Talent in First Year: Butch vs. Dooley vs. Kiffin

Ok. Just leave Da' Bears out of it. Chief.
rock on with the sarcasm

You do know that it was a compliment to mention the 85 Bears.... best NFL team I've seen in a long time... first team that came to mind 😊
Did you read the context? Poking fun at a sycophantic Dooley poster on here. Sarcasm chief.

Simmer down. We don't agree on things which is fine but let's keep it mature. Insults just to insult just shows how much of a loser u r. Especially when u can't spell them correctly. Total fail my friend....just like your life. :hi:

I wasn't going to chime in until u decided to bring me into it. After reading the thread there are plenty of people that agree with me, and of course u have no intelligent insight to add. But while I'm here...I would only add that people need to remember the hot mess the school/AD/program were in at the time Dooley got to campus. Jones is sitting pretty.
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Simmer down. We don't agree on things which is fine but let's keep it mature. Insults just to insult just shows how much of a loser u r. Especially when u can't spell them correctly. Total fail my friend....just like your life. :hi:

I wasn't going to chime in until u decided to bring me into it. After reading the thread there are plenty of people that agree with me, and of course u have no intelligent insight to add. But while I'm here...I would only add that people need to remember the hot mess the school/AD/program were in at the time Dooley got to campus. Jones is sitting pretty.

Supposed to be all in good fun buddy. I didnt exactly throw out the personal insults by having a little fun with your perpetual defense of Dooley. Nice touch of class on your part. You have no idea who I am or how great my life is or how blessed I truly am. Keep flaming... think I'll choose not to get in the gutter with you.
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KBVol talking about class...now I've seen it all.

To me, there's a difference between calling into question a guys judgment about UT football recruiting, coaching, etc. vs saying he's a loser in life, has no intelligence, outside the context of this forum. That's classless...guess we'll disagree about that too.
What's funny is Butch probably has the best first year team(even though that's tough to say with no QB, WRs, or a secondary) but he will by far have the worst 2nd year team. Did Dooley even recruit in 11 or 12?
To me, there's a difference between calling into question a guys judgment about UT football recruiting, coaching, etc. vs saying he's a loser in life, has no intelligence, outside the context of this forum. That's classless...guess we'll disagree about that too.

So let me get this straight...U constantly lurk my posts and insult/berate me at every chance u get. U call me out in a thread I hadn't even read yet as having mental issues, u get upset I one upped u with my defense/response, and I'm low class??? Really?!?!

Kb...U can try and bully whomever u want, try to be the cool kid that gets laughs out of ur buddies, but when u get it handed back to u don't cry about it. That's just sad.
What's funny is Butch probably has the best first year team(even though that's tough to say with no QB, WRs, or a secondary) but he will by far have the worst 2nd year team. Did Dooley even recruit in 11 or 12?

Yeah kind of happens when a whole class, kiffins first, turns out to be a complete bust and non-existent. The guy had a lot of catching up to do at ALL positions. People need to remember that recruiting is regulated. Coaches can't just hire and fire players at will, so rebuilding an alloted 85 from the mid-60s range in 2.5 yrs isn't easy. Takes time.
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So let me get this straight...U constantly lurk my posts and insult/berate me at every chance u get. U call me out in a thread I hadn't even read yet as having mental issues, u get upset I one upped u with my defense/response, and I'm low class??? Really?!?!

Kb...U can try and bully whomever u want, try to be the cool kid that gets laughs out of ur buddies, but when u get it handed back to u don't cry about it. That's just sad.

Constantly is a little strong, and berating denotes personal attacks...sensitive much oskie?...You took this slant that Dooley was a budding unappreciated coaching star who sucked because Hamilton was the AD and Jimmy Cheek was...Jimmy Cheek...I still feel your Dooley passion is mostly schtick but it would be calling you phony...and that's personal so I'll back off. Everytime a criticism is made towards Dooley's tenure you swoop in like an avenging angel. You have to admit, your stated opinion is in the minority and on a message board you're going to get a reaction...toughen up
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Fulmer was only allowed 2 bad seasons in what??? Like 16 years.

Why should Butch get a pass....

If he has two bad seasons toss his a$$.

Fulmer took over a top notch program...no rebuilding or culture of winning overhaul...bad comparison
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Yeah kind of happens when a whole class, kiffins first, turns out to be a complete bust and non-existent. The guy had a lot of catching up to do at ALL positions. People need to remember that recruiting is regulated. Coaches can't just hire and fire players at will, so rebuilding an alloted 85 from the mid-60s range in 2.5 yrs isn't easy. Takes time.

Whatever you say, his recruiting was sub par. How else do describe it? We have literally zero depth at 3 full positions because he failed to recruit correctly. Almost all of our DL, LB, and OL are seniors or freshman. Hence Dooleys first class and Butchs first class. Like I said, did he even recruit in 11 or 12? 13 will be better than 14 because of this IMO. Unless Butch signs some JUCOs or a bunch of young guys step up.
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Whatever you say, his recruiting was sub par. How else do describe it? We have literally zero depth at 3 full positions because he failed to recruit correctly. Almost all of our DL, LB, and OL are seniors or freshman. Hence Dooleys first class and Butchs first class. Like I said, did he even recruit in 11 or 12? 13 will be better than 14 because of this IMO. Unless Butch signs some JUCOs or a bunch of young guys step up.

Do u not understand that it takes time to build depth? When u r depleted at all positions and u have a certain # of scholly's a yr u need to spread them around instead of being able to focus and build certain positions of need. It's not as easy as saying "did he recruit?"
Constantly is a little strong, and berating denotes personal attacks...sensitive much oskie?...You took this slant that Dooley was a budding unappreciated coaching star who sucked because Hamilton was the AD and Jimmy Cheek was...Jimmy Cheek...I still feel your Dooley passion is mostly schtick but it would be calling you phony...and that's personal so I'll back off. Everytime a criticism is made towards Dooley's tenure you swoop in like an avenging angel. You have to admit, your stated opinion is in the minority and on a message board you're going to get a reaction...toughen up
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Awwwww how sweet. Sweeping in to defend ur VN boyfriends honor is very cute darlin. :blush2:

I don't care if my opinion is a minority. I've been stating it for a while, plenty of people I know personally and on here somewhat agree with me, and i have not changed no matter how many people try to change it. Trust me bud I'm tough enough. U and ur boy toy aren't the first to try to change my opinion sweet cheeks, and I'm sure won't be the last. I've gone round and round enough that I'm sure my opinion won't change much. Good luck though :hi:
Awwwww how sweet. Sweeping in to defend ur VN boyfriends honor is very cute darlin. :blush2:

I don't care if my opinion is a minority. I've been stating it for a while, plenty of people I know personally and on here somewhat agree with me, and i have not changed no matter how many people try to change it. Trust me bud I'm tough enough. U and ur boy toy aren't the first to try to change my opinion sweet cheeks, and I'm sure won't be the last. I've gone round and round enough that I'm sure my opinion won't change much. Good luck though :hi:

Now you've crossed over to cartoon character status...the first part of your post is downright teenage girl on the phone worthy...good luck with your "following" I was never of the intent to change your opinion...just debate...but feel free to post your manifestoes unopposed by me
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Do u not understand that it takes time to build depth? When u r depleted at all positions and u have a certain # of scholly's a yr u need to spread them around instead of being able to focus and build certain positions of need. It's not as easy as saying "did he recruit?"

That's why you shouldn't sign a single OL in a class right? Or 3 LBs total in 2 different classes. Or no HS DT that had a D1 offer. The man did a poor job. 3 years of recruiting is enough to build a LITTLE depth. We have none.
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