Taliban Taking Over Afghanistan - Does anyone care?

Do you care?

  • No

    Votes: 41 23.6%
  • Hell No

    Votes: 48 27.6%
  • Yes, we should invade and send in Troops

    Votes: 25 14.4%
  • I like Pie

    Votes: 60 34.5%

  • Total voters
Omg. A real Volunteer!

I stopped reading when he said he felt contempt for someone thanking him for his service. Contempt.

If he wants to feel contempt for anyone or should be those that sent him there and by that I mean the civilian leadership. He spit in the face of every veteran that ever wore a uniform.
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Pinapple Express. More info.

This is also a very good interview for understanding who these people we left behind are/were. The Afghan Comandos were our brothers in Arms.

also, Some are now working for Wagner group because they rescued them when we did not. that's yet another story...
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These facts can't be refuted.....and if your not mad as hell about it I have no idea what to say.

We should be more upset that we spent 2 decades there sacrificing America's military youth to guard poppy fields while our country crumbled around us. Not sure how some dogs trump's that for anyone
We should be more upset that we spent 2 decades there sacrificing America's military youth to guard poppy fields while our country crumbled around us. Not sure how some dogs trump's that for anyone
These are not mutually exclusive.....one can be pissed about one and still be pissed about the other. There is something particularly cruel about basically leaving a child to fend for itself, and service dogs are very much like children to their handlers. They have absolute trust in you. Many of our allies knew the risks, they knew our history in Vietnam etc, and yet they chose to trust us anyway. Those dogs knew nothing but trust......it just seems particularly cruel. One doesn't need to trump the other. They both add to the same whole of absolute failure and betrayel, they do not need to vie for contempt rather they are apart of the same contemptuous failure and betrayel.
Tell me more about what I need, oh wise one.
Okay sure. When one man says "drink the poison" and the other says "don't drink it's poison". Saying well I propose we just drink half doesn't make you the wise, sagacious centrist you think it does. The truth is I think we probably agree on more then we don't. You're certainly not a brainwashed idiot like nash or lawyer..... but your constant need for middle ground sometimes makes you seem to miss the obvious one sidedness of many issues and topics. Appeals to relativism and fence sitting doesn't mean one is rational or even keeled...only that one tries to please more people and stay safe. We are at the precipice of a water fall....figure it out.
Okay sure. When one man says "drink the poison" and the other says "don't drink it's poison". Saying well I propose we just drink half doesn't make you the wise, sagacious centrist you think it does. The truth is I think we probably agree on more then we don't. You're certainly not a brainwashed idiot like nash or lawyer..... but your constant need for middle ground sometimes makes you seem to miss the obvious one sidedness of many issues and topics. Appeals to relativism and fence sitting doesn't mean one is rational or even keeled...only that one tries to please more people and stay safe. We are at the precipice of a water fall....figure it out.
We probably agree on a lot.

Have you considered that I look "middle ground" to you because you are so far to the extreme on certain issues?

I mean, just because you post it or affirm it doesn't mean it is irrefutably accurate, does it?
We probably agree on a lot.

Have you considered that I look "middle ground" to you because you are so far to the extreme on certain issues?

I mean, just because you post it or affirm it doesn't mean it is irrefutably accurate, does it?
There's not even middle ground on some issues. We discussed wether dogs were left or not and you felt the need to say maybe they were, or maybe they were not. There were..simply they were. Multiple sources have reported that, and even the military's weak denial actually confirmed they were moved to a local facility at left. But it's like you feel the need to find that middle even when it does not exist. It's binary answer either they were or they were not. All evidence points that they were left, wether they were all out abandoned in a hanger, or abandoned at a local stray dog facility in a country that hates dogs...is sorta spliting hairs in desperation.

