TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

This thread is about as stupid as the article I read from post #391.

I wish you had never invoked me.
Lol. Major cope from people claiming a $9 billion loss coinciding with a boycott has nothing to do with said boycott. "It was this other stuff that had been happening for the last three years that just happened to all hit at one time the same week boycotts are happening! This has nothing to do with boycotts!"
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TGT has historically traded at Price Earnings multiple of ~20. During their earnings call (when stock was in low 160s), they disclosed an expected reduction to earnings from shrink of an extra $500M.

500M earnings reduction * 20 PE = $10B (which is what market cap has decreased by since their earnings call). DLTR had similar decrease yesterday for same shrink reason. Maybe Dollar Tree started selling rainbow stickers for coloring books or something...

The middle aged suburban MILFs and Urban shoppers that comprise 95% of their shopping base could care less about the pride protest. This isn't going to be a Bud Light situation...
Business/economy-friendly conservatives at it again. They'd rather see it all burn than accept the gays.
So it appears Target is largely responsible for the garbage they are pushing on kids at public schools

Target Donated Millions of Dollars to Group That Promotes LGBT Activism in Schools

In the wake of an ongoing customer backlash against Target, the retail chain’s longtime partnership with a national activist group that places LGBT-themed books in K-12 school libraries and encourages teachers to discuss sex and gender with children has gained renewed attention.

Over the past decade, the New York City-based Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has received from Target more than $2 million in donations, according to the company’s website.
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IN-DEPTH: Transgender Movement Has 'Dangerous' Hidden Motivations, Says Former LGBT Activist

Despite consumer opposition, companies believe backing transgenderism will win them more long-term cash because it has the approval of global regulatory power players, according to women’s rights activist Kay Yang.

Yang speaks with authority on the push to build acceptance for transgenderism. She’s seen that cabal from the inside.

Until she left in disgust, Yang worked passionately as an LGBT activist, she said. Her employer received funding to push the acceptance of transgenderism across society. The money came from within the United States and abroad.

She’s speaking out now about her alarm as she watches a cavalcade of corporations launch marketing campaigns that celebrate transgenderism, despite customer outrage.

Sure, some companies are losing money now, she said. But they believe it will be worth it over the long term.

“That money, to them, is nothing,” Yang told The Epoch Times. Those companies are “being promised that, ‘OK, you might lose a little bit now. But you’ll make it in the new economy. And you’ll still be here.

“And all the businesses that don’t go along with this—we’ll make sure that they’re excluded.'”

It’s a coordinated effort, a conspiracy, she said, promoted by global organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF).

And it’s why corporations, government organizations, and nonprofits have joined forces to push acceptance of transgenderism on a largely unwilling populace, Yang said.
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So it appears Target is largely responsible for the garbage they are pushing on kids at public schools

Target Donated Millions of Dollars to Group That Promotes LGBT Activism in Schools

In the wake of an ongoing customer backlash against Target, the retail chain’s longtime partnership with a national activist group that places LGBT-themed books in K-12 school libraries and encourages teachers to discuss sex and gender with children has gained renewed attention.

Over the past decade, the New York City-based Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) has received from Target more than $2 million in donations, according to the company’s website.
State Farm Insurance was recently too. State Farm Abandons LGBTQ Children’s-Book Program after Whistleblower Email Leak
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Target has also had a Pride collection for several years now and most of y’all are just now outraged about it lol
Target has also had a Pride collection for several years now and most of y’all are just now outraged about it lol

Very true. Conservatives are very live and let live but after awhile they've had enough and will strike back. You can only push them so far
Target has also had a Pride collection for several years now and most of y’all are just now outraged about it lol

I noticed CVS had pride stuff yesterday....for children, even. There's gonna be nowhere left for the bigots to shop
They've been celebrating Pride Month for well over a decade.

I do think they need to know their markets better. A one sized fits all approach doesn't work.....
I think a big part of the problem is the conflating of traditional Pride with the current full-court Trans press.

“Gay” and “Trans” are two very different things. And right now “Gay” is getting unfairly dragged with “Trans”.
Business/economy-friendly conservatives at it again. They'd rather see it all burn than accept the gays.
Just an observation, I’m not sure it’s the conservatives causing the 500M theft. conservatives are probably the ones selling shares to not lose profit.

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