TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

Target’s Marketing VP also Works for Organization Pushing Transgender Agenda in Schools › American Greatness

"Target donates to GLSEN every year, with the most recent one being roughly $2.1 million. "

Target is basically a shell corporation for Big Transgender. Why else would the spend 2.1 million on pushing Trans agenda in schools? What does that have to do with selling dry goods?

Even if we take this on its face, how does this demonstrate an agenda to make your kids gay? Their specified mission is to protect LGBTQ kids from bullying and harassment. These dots do not connect for the non-conspiratorial-minded who like to rely on actual evidence.
Where are you drawing this conclusion from? This makes no sense based on any point I've made.

Because I assume you are married and I don't want any BS about "I'm a married man, so no." You didn't answer the question and you are engaging in bad faith until you do.

I don't choose to be more attracted to curvier older women as I got older. It just happened. You are right that preferences change over time, but why does that mean it's a choice? You've made about a dozen non-sequitur conclusions in this convo.

I hated mushrooms as a kid because they tasted gross to me. Now they taste good to me. I did not choose this. IDK if there is technically "a gene" for that or not, but it's not a choice.

No it doesn't. How?

My boy is scrambling because he just found out he's a little bit queer.

This whole exchange was hilarious to read. Thank you.

Any other straight men in here willing to also claim they chose to be attracted to women? Seriously. If any other straight men here agree with this, please respond.
This whole exchange was hilarious to read. Thank you.

Any other straight men in here willing to also claim they chose to be attracted to women? Seriously. If any other straight men here agree with this, please respond.
Hell no. I told my mom's coworker she was pretty, to her face, when I was 5 years old. I didn't choose anything. It's not a choice.
Hell no. I told my mom's coworker she was pretty, to her face, when I was 5 years old. I didn't choose anything. It's not a choice.

My Dad took me to a boat show when I was like 5 or 6. He let go of my hand to get a drink from the vending machine. He found me three booths away following a jiggly booty in a bikini. This was before the era of Target selling them with dong pouches in them... I think...
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There it is.

I would bet all my $ that church people have diddled 100x more kids than LGBTQ activists, but here you are picking on the people you hate.

Not a fan of Catholic priests either, or their church covering for them, I am absolutely anti all kid diddling by any group.....including the GOP blackmailed pedo's. I didn't forget about the "Conspiracy of Silence" documentary the Bush cronies GOP went to great lengths to get pulled form the discovery channel, and even reprinted the TV guide to erase it. I have a healthy respect in fact for the LGB groups opposing transitioning and mutilating kids. Not a particular fan of organized religion in general, it's just another form collectivism. I think smaller churches and home churches are still best. I am sure you are right about the 100x given that less then 5% of the population usually identifies as homosexual, or trans until they got political victim card status, not sure what that proves though. Unless someone is absolute scum I can not imagine why anyone of ANY political persuasion, ethnic group, or sexual orientation would not join in trying to put a stop to the predation and abuse of kids. Likewise when people make an excuse for such abuses regardless of the background of the guilty, I can not take any other opinion they have seriously. At the point you have defended the abuse of children, all other things you have to say cease to have any validation morally. That's a line NO one should cross, and no one should be okay with. This movement is literally pushing kids into disfiguring medical procedures, that are irreversible and a 40% plus suicide rate. There's a lot of people who do identify as gay etc who also have a huge problem with that. Often times they themselves were victims of child abuse. But so many of you get a knee jerk reaction to defend something that should be universally seen as evil, just because big media told you to.
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Not a fan of Catholic priests either, or their church covering for them, I am absolutely anti all kid diddling by any group.....including the GOP blackmailed pedo's. I didn't forget about the "conspiracy of silence" documentary the Bush cronies GOP went to great lengths to get pulled form the discovery channel, and even reprinted the TV guide to erase it. I have a healthy respect in fact for the LGB groups opposing transitioning and mutilating kids. Not a particular fan of organized religion in general, it's just another form collectivism. I think smaller churches and home churches are still best. I am sure you are right about the 100x given that less then 5% of the population usually identifies as homosexual, or trans until they got political victim card status Not sure what that proves though. Unless someone is absolute scum I can not imagine why anyone of ANY political persuasion, ethnic group, or sexual orientation would not join in trying to put a stop to the predation and abuse of kids. Likewise when people make an excuse for such abuses regardless of the background of the guilty, I can not take any other opinion they have seriously. That's a line NO one should cross, and no one should be okay with. This movement is literally pushing kids into disfiguring medical procedures, that are irreversible and a 40% plus suicide rate. There's a lot of people who do identify as gay etc who also have a huge problem with that. But so many of you get a knee jerk reaction to defend something that should be universally seen as evil, just because big media told you to.

It's not just Catholics, but I don't see you picking on Catholics (because that would be wrong) like you are picking on LGBTQ.

