
Watched the first season and first couple of 2nd on Netflix and forgot how good this show was.. Had watched a few ep but lost track along the wsy
Watched the first season and first couple of 2nd on Netflix and forgot how good this show was.. Had watched a few ep but lost track along the wsy

Yeah most of the season one episodes are so darn classic Bloody Mary, Dead in the water, Asylum, etc
Also the traveling demon that wrecks airplanes that scene with telling the flight attendant her friend is injured then her thinking it's a prank call of some guy she knows how darn bad for Dean and Sam but still funny.

On season last watched the Oktoberfest episode was damn great

Not surprising Dean would want to be in Porkys two movie if his life was a movie but is it also possible he would want it American Pie?
Also when they said black and white in the episode did Sam mean as in morality?
Just checked out Dog dean afternoon again on the CW last night.

Still I wonder why dogs where really put here....Dog says (paraphrasing) "we were not put here to be mans best friend we were put here to...then the spell wears off. Put here by who? God Does the putting here i believe. So what is there purpose and how will it play out with these writers, if at all?....with this show who knows?
Just checked out Dog dean afternoon again on the CW last night.

Still I wonder why dogs where really put here....Dog says (paraphrasing) "we were not put here to be mans best friend we were put here to...then the spell wears off. Put here by who? God Does the putting here i believe. So what is there purpose and how will it play out with these writers, if at all?....with this show who knows?

Freakin cliffhanger.
The looking at the dog reminded me of the scene in the movie The animal.
Also what is the explanation for multiple rogue reapers when death is known to be one that won't allow the natural order to be screwed up?
Can't wait for the 2nd half of the season. Looking forward to see how Cas and Dean deal with Gadreel. Felt terrible for Dean when Kevin bit the dust.
Great episode...I think Crowley, deep down, has a soft spot for the boys. Hopefully Sam and Dean aren't split up to long.
Great show. Lots going on in this one. I think I will have to watch this again.

Great quotes:

The poor giant baby’s in trouble again, isn’t he?” – Crowley

“I prefer the word trusting. Less dumb. Less ass.” – Castiel
Wow two great episodes back to back....

Crowley shaking in his Cain is know to be a bad man\Demon.

With all the bonding going on.....perhaps peach on Earth is inevitable.

This show keeps getting better.
Cain was great. I liked the twist to his backstory. It was fun seeing the teams of Sam/Cas and Dean/Crowley. I'm interested to see the consequences of the Mark of Cain.
I want to see Cas's reaction when Dean shows up with the mark of Cain. Dean and Cas have always had a close relationship, closer than Sam and Cas imo, so was the interaction on last night's episode the start of Cas drifting away from Dean and toward Sam?

I have to be honest, when Sam and Dean locked Lucifer and Michael in the cage, I thought the show might last one more season because I just couldn't see where it could go. Where they've gone has totally blown my mind, and the introduction of Cain took it a step further. The writers of this show deserve major props for constantly bringing these new ideas to life. If they can keep these fresh ideas coming, the WB would be insane to cancel this show.

And if they ever set a timetable for ending the show, I would love the final season to be about the Winchesters trying to find out what happenned to God.
I want to see Cas's reaction when Dean shows up with the mark of Cain. Dean and Cas have always had a close relationship, closer than Sam and Cas imo, so was the interaction on last night's episode the start of Cas drifting away from Dean and toward Sam?

I have to be honest, when Sam and Dean locked Lucifer and Michael in the cage, I thought the show might last one more season because I just couldn't see where it could go. Where they've gone has totally blown my mind, and the introduction of Cain took it a step further. The writers of this show deserve major props for constantly bringing these new ideas to life. If they can keep these fresh ideas coming, the WB would be insane to cancel this show.

And if they ever set a timetable for ending the show, I would love the final season to be about the Winchesters trying to find out what happenned to God.

I recall reading that it was originally planned for supernatural to have only five seasons.

As long as they can come up with new ideas, and ratings remain high this is likely to continue for several seasons.
Although I wouldn't be surprised for them to end while ratings are high.

Since cas has more common territory with Sam I would say yes.
So Lucifer tricked Cain into killing his brother so Abel would become apart of Hell's army not surprised Lucifer is the freakin Devil.

So what else is the high price of the dagger other than the mark?
I would assume it's hunters, and others constantly asking for it, demons or others that would kill for it, and always knowing where it is.

I'm up to season four on netflix a unanswered question who are the four angles that have seen God?
I recall reading that it was originally planned for supernatural to have only five seasons.

As long as they can come up with new ideas, and ratings remain high this is likely to continue for several seasons.
Although I wouldn't be surprised for them to end while ratings are high.

Since cas has more common territory with Sam I would say yes.
So Lucifer tricked Cain into killing his brother so Abel would become apart of Hell's army not surprised Lucifer is the freakin Devil.

So what else is the high price of the dagger other than the mark?
I would assume it's hunters, and others constantly asking for it, demons or others that would kill for it, and always knowing where it is.

