I like how you attribute me being happy he's not playing by my reaction to the incident.
in reality it sucks for him, I'm not one to hope anyone gets in trouble with the law, and you're silly to assume that, but then again, that's just your arogant nature I guess.
I just said his suspension doesn't match the crime IMO.
Like it or not, college atheletes are supposed to be role models, granted his involvement shouldn't warrent a booting from the team or something irrational like that. To say I'm silly for thinking 30 minutes of a game is not harsh enough punishment is just downright ignorant. If it were someone on my team, I'd feel the same way.
I came to this board to talk with people from the opposing team about college football, and you bash me and say I'm out of my league basically and that I'm just happy because some guy got suspended and that I'm arrogant because my team is doing well this year.
I haven't disrespected you in any way, I would hope you show the same respect.