TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

Is it possible that that particular animal (as some scientists describe it) was already extinct prior to the Flood and subsequent rainbow ?

Since there was likely no great flood, the answer is no. But if you choose to believe in the flood, you have to believe that dinosaurs were already extinct.
That's a huge understatement. You aren't just saying it's inaccurate, which would imply being off by a few years. You're saying scientists are trying to find India and they're landing in Puerto Rico.

Let me teach you a little something. The Bible has things to take figuratively and things to take literally. You as a believer, get to pick and choose. It's a beautiful thing. If science contradicts your interpretation of the Bible, you don't have to conclude that the Bible or science is wrong. You can conclude you were wrong, and modify your interpretation. Lots of Christians do it. [do it with the carbon dating thing]

I've known such for many years (Note: the Israelites were alive in the days of the Pharoahs -- I think they know what 7 days means, and I believe Moses as do and/or did they).
I've known such for many years (Note: the Israelites were alive in the days of the Pharoahs -- I think they know what 7 days means, and I believe Moses as do and/or did they).

I know what 40 winks means. It means winking 40 times.

There is no helping you.
Since there was likely no great flood, the answer is no. But if you choose to believe in the flood, you have to believe that dinosaurs were already extinct.

Don't know if you'll see this or not. But, almost every culture has a great flood tradition with details that are very similar to the Bible's account. And there's a lot of geological and archeological evidence that would fit a great flood narrative (sea levels rising hundreds of feet in mere decades potentially). There's a lot of consternation about the topic among archeologists. Basically a dividing line between factions. Watch Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock on Joe Rogan. I'm skeptical of some of their theories, but there's a lot there that makes sense.
Don't know if you'll see this or not. But, almost every culture has a great flood tradition with details that are very similar to the Bible's account. And there's a lot of geological and archeological evidence that would fit a great flood narrative (sea levels rising hundreds of feet in mere decades potentially). There's a lot of consternation about the topic among archeologists. Basically a dividing line between factions. Watch Randall Carlson and Graham Hancock on Joe Rogan. I'm skeptical of some of their theories, but there's a lot there that makes sense.

I think its just a myth that was easy to incorporate into many origin stories as most civilizations were developed on or close to water and they experienced level fluctuations.
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Lol. Atheists love to use the Old Testament as arguments. Just shows how clueless you people are.

I don't have to accept it as true. The argument I'm making is to a purported true believer who should accept all of Leviticus. If I can show the true believer that he is picking and choosing his Leviticus-based outrage, then his outrage is probably not based on Leviticus. Instead, it's based on good old-fashioned bigotry.

Do you want me to break out my crayons to show you how this form of argument works?
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I think its just a myth that was easy to incorporate into many origin stories as most civilization were developed on or close to water and they experienced level fluctuations.

Meltwater Pulse 1A and 1B following the Younger Dryas period saw sea levels rise hundreds of feet over the course of a few generations. That would have resulted in cataclysmic levels of flooding around the globe. Whole civilizations would've been wiped out. That's not a myth. That's a matter of geological record.
Meltwater Pulse 1A and 1B following the Younger Dryas period saw sea levels rise hundreds of feet over the course of a few generations. That would have resulted in cataclysmic levels of flooding around the globe. Whole civilizations would've been wiped out. That's not a myth. That's a matter of geological record.

I think the only rational explanation is that the dinosaurs caused the flood.
Is it possible that that particular animal (as some scientists describe it) was already extinct prior to the Flood and subsequent rainbow ?
Dinosaurs were indeed animals. And they were definitely already extinct some 65 million years ago.
Meltwater Pulse 1A and 1B following the Younger Dryas period saw sea levels rise hundreds of feet over the course of a few generations. That would have resulted in cataclysmic levels of flooding around the globe. Whole civilizations would've been wiped out. That's not a myth. That's a matter of geological record.

Ok but you are talking about a rise over a course of generations, correct? Not exactly something that you would get caught up in.
Ok but you are talking about a rise over a course of generations, correct? Not exactly something that you would get caught up in.