I'm up to season four on netflix a unanswered question who are the four angles that have seen God?

If I remember correctly, the series creator left the show after season 5, but the WB brought in a new creative team to keep it going.

I thought Abel went to Heaven? I thought the deal was Lucifer got Cain as a knight of hell in exchange for Abel going to Heaven, but it had to be by Cain's hand. Ultimately, Cain went to Hell so Abel could go to Heaven. They were like the original Winchesters. Have to wonder what the Cain/Abel angle means for Dean/Sam?

Killing Dean for the knife wouldn't work. Cain said you had to have the "Mark of Cain" to be able to use it. No mark makes the knife worthless.
If I remember correctly, the series creator left the show after season 5, but the WB brought in a new creative team to keep it going.

I thought Abel went to Heaven? I thought the deal was Lucifer got Cain as a knight of hell in exchange for Abel going to Heaven, but it had to be by Cain's hand. Ultimately, Cain went to Hell so Abel could go to Heaven. They were like the original Winchesters. Have to wonder what the Cain/Abel angle means for Dean/Sam?

Killing Dean for the knife wouldn't work. Cain said you had to have the "Mark of Cain" to be able to use it. No mark makes the knife worthless.

Oh so otherwise it's like a car without the key.

I must be confusing Lucifer with other Lucifer or devil depictions that are known for horrid deals.

So by killing his brother Abel that's what happened Abel went to heaven but Cain became apart of Hell's army?

I think it's dean needs to learn from Abel and Cain to avoid history from repeating itself.
Or maybe the whole Dean deciding to use a angel to save Sam was history that could have repeated.
Cain didn't want to see his brother corrupted by lucifer, and Dean didn't want to give up with pulling the plug so his brother would die.
I recall reading that it was originally planned for supernatural to have only five seasons.

As long as they can come up with new ideas, and ratings remain high this is likely to continue for several seasons.
Although I wouldn't be surprised for them to end while ratings are high.

Since cas has more common territory with Sam I would say yes.
So Lucifer tricked Cain into killing his brother so Abel would become apart of Hell's army not surprised Lucifer is the freakin Devil.

So what else is the high price of the dagger other than the mark?
I would assume it's hunters, and others constantly asking for it, demons or others that would kill for it, and always knowing where it is.

I'm up to season four on netflix a unanswered question who are the four angles that have seen God?

5 seasons was the plan..With Cane stating it had been over a hundred years ago that he had not seen anyone.....Befor that maybe Samuel Colt or an as yet unkown "Man of Letters"

4 Angles? At the end of four season if you count death and the 4 horsemen I think that number is actually higher..Over the course of the show the number is higher. If Season 4 has not introduced you to these character yet...OOPS. And a free preview.

If I remember correctly, the series creator left the show after season 5, but the WB brought in a new creative team to keep it going.

I thought Abel went to Heaven? I thought the deal was Lucifer got Cain as a knight of hell in exchange for Abel going to Heaven, but it had to be by Cain's hand. Ultimately, Cain went to Hell so Abel could go to Heaven. They were like the original Winchesters. Have to wonder what the Cain/Abel angle means for Dean/Sam?

Killing Dean for the knife wouldn't work. Cain said you had to have the "Mark of Cain" to be able to use it. No mark makes the knife worthless.

We are into the 3rd creative teams shows. Starting as of last year I think it was.

You got the deal right.. It reminds me of a number of times the brothers have made that kind of deal or tried to make this kind\type of deal
5 seasons was the plan..With Cane stating it had been over a hundred years ago that he had not seen anyone.....Befor that maybe Samuel Colt or an as yet unkown "Man of Letters"

4 Angles? At the end of four season if you count death and the 4 horsemen I think that number is actually higher..Over the course of the show the number is higher. If Season 4 has not introduced you to these character yet...OOPS. And a free preview.

We are into the 3rd creative teams shows. Starting as of last year I think it was.

You got the deal right.. It reminds me of a number of times the brothers have made that kind of deal or tried to make this kind\type of deal

Angels not angles my mistake.

Is it a hallmark of a great villain that he or she is still talked about even if though they are dead?
If it is then how great Azazel as a villain he is.
Thought it was an okay episode. I'm ready for the brothers to clear the air and get back on good terms.
In the middle of season one now...first time I have ever watched it...wife likes it also, prob bc of Sam and Dean, smh...really good, I Freakin love NetFlix...
Good to see Garth again. Qualls is the perfect actor for this role...which i admit to thinking he needs a bigger role with err.....more bite as it were.
I like Garth, but I'm ready to see Charlie again. Charlie is such an awesome character.

A take on S.Kings Thinner. But throw in a monster or two. I maybe mistaken But this is the first time I have seen a monster on this show than has not had established provenance in history or myth. Is this a bad thing(?), just a little surprising. I mean a Peruvian fat sucker, I did a search but found notta, well if you don't count Porno....

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