Sweeping Sexual Assault Suit Filed Against UT

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The odd part to me is that law enforcement called Butch "hours before" they searched the apartment (according to the article). If you're a defense attorney, you're gonna be all over that.

"When we investigate an alleged crime involving an athlete at UT, as a professional courtesy, our long standing practice has been that we alert the head Coach and staff," the statement reads. "At no time is any information shared with the university that would hinder or jeopardize any investigation. . ."

Defense attorney?
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Go out on a limb much? Good grief....

I'm not saying that's what happened, but it lines up with what Bowles said. I have heard from people I trust that he did call Bowles a traitor, but how do you prove that?

From a team standpoint he probably felt like Bowles was a traitor, and people say things in the heat of the moment sometimes. Look at Bruce Pearl and Coach K. Not saying that's what happened here, but that's the story being run with.

Coach calls kid, calls him a traitor.
Calls kids dad explains situation
Calls kid back and apologizes for his use of words
This story was started in the hometown Knoxville News Sentinel as THEY were the ones who requested the phone records from the Open Records Act... As much as people want to blame the Tennesseean for THIS one, it's more likely the home town paper. IMHO

Don't think this is true. EVERYTHING I've read said the Tennessean requested the phone records. And other news outlets reporting the story all reference the Tennessean and Anita.
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The odd part to me is that law enforcement called Butch "hours before" they searched the apartment (according to the article). If you're a defense attorney, you're gonna be all over that.

It will certainly be used by the defense. Even if nothing happened, the defense will say, even law enforcement is in on this, they called the coach hours before they searched the apartment, so these kids had time to get rid of anything bad to protect themselves.

If you were accusing someone of a crime, and the cops called the accused parents and notified them that they would be searching the house in the next few hours, how pissed would you be? And you can't think that's a good look, even if it was just a heads up.

This happened at FSU with Jameis Winston and led to all the boys involved meeting with lawyers and destroying evidence before the cops showed up to investigate
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I'm not saying he did or didn't call him that but for the Tennessean to use these phone records as some sort of proof because he used his phone to call his players is a bit of a stretch.
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Don't think this is true. EVERYTHING I've read said the Tennessean requested the phone records. And other news outlets reporting the story all reference the Tennessean and Anita.

The story's lede says "phone records obtained Wednesday by the News-Sentinel show". Now it's entirely possible both papers put in separate FOIA requests for the same records and they were released to both outlets at the same time.
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The information that came out today is routine stuff that comes out in the discovery process in a lawsuit. CBJ calling Johnson, Williams, Bowles, Hart, parents, and the police connects to the matter pending against Johnson and Williams, a criminal case that's going to trial this summer. If CBJ had tampered or obstructed in that case, you can bet your boots the Knox County DA would already have had that before the Knox County Grand Jury seeking an indictment against CBJ. That has not happened. So.....what does today's information mean? Nothing. CBJ said he called to lend support to his players and Drae Bowles' parents...nothing wrong with that. Calling the police asking for information....and talking to Dave Hart....nothing unusual there either. What came out today was no smoking gun. I believe CBJ.

I agree you're probably correct. Coach Jones just needs to remember as do all coaches and this will probably alter the way he conducts himself in the future, that the criminal investigation and the rest of the team are of paramount importance even if the player(s) in question are key players.
The story's lede says "phone records obtained Wednesday by the News-Sentinel show". Now it's entirely possible both papers put in separate FOIA requests for the same records and they were released to both outlets at the same time.

This is what I kept seeing: "after a public records request by The Tennessean." And I have no doubt that the Tennessean initiated this. But yeah, Knoxnews probably sent in their own request. As did ESPN. But news outlets that didn't mention their own request and just referenced one all pointed back to the Tennessean.
Jist of every "We Hate TENNESSEANs East of Nashville" article:

Whatever Butch and the Players DID OR DID NOT DO is Illegal, Racist and Sexist and they all should be HUNG!!

JMO! :banghead2:

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As it turns out the judge was appointed by Clinton and is a Vandy Law grad.

In the past there has been much discussion concerning the definition and spelling of words and expressions I have used, so to try to avoid taking away from the importance of these developments I expained what I getting at. But this judge was appointee rather than elected, so sorry for the distraction.

Don't be the guy that explains his jokes. It's just........ Wrong.
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The Tennessean home page is now showing a story claiming to detail Butch Jones phone records which it claims show calls to Drae Bowles. Large prominent picture of a frowning Butch is attached.

I live in Nashville and have known for many years that The Tennessean is nothing but a low class rag. They are not interested in reporting news. They are only interested in selling shock and controversy. Plus, they endorsed our Marxist in Chief at both elections. That really did it for me. I had to threaten to sue them to get them to stop calling me at home trying to get me to re-subscribe.
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Was listening to 92.9 the game in Atlanta and they brought this up and were convinced that Butch Jones is going to get fired, and went on about how this could shake things up in the east. What asses.
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First Bowles states he was not threatened or assaulted by any team members and he took his "friend" who happened to be his EX, back to her place and rape did not come up, and Butch had a meeting and told everyone to back off of Bowles... Now when he thinks he can get paid, everything changes and he WAS assaulted, his coach now calls him a traitor instead of initially stating he took up for him, protected him, even had a guy shadow him around campus...
Really sad. I don't believe a word that this kid says anymore...
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Nothing to see here so relax folks.

The Tennessean has always been a Liberal rag that makes their own agendas and works to destroy people, schools and companies to try to perk up business and website clicks.

Everyone that grew up in middle Tennessee and pays attention knows this and has known it for decades.

I dropped my subscription to that useless rag almost 40 years ago because it's useless garbage.

I won't click on any link to anything of theirs.

Fair, balanced and factual reporting in the news has been dead mostly since the Vietnam days.

Nowdays you have to really dig from many different places to attempt to find the facts in most every situation.

In my humble opinion neither buTch or anyone at UT has done anything wrong and should fight these accusations to the bitter end.

THINK people...If buTch or anyone at UT was guilty of any wrongdoing then the Knox County DA would be all over it like stink on a skunk for the headlines annd feather in his cap.

That has NOT happened!

This entire debacle is nothing but a attempted money grab and, as usual, the press is taking the side of the wrong people.

All of this FREE press really makes me wonder how much $$$$ is going under the table from the attacking law firm to the press to keep this garbage going with nothing substantial as bonifide proof.

Total garbage from the beginning.

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Did anything ever come of the court filings to try to get the social media messages of Johnson/Williams' accuser and her friend?

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