the Ghostfacers again...

As comic relief characters they kickass. I think of them as the bebop and rocksteady of supernatural except they aren't villains.

Has it ever been made clear that the colt gun incinerates demons and other monsters that they cease to exist?
Last couple of eps have been great. I'm interested to see how the mark of Cain effects Dean. It certainly seems ominous.
Lucifer said there are five beings that the colt can't kill one of them him.
I haven't seen all seasons of supernatural but I assume this has been answered that the other four are Death, War, Pestilence, and famine the four horsemen of Apocalypse.

Although Death is not a villain instead a force of nature as death is a natural part of life.
An Abaddon backstory that explains some things.
I think starting next week we get down to the nitty-gritty of this season looks like it will be awesome as always.
Meta Fiction
Tonight's episode was topnotch had that stranger than fiction kind of stuff.

Found out that Metatron is a entity of his word, he can easily blow out fire, and the tricker returned. Also Metatron can transfer information to a person's head.
Hated that I got fooled should freakin saw it it's the freakin Trickster.

Metatron is running the show as he types that's what happens, his plan is for Castiel to lead a crew of angels to fight Metatron and they would fail by dying.

Next episode a group of vampires.
Loved the opening credits the falling angel wings changing to metatrons white angel wings.

It is still unknown whether or not that it was the trickster or a delusion forced upon Cass while in metatron was in his head. And I think they all can read\transfer info from\to each other (angels) and\or humans.

The most interesting things to me in this great episode was metatron reading and developing his storyline from the Winchester Gospels. Those books where (we are all in general agreement, written by GOD) not a profit of the lord. Kevin Tran never had that ability of seeing the future to that degree of preciseness. Metatron either knows this or suspects it. His copying this is his way of confimiing that he is indeed god (in his mind).

I LMAO when he told Cass that he had been god so many times that....

I also think he may have transfered more than he thought to cass...perhaps his over all plan or enough of it to get cass to lead his army against him, it is yet to be seen if it is cass's army or if cass is doing it for or to metatron.

Either way or a completely different way this is gong to be a "Great Story To be Told"
Loved the opening credits the falling angel wings changing to metatrons white angel wings.

It is still unknown whether or not that it was the trickster or a delusion forced upon Cass while in metatron was in his head. And I think they all can read\transfer info from\to each other (angels) and\or humans.

The most interesting things to me in this great episode was metatron reading and developing his storyline from the Winchester Gospels. Those books where (we are all in general agreement, written by GOD) not a profit of the lord. Kevin Tran never had that ability of seeing the future to that degree of preciseness. Metatron either knows this or suspects it. His copying this is his way of confimiing that he is indeed god (in his mind).

I LMAO when he told Cass that he had been god so many times that....

I also think he may have transfered more than he thought to cass...perhaps his over all plan or enough of it to get cass to lead his army against him, it is yet to be seen if it is cass's army or if cass is doing it for or to metatron.

Either way or a completely different way this is gong to be a "Great Story To be Told"

Or maybe they find a loophole.
The guy that plays Metatron well known for playing in one of the Nerds movies.
I also recall he was the voice of a zit in a very early wizards of waverly place episode.
Or maybe they find a loophole.
The guy that plays Metatron well known for playing in one of the Nerds movies.
I also recall he was the voice of a zit in a very early wizards of waverly place episode.

Yea, Supernatural is well know for looholes.

He is even better known as "booger" From Moonlighting The show that Launched Bruce Willis and Cybil Sheperds Careers. Well I shouldn't say better known. Those Nerd movies relauched his own career. But to me he will always be booger.
It almost seem planned for Castiel to reject Metatron's offer for unlimited recharges, and a
Chair by his right side. When I say planned as in it was part of Metatron's plan.

Because if Castiel accepts then he has to find someone else for his villain, and maybe Metatron see's Castiel as that bigshot Captain America angel to lead the angels making the defeat even more egregious.
Maybe Matatron wants to lose. Before he kicked all the angels out of heaven, they were warring with each other. They're banished to earth and they continue to fight amongst each other. He's targetted the leaders of both factions, leaving the followers, now he needs a leader to unite them, Castiel. Maybe Metatron wants Cas to beat him and restore Heaven to what he feels it should be. It seems when Metatron was introduced, he talked about how Heaven was being torn apart, but maybe I'm remembering wrong.

The interesting dynamic though is Metatron is a writer. Every good story needs a hero and a villain. Maybe Metatron saw his duty to be the villain so Cas could rise up to be the hero Heaven needed. He has said all along that he actually likes Cas.
They just never run outta vamp episodes. All are good, this one was solid.

I've been peering into the physic Crystal Ball (www.) and it looks like May 20 is the last episode of the season. They presented spoilers but i don't think any of us haven't foreseen what's well at least the peripheral overview. It was even explained how Supernatural was such a hard show to foreshadow. That the writers always surprised. Cry me a river.

I'm still waiting on Jim Beavers return. he himself stated (tweeted) this at the beginning of the season.

I'm already ready to miss the show. But the season enders have all been epic.
Man I slept through about 45 min of this episode will need to watch again on, monday or so. Looked like a possible series spin off may just be a reality.
Last nights ep was awesome. Dean killing Abaddon was badass. Have no idea what will happen to Dean. Just 2 more eps this season!
If the original blade can kill a knight of hell, I'm thinking it can take down an angel (metatron) too. Deans alway been a badass but him in possession of the mark and the blade takes him to a new level. I'm almost sure it has other attributes both good and bad.

I hope cass is not being played. I hope metatron gets his. I wish I could see the future better in this series than I can. I would like to see bobby again.

The seasons end is nigh and its going to be *****in'.
The show is not the same without Bobby. His interactions with the brothers is something the show hasn't been able to replace. It's a shame he was killed off.
'Supernatural' Season 9 Brings Back Jim Beaver

Hundreds of these kinds of article on the web......
2 episodes to go.

Timing wise, now is when it makes sense for him to show up. We know all the angels were cast from Heaven, but presumably the human souls are still there. The last time we saw Bobby, his soul was rescued from Hell so it could go to Heaven. Metatron controls Heaven now, so I assume he controls those souls. With the fight about to heat up, what better way to strike at Sam and Dean than through Bobby?

And by "control" I mean the human souls are like Metatron's hostages.

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