Tampa Rays Thread

5 games over now and 2 games out of the wild card, everybody please write us off again, its alot more fun this way..

So Scott Kazmir is starting tom, will it be another..


or a nice big


my prediction... 5 innings 4 ER No desicion...

halfway point and got some catching up to do. Its going to be tough to catch the Yankees and Sox , question is do we make a move at the trade deadline? Im guessing just a few minor moves here and there. I dont see them going out and getting a high priced player and expand the payroll until we can prove that we can draw in attendance..
go this Rangers series im going to have to say is the make or break series this year...

Good start last night..
So Rays fans.. all two of you.. It's time to come together now because this is our make or break year with Crawford a FA next year and countless other moves we will have to make. We have kept almost everyone from last year and added some interesting pieces so far. For example the Braves closer Soriano. JP can go back to 7th and 8th inning situations which made us so successful in 08. Evan Longoria i feel might have a MVP year and maybe my boy C Pena can get his average above .270 and still have that power.

AL East is a ridiculous division to be in but maybe the magic can return for this year. Lets get The Trop loud this year and piss off Fox for getting a low market team in the WS again...

FYI ... watch out for Matt Joyce this year.....
I've taken family to bout 5 games... have enjoyed each time... last game seats were in upper deck outfield 3 base side and the angle of seat did not point toward home. Annoying!

Best seat you've had at a (family on a budget) good price????????????????????????

Go Vols Go Rays!
I hear good, good things about Wade Davis. Very good things. Garza, Shields, Price, Davis... Niemann right?

Rays, O's and Jays are all sneaky good and would love to be in another division.
Niemann, correct, i honestly think last year was sort of a fluke start from him and think his numbers will come back down to earth more this year. Not saying he is horrible by any stretch but i think the best you can hope for him is the 4th or 5th spot in a rotation.
Davis could have a breakout year, his command seemed a tad iffy even near the end of last year when he was getting regular starts. This rotation is only as good as it's ace and Shields is going to have to step it up this year.

I think the Jays are going to be garbage this year, they do have some young talent now but it seems to me they entered rebuild mode during the offseason.

Who knows with the O's, they seem to be getting closer to having that breakout year, it wouldn't shock me.
The Jays have decent pitching... starting and relief... But idk if Hill or Lind repeats last year, and we'll see about Snyder

I like Downs, Accardo and Frasor relief. and Romero, Morrow, Richmond, Marcum starting

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