Your saying Trump is unlikable. Sure I am sure radical leftists dislike him. I also know that RINO GOP who are absolutely all in for the globalist COFR, Atlantic Council, and WEF etc dislike him....(most actual conservtive voters have no love for any of those organizations, nor do they support agenda 21,30, teh great reset, or seeing their local economy plumet) Some of them have dopy supporters who do not know what any of those groups are or what they stand for. However not in my 50+ years of time on this rock have I ever seen crowds line up on roadsides like they do for Trump. As soon as you take the MSM out of the equation and do a poll on say X he's got like 74% support. You can say well that's a biased group. Since when? They were considered utter leftist a mere couple of years ago.....do you really think all teh users then left in mass and all teh right wing radicals swarmed in after Elon took over? It had a larger sample size of any poll taken thus far. Even if you say there is bias, how many points? Really? Do you really beleive that while one poll shows Trump doubling support among Black Americans that he somehow is behind? here's the real kicker does the left, and MSM (same thing) have a history of lying in their polls? Think 2016.

You seem triggered by Donald Trump, but I know of no other conservatives in my daily life except DC establishment and those attached to them.

The idea that I am a radical I take issue with. I was called a liberal hippie back in the day....and now I am called a maga whatever by the left. My positions have mostly stayed unchanged. I like freedom of speech, I am against censorship, I am against getting into conflicts abroad we don't have to, however I support a strong military and am NOT a pacifist, I support conservative economics, I support American jobs, and I absolutely hate socialism/marxism in ever form it has taken, as they always leave to tyranny and disspair. I'd say the majority of my views line up with both JFK, and Reagan.... proving how little the parties mean in practice. Now your called a radical if you distrust the government, global elite, big pharma, and all the other usual criminal suspects? So basically if you know your history you must be a radical.

Sometimes contrast is stark..... sometimes issues are not grey but black and white. Censorship is not okay half the time. Poisoning people for profit is not okay half the time. Sending out Jobs, manufacturing and therefore our military logistics over seas is not okay half the time. Leaving bordors completely open to a drug war logistically supported by our largest enemy is not okay half the time, leaving our borders open for every two bit country to empty it's prisons through is not okay half the time. However the MSM tries to tell you it is..... and some clearly have bought into that. If having stable morals, and concrete ideals on right and wrong is radical, then I submit every political group in this country from the revolution forward has been radical I guess. People thought abolishionists were radical once. Some said we should seek a middle ground and allow the slavery of mankind in only half the states....was that the right moral stand?

My only point is relativism, and centricism is no virtue...it depends on the choices, and often the choices are stark.

Right now the choice between Trump and everything else is VERY stark.
There's not even middle ground on some issues. We discussed wether dogs were left or not and you felt the need to say maybe they were, or maybe they were not. There were..simply they were. Multiple sources have reported that, and even the military's weak denial actually confirmed they were moved to a local facility at left. But it's like you feel the need to find that middle even when it does not exist. It's binary answer either they were or they were not. All evidence points that they were left, wether they were all out abandoned in a hanger, or abandoned at a local stray dog facility in a country that hates dogs...is sorta spliting hairs in desperation.
Your saying Trump is unlikable. Sure I am sure radical leftists dislike him. I also know that RINO GOP who are absolutely all in for the globalist COFR, Atlantic Council, and WEF etc dislike him....(most actual conservtive voters have no love for any of those organizations, nor do they support agenda 21,30, teh great reset, or seeing their local economy plumet) Some of them have dopy supporters who do not know what any of those groups are or what they stand for. However not in my 50+ years of time on this rock have I ever seen crowds line up on roadsides like they do for Trump. As soon as you take the MSM out of the equation and do a poll on say X he's got like 74% support. You can say well that's a biased group. Since when? They were considered utter leftist a mere couple of years ago.....do you really think all teh users then left in mass and all teh right wing radicals swarmed in after Elon took over? It had a larger sample size of any poll taken thus far. Even if you say there is bias, how many points? Really? Do you really beleive that while one poll shows Trump doubling support among Black Americans that he somehow is behind? here's the real kicker does the left, and MSM (same thing) have a history of lying in their polls? Think 2016.

You seem triggered by Donald Trump, but I know of no other conservatives in my daily life except DC establishment and those attached to them.
Art of the Deal, Baby!

Trump owns plenty of the blame but GTFO with this. We have the strongest military in the world. He had plenty of time to prepare. It was an exit that looked like it had zero planning done. And if we are so largesse that we needed more time to coordinate an exit then that speaks directly to the heart of the problem. Which is government largesse and red tape.
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Not another star for you ...

The blame for that disaster lays squarely on the shoulders of the American people for electing a totally incompetent self-serving buffoon as president.

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