That's pretty bad when the French are calling you a coward.
^^^ wooooooooo! Thats gonna leave a mark.
It's the road to Afghanistan ... for all practical purposes the only road.
My Col. Dad always said the real reason we kept forces in afg is because .....everyone here seems to not remember this....the ONLY MUSLIM nation out of the 9 nations that now have nuclear weapons is PAKISTAN...and Pakistan and Afghanistan are about as fluid and interconnected as Texas and Mexico are this month with 200,000 illegals just seriously walking across the Rio Grande and surrendering to Border Patrol.
Where was UBL found? In Pakistan. Where do all the goods, weapons, food etc enter Afghanistan? Pakistan....we had Al Quaeda and Taliban forces a few hundred miles from the ONLY MUSLIM and SYMPATHETIC nuclear nation on Earth and tens of thousands minimum of camel humping goat blowers BEGGING to get their hands on a tactical nuke or even dirty bomb to detonate in the US or EU....thats NOT the TIME for isolationism.
" sure hope the English and Germans keep those crazy goathumpers from giving those OTHER child molestors a NUKE to detonate on US soil after they backpack it in thru Mexico or the 3000 or so miles of unguarded Canadian border nobody but moose and bears ever watch....."
Seem like a good idea? Thankfully, India hates Pakistan more than we hate wasted fireworks so we have a little help keeping tabs on those Nuclear Armed Muslims...those 3 words together dont shrink your ballsack a bit then you desperately need to read the Quran...not the Old Testament part...the other half about lying, killing, lying to, killing, and hating and killing the infidels....which is everyone on Earth EXCEPT muslims.... wonder if they knew that the most wanted man on Earth since Hitler was living in a compound smack dab in their tiny little country the size of Maryland??? A 6ft 6inch tall bearded dude who was on their TV more than Elvis....hmmmm...theres reason to keep a small force very close by
There is ZERO reason to run like scared little beetches when everyone on the ground from your own military leaders to allies tells you the country will collapse. How hard yall think China will work to keep a nuke out of Taliban or ISIS hands for us???