Syrian Kurds are close to declaring Independence

Since when does the party of abortion, give 2 sh!ts about people dying in wars?
Again, I’m just pushing back on the idiotic idea that he’s some sort of peacemaker. Turkey is okay with making the ceasefire permanent because they won.
The common defense of it's members.

What am I missing?
It was created to stop the Soviet Union. Now, it exists to prevent Russia from reconstructing the Soviet Union under a different name. So yes, strategic policy blunders that increase Turkish and Russian cooperation are a bigger threat to Turkey’s status in NATO than Turkey’s bad behavior.
Is Turkey no longer an ally?
Read this and you decide:
Again, I’m just pushing back on the idiotic idea that he’s some sort of peacemaker. Turkey is okay with making the ceasefire permanent because they won.
Yeah, they have the largest military in EU so why waste our time and resources with a centuries old war. They will keep fighting long after we are dead.
It was created to stop the Soviet Union. Now, it exists to prevent Russia from reconstructing the Soviet Union under a different name. So yes, strategic policy blunders that increase Turkish and Russian cooperation are a bigger threat to Turkey’s status in NATO than Turkey’s bad behavior.

Umm, you might want to do some reading and stop pulling crap out of your arse.

It is often said that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization was founded in response to the threat posed by the Soviet Union. This is only partially true. In fact, the Alliance’s creation was part of a broader effort to serve three purposes: deterring Soviet expansionism, forbidding the revival of nationalist militarism in Europe through a strong North American presence on the continent, and encouraging European political integration.

A short history of NATO

Also, here is the new 10 year mission statement from NATO adopted in 2012. Point out where anything you stated above is included. It's a fairly long read so I'll wait.

Active Engagement, Modern Defence
Umm, you might want to do some reading and stop pulling crap out of your arse.

A short history of NATO

Also, here is the new 10 year mission statement from NATO adopted in 2012. Point out where anything you stated above is included. It's a fairly long read so I'll wait.

Active Engagement, Modern Defence

Did you think they were just going to take pot shots at Putin in their mission statement?
Give it up, you're just making yourself look stupid.
I’m not. But I understand why you may think that, since you’re quite clearly basing your argument on a quick google search and are almost certainly oblivious to NATO developments post 1991.
I’m not. But I understand why you may think that, since you’re quite clearly basing your argument on a quick google search and are almost certainly oblivious to NATO developments post 1991.

I linked the NATO website, maybe you need to explain to them how they got it wrong.

If NATO's mission was to really stop Russian expansion all it would have to do is have it's European members STOP buying gas and oil from Russia.
Give it up, you're just making yourself look stupid.
The stupid person would be the one that pulled our troops back and the stupider people are the ones screeching about every other thing under the sun as to why it wasn't a stupid move by our President the Dotard.
The stupid person would be the one that pulled our troops back and the stupider people are the ones screeching about every other thing under the sun as to why it wasn't a stupid move by our President the Dotard.
And the stupidest was the one who put them there.
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