Sweeping Sexual Assault Suit Filed Against UT

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It is common practice for police to notify coaches that their athletes have been arrested or involved in some kind of incident before the story leaks or gets reported in the media.

According to the latest article, this isn't what happened. What happened was that Jones was notified by the police and police chief of the situation HOURS before they investigated anything. On the surface of that, it doesn't look good. Not saying Jones did anything outside of receive and make phone calls, but it doesn't look right IMO.
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According to the latest article, this isn't what happened. What happened was that Jones was notified by the police and police chief of the situation HOURS before they investigated anything. On the surface of that, it doesn't look good. Not saying Jones did anything outside of receive and make phone calls, but it doesn't look right IMO.

Then target the police. What was Butch supposed to do...decline the call?
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We're not saying it happened, we're saying the prosecution will use it to allude that it happened

I was going to ask if you really thought the plaintiffs would be stupid enough to question the diligence of the very people necessary to make this Title IX case. Of course, the answer could actually be, "Yes, they might be." But in the end it is difficult to blame a school for failing to prevent something that didn't happen.
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Then target the police. What was Butch supposed to do...decline the call?

Who's targeting Butch? I'm certainly not. If the normal deal between KPD and UT is for the police to contact the head coaches before they even initially investigate or secure the crime scene, then that's a problem IMO.
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Who's targeting Butch? I'm certainly not. If the normal deal between KPD and UT is for the police to contact the head coaches before they even initially investigate or secure the crime scene, then that's a problem IMO.

The Tennessean is targeting CBJ and everything associated with UT.
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According to the latest article, this isn't what happened. What happened was that Jones was notified by the police and police chief of the situation HOURS before they investigated anything. On the surface of that, it doesn't look good. Not saying Jones did anything outside of receive and make phone calls, but it doesn't look right IMO.

Don't believe everything you read. It's not that I know anything because I don't - but I can read and if you are keeping track and paying attention to the ever changing story published in the various media outlets (... who would never lie or mislead ....), you will see that what was probably hours between events are reduced to minutes by those who have an agenda.
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Who's targeting Butch? I'm certainly not. If the normal deal between KPD and UT is for the police to contact the head coaches before they even initially investigate or secure the crime scene, then that's a problem IMO.

Whose problem? Once again, what's Butch supposed to do? Say "don't tell me, I don't want to know"? Sitting in a cocoon really worked for Joe Paterno's legacy.
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Who's targeting Butch? I'm certainly not. If the normal deal between KPD and UT is for the police to contact the head coaches before they even initially investigate or secure the crime scene, then that's a problem IMO.

I doubt seriously that he was contacted before any investigation happened. To even understand there was something to investigate, they had to investigate.
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I'm sure the Tennessean will have a story about the phone records of the plaintiffs calling the accused on the night of the alleged incident. Wait for it.

Excellent point :good!:

Edit: Although technically I guess open records do not apply to them. Of course it would not matter, they would not look into that anyways.
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Who's targeting Butch? I'm certainly not. If the normal deal between KPD and UT is for the police to contact the head coaches before they even initially investigate or secure the crime scene, then that's a problem IMO.

I think you're making the same mistake the Tennessean made, BearCat.

The Tennessean rushed to a potentially false conclusion about the content of the Bowles-Jones phone conversations. Specifically, they erroneously concluded that Butch used the first conversation to call the young man a traitor, then the second call to apologize. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, on the record to show what was said in either conversation, yet the Tennessean assumes.

You are similarly making assumptions about the content of the KPD-Jones phone calls. Assuming something might have been said that could compromise an investigation...when it is quite possible that what was said was part of an investigation. We have no idea what was said in those calls. Yet you seem to have assumed it was something improper.

Far better for us to wait to pass judgment until all the facts come out.

Cheers, and Go Vols!
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Originally Posted by drylo View Post
It is common practice for police to notify coaches that their athletes have been arrested or involved in some kind of incident before the story leaks or gets reported in the media.

