Sweeping Sexual Assault Suit Filed Against UT

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Not putting it on Butch, so stop being so damn defensive. I'm putting it on KPD if they are contacting a head coach "hours" before they go to a crime scene. I'm also not saying Jones did anything other than what he was supposed to, just don't see how the KPD should be contacting him before they even secure the place. I'm just going off of the article.

I agree with you,100%, but I doubt if the KPD contacted the coach of the guys they were going to serve a search warrant or arrest (or both) on. I can't imagine any PD doing that, I'm sure this is made up, and not a word of truth to it. If they did, and CBJ gave his players a call to find out what the hell was happening, he wouldn't have done anything wrong, as if the PD was calling him, how would he know he shouldn't talk to anyone, he doesn't work for the PD-this story just can't be true.
I mostly dabble in bird law, but I think I know what's going on here.

While we're talking birds and first amendment..I'd like to incorporate both and throw up the double bird for them :)
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Well, Mr. Ready (or is that Ms.--hard to tell from your avatar), it looks like what yore sayin' here is that you don't like our freedom to say what we see fit. Ain't no lawsuit out there strong enuf to keep us from runnin' our mouths when we want. Right boys?
I'm hoping you're like bosgap, an intelligent person portraying a bumpkin, but I've got my doubts.
I'm not being defensive, I simply don't give a crap if people have differences with the procedures of the KPD. Seems responsible and aboveboard to me. People that b!tch about it were going to find something anyway.

Unreasonable.......I'm shocked. Some of you can't discuss anything, because you are convinced everything is on the up and up. That's fine, but you really look pathetic in it. If you think is reasonable for a police department to contact the head coach of a major football program in a situation like this before they even secure the crime scene, you are either being the biggest homer ever, or you just aren't very bright.
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Is it just me, or with the Climer article (granted, he's retired and may have beef with the Tennessean), at times Hyams, and now Adams taking some pretty decent shots at Wadhwani, is it possible the old guard media has had enough of her, ah, "creative license" with the facts of this whole thing?

I'm interested to see if more join in...
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Unreasonable.......I'm shocked. Some of you can't discuss anything, because you are convinced everything is on the up and up. That's fine, but you really look pathetic in it. If you think is reasonable for a police department to contact the head coach of a major football program in a situation like this before they even secure the crime scene, you are either being the biggest homer ever, or you just aren't very bright.

Alleged crime scene light bulb
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I agree with you,100%, but I doubt if the KPD contacted the coach of the guys they were going to serve a search warrant or arrest (or both) on. I can't imagine any PD doing that, I'm sure this is made up, and not a word of truth to it. If they did, and CBJ gave his players a call to find out what the hell was happening, he wouldn't have done anything wrong, as if the PD was calling him, how would he know he shouldn't talk to anyone, he doesn't work for the PD-this story just can't be true.

I can't believe folks are actually speculating that something is amiss here. There was 4 to 5 hours between the time the incident was reported and when the call was made.
Unreasonable.......I'm shocked. Some of you can't discuss anything, because you are convinced everything is on the up and up. That's fine, but you really look pathetic in it. If you think is reasonable for a police department to contact the head coach of a major football program in a situation like this before they even secure the crime scene, you are either being the biggest homer ever, or you just aren't very bright.

Well, I'm not being a homer because I would say the same thing for any other school (and I am saying right now that it happens at every school, including non-major programs and non-revenue sports, and I'm defending that). I won't indulge you with my resume, but I will assure you that I'm also not dumb.

So... where does that leave us?
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Alleged crime scene light bulb

No doubt it's alledged. Not saying anything otherwise. And I'm not putting this on Butch, I think he handled it the way it should be handled. I just don't think the KPD should be contacting the coach before they even get to the crime scene, as the article suggest. If they contacted him while they were there, it would be a different story and I would t think anything about it.
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Well, I'm not being a homer because I would say the same thing for any other school (and I am saying right now that it happens at every school, including non-major programs and non-revenue sports, and I'm defending that). I won't indulge you with my resume, but I will assure you that I'm also not dumb.

So... where does that leave us?
If it happens at every school, which I don't doubt that it does, it's something that should be changed IMO.
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No doubt it's alledged. Not saying anything otherwise. And I'm not putting this on Butch, I think he handled it the way it should be handled. I just don't think the KPD should be contacting the coach before they even get to the crime scene, as the article suggest. If they contacted him while they were there, it would be a different story and I would t think anything about it.

They already had the most relevant physical evidence (rape kit, alleged victim's clothes, etc.). They had to wait on a warrant to search the apartment anyway, by which time this was public knowledge (let alone known to AJ). Just let it go, man.

"Hey, coach, police chief calling. I'm sure you've seen it on ESPN and your phone has been ringing off the hook, but just wanted to give you a courtesy call and let you know that two of your players have been accused of rape and we are now searching AJ's apartment."
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They already had the most relevant physical evidence (rape kit, alleged victim's clothes, etc.). They had to wait on a warrant to search the apartment anyway, by which time this was public knowledge (let alone known to AJ). Just let it go, man.

"Hey, coach, police chief calling. I'm sure you've seen it on ESPN and your phone has been ringing off the hook, but just wanted to give you a courtesy call and let you know that two of your players have been accused of rape and we are now searching AJ's apartment."

