I'm gonna try and play nice, but your attitude really makes this hard. First, Trump is not "my boy". I honestly am not a fan. He talks way too much and I wish his aides would steal his phone and keep his ass off of twitter. But, he is the POTUS. You can whine and ***** about it, but I'm not seeing a change any time soon. And honestly, I think the Dems, in their fervor to chase after him, are treading on thin ice. They're setting new precedents on how far you can go to try and take down a sitting President, and when those same tactics are used the next time they're in office, well, it's potentially going to bite them in the ass.
All of that aside, please, detail the crimes Trump has allegedly committed. Satisfy my curiosity, because I'm not sure of everything he's being accused of anymore. And if you will, please, explain to me why Trump's alleged illegal activities are so much worse than those alleged perpetrated by "your" Hillary. Why do you find it okay that a Democrat break the law, but hell no to a Republican doing it? And before you go into the "Trump must be my boy" routine that I've seen you use more than once to deflect, I honestly don't like the guy. I didn't vote for him. Also didn't vote for Hillary. I honestly was disappointed that we were given two very piss poor choices for President.