According to the latest article, this isn't what happened. What happened was that Jones was notified by the police and police chief of the situation HOURS before they investigated anything. On the surface of that, it doesn't look good. Not saying Jones did anything outside of receive and make phone calls, but it doesn't look right IMO.

"HOURS"? KNS / knoxnews on 11/19/14 reported it as 1/2 hour, or about :30-1:15 of the incident --

"(she) said the attacks took place between 1:45 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. Sunday"

"The investigation began about 3 a.m. Sunday when officers met the two women on White Avenue in response to a E911 call, according to DeBusk.
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I think you're making the same mistake the Tennessean made, BearCat.

The Tennessean rushed to a potentially false conclusion about the content of the Bowles-Jones phone conversations. Specifically, they erroneously concluded that Butch used the first conversation to call the young man a traitor, then the second call to apologize. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, on the record to show what was said in either conversation, yet the Tennessean assumes.

You are similarly making assumptions about the content of the KPD-Jones phone calls. Assuming something might have been said that could compromise an investigation...when it is quite possible that what was said was part of an investigation. We have no idea what was said in those calls. Yet you seem to have assumed it was something improper.

Far better for us to wait to pass judgment until all the facts come out.

Cheers, and Go Vols!
. Jesus Christ, I'm not passing any judgement......first, because the facts aren't all out and secondly, it's not my place to pass judgement. I'm asking a question and wondering why they called the head coach "hours" before they investigated the scene.
Whose problem? Once again, what's Butch supposed to do? Say "don't tell me, I don't want to know"? Sitting in a cocoon really worked for Joe Paterno's legacy.

Not putting it on Butch, so stop being so damn defensive. I'm putting it on KPD if they are contacting a head coach "hours" before they go to a crime scene. I'm also not saying Jones did anything other than what he was supposed to, just don't see how the KPD should be contacting him before they even secure the place. I'm just going off of the article.
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I doubt seriously that he was contacted before any investigation happened. To even understand there was something to investigate, they had to investigate.

Yeah that "before any investigation" line is BS. The alleged victim had gone to the hospital hours earlier. They needed a warrant to search AJ's apartment. Heck, I'm pretty sure the Tennessean was reporting on the investigation before they searched the apartment. It's not like it was (or needs to be) some top secret.
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Not putting it on Butch, so stop being so damn defensive. I'm putting it on KPD if they are contacting a head coach "hours" before they go to a crime scene. I'm also not saying Jones did anything other than what he was supposed to, just don't see how the KPD should be contacting him before they even secure the place. I'm just going off of the article.
"Going off the article" may be where you are being misled. There is a dispute that "hours" took place securing the scene and starting the investigation. If you go with Wadwhani's account, largely conjured out of thin air by her and accusing KPD of being complicit, sure that works. But the facts do not seem to support that.
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I'm kind of glad the KPD thinks enough of CBJ to let him know about one of his "kids" who may need help. After all, he is their guardian in a sense.
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Unsure how the First Amendment applies here. At all.

Well, Mr. Ready (or is that Ms.--hard to tell from your avatar), it looks like what yore sayin' here is that you don't like our freedom to say what we see fit. Ain't no lawsuit out there strong enuf to keep us from runnin' our mouths when we want. Right boys?
Anyone have a KNS subscription? - John Adams - Bowles' story could be questioned too. "If the situation was as hostile as the lawsuit suggests, Why did Bowles stay on the team? He even made the bowl trip to Jacksonville, Fla."

Curious if the article says anything interesting.
Not putting it on Butch, so stop being so damn defensive. I'm putting it on KPD if they are contacting a head coach "hours" before they go to a crime scene. I'm also not saying Jones did anything other than what he was supposed to, just don't see how the KPD should be contacting him before they even secure the place. I'm just going off of the article.

I'm not being defensive, I simply don't give a crap if people have differences with the procedures of the KPD. Seems responsible and aboveboard to me. People that b!tch about it were going to find something anyway.
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