The churches with hierarchical structure are the ones where it's easy to see these problems, but it's a problem in all denominations. Anecdotally, I know too many people who got abused because of association with non-Catholic churches and the BSA (before it went gay), including one of my closest friends and a sibling. IDK anybody who got abused by LGBTQ supporters.
It's not just Catholics, but I don't see you picking on Catholics (because that would be wrong) like you are picking on LGBTQ.

The churches with hierarchical structure are the ones where it's easy to see these problems, but it's a problem in all denominations. Anecdotally, I know too many people who got abused because of association with non-Catholic churches and the BSA (before it went gay), including one of my closest friends and a sibling. IDK anybody who got abused by LGBTQ supporters.
Yep. I've never heard of any child being abused at a drag queen story hour or drag show. A bunch have been abused in a variety of churches, though.

But it's much easier to position a minority group as the great existential threat to children.
Target has donated 2.1M over 10 years to GLSEN.

As a percentage of charitable giving, this amount is .09% of the total given by Target to all charities over the past 10 years. 99.91% of their donations go to other charities.

As a percentage of Target's $821.2 billion revenue over the past 10 years, this $2.1 represents .00025% of their total revenues. That means 99.99975% of their revenue went elsewhere.

Yeah, a real shell company....
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Target has donated 2.1M over 10 years to GLSEN.

As a percentage of charitable giving, this amount is .09% of the total given by Target to all charities over the past 10 years. 99.91% of their donations go to other charities.

As a percentage of Target's $821.2 billion revenue over the past 10 years, this $2.1 represents .00025% of their total revenues. That means 99.99975% of their revenue went elsewhere.

Yeah, a real shell company....

Doesn't get me riled up about the libruls and the gays, boring.
Target has donated 2.1M over 10 years to GLSEN.

As a percentage of charitable giving, this amount is .09% of the total given by Target to all charities over the past 10 years. 99.91% of their donations go to other charities.

As a percentage of Target's $821.2 billion revenue over the past 10 years, this $2.1 represents .00025% of their total revenues. That means 99.99975% of their revenue went elsewhere.

Yeah, a real shell company....
I haven't read up on the alleged trans stuff GLSEN is involved with (I will), but back in the day their primary focus was GSAs. Those do a lot of good and have had an impact on reducing LGBT bullying in schools. Unless it has significantly changed, it's not a nefarious organization.
What in god's name are you talking about? You don't know who you are talking to right now. I was for abolishing the FBI when you guys were licking boots and supporting the PATRIOT Act

I never supported the Patriot Act, you have me confused clearly with some other "you guys". I said it was unconstitutional and a power grab from the start. I have been accused as being radical left, and radical right while holding the same positions over a couple of decades. I am only radically in favor of constitutional law, and individualism. I absolutely supported people to marry whom ever they want etc. I just find it ironic how easily you've been pulled into supporting a new billion dollar industry for pharma, and medical procedures to harm kids just because your politically correct masters told you to.

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I haven't read up on the alleged trans stuff GLSEN is involved with (I will), but back in the day their primary focus was GSAs. Those do a lot of good and have had an impact on reducing LGBT bullying in schools. Unless it has significantly changed, it's not a nefarious organization.

I'm not opining on the services that GLSEN provides. My point is that its an incredibly miniscule amount of Target's revenue and charitable giving.

Even on its 990, what GLSEN receives from Target is under the 2% threshold that requires disclosure (2020 and 2021)....
I never supported the Patriot Act, you have me confused clearly with some other "you guys". I said it was unconstitutional and a power grab from the start. I have been accused as being radical left, and radical right while holding the same positions over a couple of decades. I am only radically in favor of constitutional law, and individualism. I absolutely supported people to marry whom ever they want etc. I just find it ironic how easily you've been pulled into supporting a new billion dollar industry for pharma, and medical procedures to harm kids just because your politically correct masters told you to.

You can say whatever you want because you don't have the post history to back it one way or another, but I'm talking about all you guys who recently turned on the FBI.

Forgive me for not giving credibility to the guy who claims to be for individualism while attacking LGBTQ as a group with insane conspiratorial garbage.

I have no idea what you're talking about with the last part, but apparently you didn't learn your lesson when you made assumptions about me in your last post.
You can say whatever you want because you don't have the post history to back it one way or another, but I'm talking about all you guys who recently turned on the FBI.

Forgive me for not giving credibility to the guy who claims to be for individualism while attacking LGBTQ as a group with insane conspiratorial garbage.

I have no idea what you're talking about with the last part, but apparently you didn't learn your lesson when you made assumptions about me in your last post.

"Look at all you Johnny-come-lately anti-FBI posers! If you were cool like me, you would've hated the FBI a long time ago! You've only hated them for 9 years! I hated them at least 10 years ago! Noobs!" So damn petty.

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