First, how many areas of land would've experienced cataclysmic levels of fluvial geomorphology from meltwater runoff in order for it to raise seas levels hundreds of feet in mere generations? Small rivers would've been turned into raging torrents miles wide for decades. I think you may be having trouble proportioning the scale of events required to raise sea levels hundreds of feet in such a short time period.

Second, if the great flood traditions all came from the Younger Dryas era, then obviously it would've meant that there were survivors or witnesses, so it isn't as though it would've wiped out the whole planet, but I can easily see how someone could witness this event and come away with an account along the lines of Genesis.
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First, how many areas of land would've experienced cataclysmic levels of fluvial geomorphology from meltwater runoff in order for it to raise seas levels hundreds of feet in mere generations? Small rivers would've been turned into raging torrents miles wide for decades. I think you may be having trouble proportioning the scale of events required to raise sea levels hundreds of feet in such a short time period.

Second, if the great flood traditions all came from the Younger Dryas era, then obviously it would've meant that there were survivors or witnesses, so it isn't as though it would've wiped out the whole planet, but I can easily see how someone could witness this event and come away with an account along the lines of Genesis.

Interesting to say the least
I caught your drift, but it's a mighty long time and a sure bet that it is longer than 3000 years
I’m not involved in the rainbows conversation and 3000 years. So you can table that nonsense.

K-Town said there has been rain and snow as long as the Earth has been in existence. Which is ridiculous, and patently untrue.

I made the original post partially as a joke. And partially to highlight another ludicrous take of his.

He scurried away, as is his tendency, when confronted.
Are you going to pick up for him and defend his ridiculous assertion?
I’m not involved in the rainbows conversation and 3000 years. So you can table that nonsense.

K-Town said there has been rain and snow as long as the Earth has been in existence. Which is ridiculous, and patently untrue.

I made the original post partially as a joke. And partially to highlight another ludicrous take of his.

He scurried away, as is his tendency, when confronted.
Are you going to pick up for him and defend his ridiculous assertion?

You read and understood my statement and yet you end with that ridiculous question?
You read and understood my statement and yet you end with that ridiculous question?
Then why even include them the reference to rainbows? I excluded the rainbows when I originally quoted him.

I guess I’m curious as to why you challenged my post at all?
I didn't see the parting of the Red Sea, but Moses did / he wrote about it and I believe him (just as he wrote about days 1-6 and the 7th).

In the context of things God loves and hates / in the context of the world He set in motion and in the context of His mighty power,

the book of Job gives witness to behemoth and leviathan (living among men) :

40: 15Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.

16Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.

17 He moveth his tail like a cedar: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together.

18 His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

41: 1Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down?

7 Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons? or his head with fish spears?

8 Lay thine hand upon him, remember the battle, do no more.

9Behold, the hope of him is in vain: shall not one be cast down even at the sight of him?

10 None is so fierce that dare stir him up: who then is able to stand before me?

I'll just bluntly ask you this...

Do you believe that dinosaurs existed and, if so, do you believe they existed among mankind?

Target Corporation (TGT) CEO Brian Cornell said he does not want to close stores. But... That implied second sentence dominated a conference call with the media Tuesday to preview first quarter earnings. The Minneapolis-based retailer disclosed that since the start of 2022, inventory shrinkage, which is retail code for all of the stuff people steal from its stores, will have cost Target $1.1 billion in profits by the end of the year.

And Target said it’s not just theft that has plagued its stores and retailers across the country but also violent crime. Indeed, retailers like Walmart Stores Inc. (WMT) , Whole Foods Market (owned by Amazon Inc. (AMZN) ), and Nordstrom Inc., (JWN) have closed stores in cities where crime has anecdotally surged in recent years.​

You could just answer yes or no. It seems like you're dodging the question.

keeping with OP's subject --

The Covenant of the Rainbow, Genesis 9
13I have set My rainbow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.

14Whenever I form clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, 15I will remember My covenant between Me and you and every living creature of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.


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