I think the hangup I have with it is with the "hours" that is described in the article. Maybe I am thinking too much into it, but it just doesn't look good if he were contacted "hours" before they investigated AJ's crib
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I think the hangup I have with it is with the "hours" that is described in the article. Maybe I am thinking too much into it, but it just doesn't look good if he were contacted "hours" before they investigated AJ's crib

I'm trying to find a timeline of events but having trouble. It would help me understand as well to actually see how this all unfolded. Example, alleged sexual assault 2 am. Police aware 3 am. Police have suspects in custody 4 am. Coach jones called 410am. Something like that. All these times are just made up. But some kind of timeline would help put it all together.
I think the hangup I have with it is with the "hours" that is described in the article. Maybe I am thinking too much into it, but it just doesn't look good if he were contacted "hours" before they investigated AJ's crib

what an odd hang-up you're having --

according to what knoxnews reported just several days after the 2014 event(s), the police spoke with the 2 women at 3:00am / about 1 hour after the alleged apartment incident (yes, apparently police didn't search the apt until later Sunday evening, but for whatever official police reason).

now, this new tennenesean article you keep referring to, states clearly that KPD's "liaison to the Tennessee football program" contacted coach jones at "8:20 am" which would be about 5 hrs after police people had already spoken to the women. contact kpd if you have questions about what time they inspected the apartment, as these hc phone records simply show that the hc (after he was addressed by the "liaison") was making phone calls / speaking to people he knew (players as named) as part of his requirement to keep order / investing himself in his part of the school's title ix responsibilities.
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what an odd hang-up you're having --

according to what knoxnews reported just several days after the 2014 event(s), the police spoke with the 2 women at 3:00am / about 1 hour after the alleged apartment incident (yes, apparently police didn't search the apt until later Sunday evening, but for whatever official police reason).

now, this new tennenesean article you keep referring to, states clearly that KPD's "liaison to the Tennessee football program" contacted coach jones at "8:20 am" which would be about 5 hrs after police people had already spoken to the women. contact kpd if you have questions about what time they inspected the apartment, as these hc phone records simply show that the hc (after he was addressed by the "liaison") was making phone calls / speaking to people he knew (players as named) as part of his requirement to keep order / investing himself in his part of the school's title ix responsibilities.

And as I was typing my post here is the info I as looking for. Thanks
what an odd hang-up you're having --

according to what knoxnews reported just several days after the 2014 event(s), the police spoke with the 2 women at 3:00am / about 1 hour after the alleged apartment incident (yes, apparently police didn't search the apt until later Sunday evening, but for whatever official police reason).

now, this new tennenesean article you keep referring to, states clearly that KPD's "liaison to the Tennessee football program" contacted coach jones at "8:20 am" which would be about 5 hrs after police people had already spoken to the women. contact kpd if you have questions about what time they inspected the apartment, as these hc phone records simply show that the hc (after he was addressed by the "liaison") was making phone calls / speaking to people he knew (players as named) as part of his requirement to keep order / investing himself in his part of the school's title ix responsibilities.

Thanks for the info, clears it up a bit
And as I was typing my post here is the info I as looking for. Thanks

Well, the hang-up is on the article's wording "The calls from Knoxville law enforcement officials to Jones came hours before police searched the apartment where the incident allegedly took place" (hence, his using "HOURS" then "hours" and "hours) while he's NOT realizing the calls to HC came 5 hours AFTER police had spoken to the women. The article is fair in clarify that there is a long-standing policy of the dpt contacting the school's athletic program (seemingly, the hc of whichever program the involved players are part of), as a "professional courtesy."

These hc phone records actually seem to better-support the school's invested interest in keeping to the 2011 requirements of investigating title ix-related incidents (where coach jones continues to say, per this new article, that he spoke with player bowles and father in efforts to show his "care about Drae as a person and as a player"). Coach Jones cares about his players.
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Unreasonable.......I'm shocked. Some of you can't discuss anything, because you are convinced everything is on the up and up. That's fine, but you really look pathetic in it. If you think is reasonable for a police department to contact the head coach of a major football program in a situation like this before they even secure the crime scene, you are either being the biggest homer ever, or you just aren't very bright.
Bearcat you are the example of your own logic stream but reversed! If you are convinced there was a conspiracy and KPD along with CBJ colluded concerning a criminal investigation before it was started or the crime scene secured you're the biggest anti or negavol ever and moronic to boot!! How does that petard feel this morning?
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Without all the facts or a recorded conversation it's impossible to KNOW exactly what was said between CBJ and Drae or CBJ and the KPD but with these phone records it feels more like a coach doing his research b4 making a decision than mishandling of any kind. I'm sure it's common for several phone calls to be made a number of diff times each as more and more info is discovered wether it be to gather info or to help relay info to the police. The timeline may look suspicious to some like KPD gave warning before searching but I have not seen any facts of what exactly was said between CBJ and KPD. CBJ may have been relaying info to the KPD as he questioned the players in order to help with the investigation. Also, Has Drae's father spoken to the media? Curious what he is saying about his and CBJ's phone call if anyone knew?
Bearcat you are the example of your own logic stream but reversed! If you are convinced there was a conspiracy and KPD along with CBJ colluded concerning a criminal investigation before it was started or the crime scene secured you're the biggest anti or negavol ever and moronic to boot!! How does that petard feel this morning?

I'm convinced there was a conspiracy? You obviously have a lack of reading comprehension, or you would know that I am not suggesting that Jones did anything like that.
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I'm trying to find a timeline of events but having trouble. It would help me understand as well to actually see how this all unfolded. Example, alleged sexual assault 2 am. Police aware 3 am. Police have suspects in custody 4 am. Coach jones called 410am. Something like that. All these times are just made up. But some kind of timeline would help put it all together.

The KNS made this one. Details when all the calls occurred.

TIMELINE: Coach, university, police react after rape allegations
Is it just me, or with the Climer article (granted, he's retired and may have beef with the Tennessean), at times Hyams, and now Adams taking some pretty decent shots at Wadhwani, is it possible the old guard media has had enough of her, ah, "creative license" with the facts of this whole thing?

I'm interested to see if more join in...

I think the local media guys are upset with the claims that they didn't report on the Manning mooning incident when they did.

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