As he exited the hotel for his dinner break, Biden was asked “Senator, can we get your reaction to the House bill not passing?”
Biden interrupted the question with a “Hey folks,” to reporters and then said “Oh, things are going well.”
{In fact, it would not surprise me if they place around her some sort of device by whuch they can shock her back into submission should she stray too far.}<------YOU At least check your spelling !!! What this election is about more than anything , is the difference between the GOP and the Democrats which is . As you so well put it , faith . The dems have a special way of looking at the world , well an example , Hustler , and Playboy . Like Obama when he said "I don't want my daughter to be punished with a baby if she makes a mistake " Wow ! He does not care about his grandkids does he ??The trashy side of human life . I am not sure that you even know where Knoxville is , do you know what state Knoxville is in ?? The GOP at least leans more to the view of the preachers . I bet you read a lot , looking at pictures with your tongue hanging out !!!!!:dance2: Clinton may replace Biden ,he has been biden his time :clapping: he is rather stupid . Example = During a visit to Columbia, Mo., Biden shouted to one of the assembled Democratic faithful, “Chuck, stand up, let the people see you.” The thing is, Missouri state Sen. Chuck Graham uses a wheelchair. The Democratic vice presidential nominee followed up with, “Oh, God love you. What am I talking about? I’ll tell you what, you’re making everybody else stand up, old pal. I’ll tell you what, everybody else stand up for Chuck. Stand up for Chuck!”+++Wednesday in New Hampshire, he said, “Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me.” And in Florida recently, he referred to “the Biden administration.” he Biden is colorful.YouTube - Biden's Kennedy Confusion So is Obama >>>YouTube - Obama Calls Himself President in Terre Haute, IN Obama is gald you are fired up YouTube - Barack Obama and Joe Biden Gaffe Machines I think Sara will do just fine I am voting for Sara, not against Obama but for Sara. I would like to be able to bid on Air Force One !!Palin will be a broken record and stick to about three or four main comments or slogans. She will not be allowed by her handlers to stray too far. In fact, it would not surprise me if they place around her some sort of device by whuch they can shock her back into submission should she stray too far.
Questioner: Governor Palin, what do you see as the role of your faith in running the country should that be necessary?
Palin: I believe that I'm on a mission from God. He came to me the other day in the form of a cereal flake and told me zzzzzzzzzzzzt ... Barack Obama has no experience. Putin has to fly over my state to get to Washington, D.C. I know where Europe is, I swear.
2:1 that Biden will say something allong the lines of:
"We need to invest in our failing infastructure so we don't end up like the people did just before the civil war - unable to drive their cars to work because interstate bridges are falling down."
agreed. she'll look much smarter in this format than one on one.
I think she is bright, but has been made out to be a bit of an amateur by some of the more liberal of the media crew.
She is an amateur. Has nothing to do with the media. When asked what McCain meant by saying the economy was "fundamentally" strong, she said "well, I believe he was talking about the ingenuity of the American worker". Come on, BPV. Did you hear her answer on foreign relations with Russia? are obviously so far over to the right, your bias gets the best of you.
So let me try to understand the distinction here.
Are you saying they are both dumbarses, the only difference is Biden tries real hard and Palin is comfortable in her stupidity?
That makes a lot of sense.
Actually it does make sense. Biden misspeaks, and for all practical purposes, knows that Roosevelt wasn't President in 1929. When pressed about being shot at in Iraq, he backpeddles. When pressed about a forced helicopter landing in Afghanistan, he clarifies. Yes, Biden is a gaffe machine, but there is no reason to believe he actually believes the crap that comes out of his mouth.
Palin, on the other hand, is very confident that her address is a legitimate national security credential. Instead of clarifying in the Couric interview she defended it. Even McCain said he is not going to parse her answer on that. There is every reason to believe that when asked if she is qualified to step in and be VP, that a legitimate answer is "You can't hesitate Charlie, you can't blink". Palin actually backs up her gaffes and defends them.
So yes KB5252, there is a distinction here and it does make sense.
So we are to call Palin on her idiocy and give Biden a pass on it because "there is no reason to believe he believes the crap that comes out of his mouth".
Are you saying that Biden is not an idiot but a habitual liar who is not capable of telling the truth in certain situations? Hell I'd rather have an idiot than a liar, at least you know your getting the truth!
It seems to me an idiot is an idiot. You can't be objective and claim one idiot is better than another based on their style of idiocy.
Are you just arguing for the sake of arguing here? Really man, get over yourself.
Who said give Biden a pass? He is a gaffe machine, he talks without thinking, and says incredibly stupid things. But afterward he sees it, unless you want to really believe Biden thinks Roosevelt was president in 1929 and appeared on television then.
Palin legitimately believes in what she is saying. That is a big difference. She is confident in her ignorance, Biden is just an idiot that doesn't think before he speaks.
Just for pips and giggles......
How do you know this?
With her proximity to Russia argument as a national security credential she defended it twice. Couric gave her the chance to clarify, and she went on about Putin flying over Alaska and them keeping watch on him. It's ridiculous.
Biden has either reversed himself or at least tried to clarify (with varying degrees of success) his missteps. He says some dumb things, but at least he knows it.