TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

Yes. They will investigate the MAGA white nationalists that essentially made Target make the moves that forced the peace loving Alphabets into this move.

Every conservative on this board (regardless of ethnicity because you don’t have to be white to be a white supremacist, per leftist) needs to take a long look in the mirror. YOU are ultimately responsible for every poor decision that’s made in America.
Own it! It’s your fault.
There is no chance you guys would believe this threat on its face if it appeared to come from the right.
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How YOUR 401k Savings are being used to turn our biggest brands woke - as revealed by ex-Anheuser-Busch exec who shows how you can fight back at the cash registers

Anson Frericks is a co-founder of Strive Asset Management and a former Anheuser-Busch executive

Every day it seems that another iconic American brand has marched head-on into the furious buzzsaw of public controversy.

They're not alone. Nike, Calvin Klein, North Face and even the Los Angeles Dodgers have been criticized for wading into America's culture wars. What is going on? Why is it that companies that were once happy to sell clothes and beverages and nostalgia to Americans of all political stripes are now appearing to take sides in contentious political fights?

The answer is simple - follow the money.
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Jane Fonda blames 'White men' for climate crisis, calls to 'arrest and jail' them


No matter the issue, it’s all your fault. Even if it was crazy left wingers that were responsible for the bomb threat, it’s still your fault! Climate change, bomb threats to Target, the Derek Dooley years….all of it! It’s your fault!

Hanoi Jane strikes again.

Jane Fonda was handed a helmet. She had visited a number of North Vietnamese propaganda photo-ops with one of the last being an anti-aircraft battery. Communist propagandists were delighted when she happily took the headgear and gladly sat down and peered through the gun’s iron sights. Click, click click went the cameras. Fonda was yucking it up with her handlers. She smiled throughout her visit. One of the photos was her with her fingers in her ears and her shoulders arched up. Oh, loud noises. Americans dying. All good fun. Click click continued the cameras. That last photo framed her tone-deaf visit. Hanoi Jane was born.

Hanoi Jane: 'White Men and White-Man Racism Are to Blame for Climate Change'
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"There's no secret conspiracy agenda to push LGBT messaging, you bunch of bigots! Its just all of the most powerful multinational corporations deciding all at once, even in the face of boycotts, to push LGBT messaging! Totally different!"

What's the purpose of this secret conspiracy agenda in your eyes?
"There's no secret conspiracy agenda to push LGBT messaging, you bunch of bigots! Its just all of the most powerful multinational corporations deciding all at once, even in the face of boycotts, to push LGBT messaging! Totally different!"

Loosen up your tinfoil hat. These companies are doing this in an attempt to make $$$ and not some convulted LGBT plot. Some strategies hit while others miss.

Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are 4 of the most woke companies on the planet and have been during the bulk of their entire existence. And they are worth over 8 trillion dollars combined....
Loosen up your tinfoil hat. These companies are doing this in an attempt to make $$$ and not some convulted LGBT plot. Some strategies hit while others miss.

Apple, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon are 4 of the most woke companies on the planet and have been during the bulk of their entire existence. And they are worth over 8 trillion dollars combined....

Yeah good point. Those companies owe all their success to their LGBT messaging. Nothing else. Makes sense if you don't think about it.

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