Suspensions Announced

don't get me wrong. i definately agree that the later it is the more trouble there is. and if you are out that late, it will find you.

however, i can't get mad at kids for doing something i did when i was their age. kids will be kids and all you can do is hope that you taught them well enough to make smart choices about where they are and who they associate themselves with.

i have even been in their exact situation before and things like that escalate before you even have a chance to figure out what's going on.

again, i'm not saying it's ok for them to do what they did, but you can't keep a leash on them at all times.
I too have been 10 foot tall and bullet proof. I never said I was mad. Just said that they had no business being out at 3am.
if Foster was breaking up the fight and that was his only infraction, half game is acceptable, if not overboard.

I doubt Foster's suspension has anything to do with trying to break up a fight...there's nothing dishonorable about trying to break up a fight. His suspension is likely related to underage drinking/breaking of curfew or both. The Arkansas poster may be right here...underage drinking is a crime, and that alone probably merited more than a half game suspension just to send a message to him and other players that that kind of stuff won't be tolerated.
underage drinking is a crime, and that alone probably merited more than a half game suspension just to send a message to him and other players that that kind of stuff won't be tolerated.
Underage drinking, IMO, is equivalent to a parking ticket. It may be a crime, but it's a petty one. I don't think it deserved any punishment at all.
They thing that I do not understand is that the three football players were the only ones arrested. The police report said that over 70 people were there. Im sure most of them left when told to do so, but I dont see everyone of them leaving and the only three stupid enough to stay there were these three players.
On their face, these seem okay to me. Fulmer said he wanted to talk to them first and review it all and decide. Hope that he read the police reports, too -- anybody know? I think that would be necessary to figuring it all out.
It just seems to me that no one around here is ever happy. Look, ya'll: 3 of our guys made some bad decisions after the game Saturday night. None of us (apparently) know the whole story, but Fulmer et al did exactly what I would want them to do: They gathered information without making a snap judgment, met with the team, and handed out punishment accordingly. As with any disciplinary action, the nature of the infractions should be taken into account. If Foster was really trying to break up an altercation, then he should be punished for drinking under-age. It appears that the other two were a little more involved, and should be handled more severely.

What would the dissenters around here like to see done?

I'm with you on this one. Some UT fans are going to question and complaint about everything. If I recall, last week some on this board were bemoaning the fact that Erik Ainge had the audacity to go out to dinner with his girlfriend on Wednesday night at 8:00 -- and with a bum ankle. Oh, heavens!!!!!!
Sounds like different levels of involvement. Therefore, different levels of punishment.

Sounds fair.
On their face, these seem okay to me. Fulmer said he wanted to talk to them first and review it all and decide. Hope that he read the police reports, too -- anybody know? I think that would be necessary to figuring it all out.

Congrats on the Marcus Thomas dismissal.

Just in time for the South Carolina game!

Funny that someone from as liberal an area as Northern California would be that sarcastic about some college kids having a few beers and getting into it at a bar. Maybe if they would have just gotten high and kissed each other you'd approve?

OMG! You can't be serious! How many Hog fans do you think are 'from" northern CA?

As an added note, I would really prefer not to see your football players kissing each other.
They were wrong and they are paying for it. Folks everywhere will 2nd guess the level of punishment. Happens with every program.
these suspension are fair. i am sure Fulmer and Hamilton based their desicions on having all the facts. not just the hear say that seems to be going on around here.

as for the Arkansas fans having a say in this, worry about your team we'll see you around here again next year.

I have trust in the ones that actually have the facts to pass judgement. :peace2:
I'm not sure what Arian's role was in the incident but he should be suspended for the entire game with the others.

i do not want to go back to the reputation of Miami of the Smokies, with thug activity...i dont know what foster did or did not do, but i do not like the half game, dont start them for the opening kickoff bs. guess my problem is i am an unabashed bob knight fan who does not hesitate to bang his best player (might i add the leading returning scorer in his conference) when it is due. saw knight do it to all at iu when behavior called for it. i hope fosteris innocent, but 3 am activity is always suspicious...when i am present or not!:rtfm:

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