Suspensions Announced

Wow, It would be better if Foster was suspened the whole game. If we have him out there for a half it will help Arkansas not us.

All I'm saying is that if we were (God forbid) Arkansas fans, we'd probably be happy with this season..
I like how you attribute me being happy he's not playing by my reaction to the incident.

in reality it sucks for him, I'm not one to hope anyone gets in trouble with the law, and you're silly to assume that, but then again, that's just your arogant nature I guess.

I just said his suspension doesn't match the crime IMO.
Like it or not, college atheletes are supposed to be role models, granted his involvement shouldn't warrent a booting from the team or something irrational like that. To say I'm silly for thinking 30 minutes of a game is not harsh enough punishment is just downright ignorant. If it were someone on my team, I'd feel the same way.
I came to this board to talk with people from the opposing team about college football, and you bash me and say I'm out of my league basically and that I'm just happy because some guy got suspended and that I'm arrogant because my team is doing well this year.
I haven't disrespected you in any way, I would hope you show the same respect.
I have trust in the ones that actually have the facts to pass judgement. :peace2:

Now that is a novel idea. I agree with you and I agree with what the Coaches did as far as punishment. I just hope Coker is fully recovered.
Smallish incidents like these in and of themselves are little more that water cooler chat fodder, however these things might have a way of bringing the attention of the NCAA asking questions like...Why are they not under a curfew and where do they get the $ to go to clubs? Just a thought.
Yeah its gonna be hard replacing those 10 to 20 yards Foster would racked up in the first half! Oh no, did I just say racked?

Rack em ! Rack em ! Rack em!
When is McFadden going to face his suspension for his fighting incident this year? When he hurt his little toe or something? He was hurt and could not play but no suspension for fighting, and we have "light" penalties for fighting. Get a grip Arkansas.
Glass Houses Arky Fans!

J/K Seriously we are not talking about a brawl (Miami), Fake Jobs (OU), Numerous Arrests for One player (Thurman at UGA), or Free Shoes University. We are talking about the same thing that 90% of us did in college. Who here didn't go out late and drink underage? Who here didn't get in a fight or arguement with a teammate/friend? Some people on here played college sports and know athletes are growing up just like other kids in college. I think the suspensions are fair and fit the crime. Basically it comes down to the players not leaving when the cops showed up. They got caught, they have been punished, now lets get over it and go bring the hogs back to reality!
Why are they not under a curfew and where do they get the $ to go to clubs? Just a thought.
Well, good lord, we're not rich by any means, but my college-aged children have spending $ to go to out. It's not like they were flying to Vegas or something!
I think Arian's suspension is just. Granted, he wasn't fighting, but he wasn't where he should have been at 3:00 in the morning. He is a starter and needs to be setting an example to other players - not partying at a club at 3:00 in the morning after a tough loss.
No offense to your program, but I think that's absolutely unacceptable, that's like a slap on the hand, a first half of a game. that's srsly lollerskates...

I hope all of Arkansas' players are healthy and are able to play in the game. I don't want any excuses from you guys when you lose. Likewise, I would think Arkansas fans would want to play Tennessee at its full strength. If you count on suspensions and injuries to help you win, then that is just sad.
No offense to your program, but I think that's absolutely unacceptable, that's like a slap on the hand, a first half of a game. that's srsly lollerskates...

Yeah, HighOnHogs, no offense at all taken with you telling us what is unacceptable about our program . . . we really appreciate your insight. If you are on here to talk about football, then let's do so. If you are here to judge what punishment should've been dealt out, go to the Hog chats and do so. I think it will be a great game. We are already short numerous players, so you need not worry about us being full strength.
No offense to your program, but I think that's absolutely unacceptable, that's like a slap on the hand, a first half of a game. that's srsly lollerskates...

Boy I can't wait for Sunday when all these Hog lurkers disappear. :whistling:
Well, good lord, we're not rich by any means, but my college-aged children have spending $ to go to out. It's not like they were flying to Vegas or something!
Im not saying they were doing anything wrong in how they got spending money, I'm saying these incidents get the attention of the NCAA to ask questions like these. It's attention like that this program does'nt need, as the NCAA loves to go in and dish out reprimands.
As far as the suspensions go, I'm sure that the coaching staff has a clearer picture of what went on than we do. I think that you should accept the suspensions that the coaches hand down when their players get in trouble. This incident was not a major crime and it's over now. I for one would rather see my Hogs play the Vols with both teams healthy and with all of their starters on the field. It's a shame when one team beats another and the victory is credited to one or two stars being out of the game.
Boy I can't wait for Sunday when all these Hog lurkers disappear. :whistling:

I will be the first Hog to pass along congratulations should Tennessee win. I'll be here giving props before the last tick of the clock.

But if you don't mind, I'd like to stick around. I was a memeber here long before this week, and enjoy your board. I hope I don't have the rep of being a lurker/troll.
Hell, I like it here! :good!:
I will be the first Hog to pass along congratulations should Tennessee win. I'll be here giving props before the last tick of the clock.

But if you don't mind, I'd like to stick around. I was a memeber here long before this week, and enjoy your board. I hope I don't have the rep of being a lurker/troll.
Hell, I like it here! :good!:
If we can put up with LawGator then you should have no problem sticking around.:peace2:
I will be the first Hog to pass along congratulations should Tennessee win. I'll be here giving props before the last tick of the clock.

But if you don't mind, I'd like to stick around. I was a memeber here long before this week, and enjoy your board. I hope I don't have the rep of being a lurker/troll.
Hell, I like it here! :good!:

:good!: I'm just not up for all the Hog fans that started showing up during the LSU game. I dont mind the lawgators of the world, its just that the Hogs have one big win and were absolutely bet over the woodpile on another, and suddenly they think they can talk smack about tennessee. Arky has a very good chance of only winning 1 of its last three games, and if you ark fans are still here then, then I will be the first to roll out the welcome mat.
Here's a different view. IMHO they were suspended because any program is in the public eye. I'm willing to bet it was the school who did the suspensions to appease NCAA and keep them and the public into blasting the Vols even more. Whether or not you think it was a slap on the wrist or overboard, I'm willing to bet it was done to have minimal impact on the team and maximum effect on damage control for the image of the school.

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