TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

The 14th Amendment, so called "equal protection," was the part of the Constitution that destroyed segregation. You can't sort citizens by race, sex, etc.

As far as marriage goes, it's a lifestyle choice. The govt has no business being involved. Govt should leave citizens alone in lifestyle choices that harm no one. Want to wear a dress? Enjoy. Want to wear a tie? Enjoy. Want to groom my child online? Wait just a damn minute.

Ask yourself why you WANT govt involved in marriage? I WANT govt involved in protecting me, my family, etc but what is the protection that being involved in marriage provides?

Govt isn't in the "let's run people's lives" business.
There's property law, and prevention of child marriage and marriages done under false pretenses. Otherwise anything between consenting and competent adults should be free.
It takes one as astute of law(s) as you for others to recognize,

There's one earlier-prior law on the books --

Mark 10:6However, from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’b 7‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,c 8and the two will become one flesh.’d So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

Let's you and I be sure to let there be no misunderstanding among earthly nations: "male and female"

And the Bible does not govern in this country.

It did at the time of the founding of Harvard Univ. And, it does for some still today --

(a) i.e. your "And" signifies you agree with what the Bible says on the matter (‘God made them male and female.’ )

(b) God's word (the Bible) is what governs the minds, activities and lives of members of the church

e.g. the church gathers to eat of the Lord's Supper (a remembrance of the body and blood of Christ on the cross (death, burial and resurrection) = one bread and once cup = one body and one blood = one sacrifice, once-and-for-all, for everyone

c. regarding (b) -- you recognize that we're speaking of "the church" (not some other nation, such as the nation of Israel)

This now brings us to

d. Does the New Testament portion of the Bible govern the minds, activities and lives of the nation of Israel ? If so, in what ways ?
20You must not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife and thus defile yourself with her.
22You must not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination.

I thought we need not follow those OT rules.

Adultery (as wrong) is also spoken about in the NT.

Target could easily choose to fly a flag or print clothing with explanations from ; if so, this could be one of the flags it flies --

What does the New Testament say about homosexuality? |
The Bible is consistent through both Old and New Testaments in confirming that homosexuality is sin (Genesis 19:1–13; Leviticus 18:22; 20:13; Romans 1:26–27; 1 Corinthians 6:9; 1 Timothy 1:10; Jude 1:7). In this matter, the New Testament reinforces what the Old Testament had declared since the Law was given to Moses (Leviticus 20:13). The difference between the Old and New Testaments is that the New Testament offers hope and restoration to those caught up in the sin of homosexuality through the redeeming power of Jesus. It is the same hope that is offered to anyone who chooses to accept it (John 1:12; 3:16–18).
And the Bible does not govern in this country.

imo / based upon New Testament scripture, Christians need to pay attention to what is being said here ^^ --

Colossians 3:16, Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

On this matter, pay attention to what Jesus said (these are ancient, true and wise words, honored, respected and adhered to by the people of God -- context: "God made them male and female"):

Mark 10:6However, from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’b 7‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,c 8and the two will become one flesh.’d So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”
And the Bible does not govern in this country.

Early on, persons of this country sought the ways of Christ and his church (as per New Testament scripture). Look at what they would have recognized that Jesus said about "male and female" --

Mark 10:6However, from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’b 7‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,c 8and the two will become one flesh.’d So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

18th century
The early motto of Harvard was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae, meaning "Truth for Christ and the Church".
History of Harvard University - Wikipedia
Early on, persons of this country sought the ways of Christ and his church (as per New Testament scripture). Look at what they would have recognized that Jesus said about "male and female" --

Mark 10:6However, from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’b 7‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife,c 8and the two will become one flesh.’d So they are no longer two, but one flesh. 9Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.”

18th century
The early motto of Harvard was Veritas Christo et Ecclesiae, meaning "Truth for Christ and the Church".
History of Harvard University - Wikipedia

Nonetheless, this country is not and never has been governed by the Bible. The Bible quotes do not alter that fact.

We actually don't know who sent the threats. We know who the anonymous party claims to be. It's probably more disingenuous to take the claim as fact than it is to exclude it from the headline. The headline doesn't mislead at all. It does get you to click. On a scale of 0-10 of things that make the media "garbage", this is a 1. Hold right-wingy clickbait to the same standard, Benji.
We actually don't know who sent the threats. We know who the anonymous party claims to be. It's probably more disingenuous to take the claim as fact than it is to exclude it from the headline. The headline doesn't mislead at all. It does get you to click. On a scale of 0-10 of things that make the media "garbage", this is a 1. Hold right-wingy clickbait to the same standard, Benji.

Tpyical hand waving from you. In reality, the headline should at least acknowledge who the anonymous party has claimed to be.

I would bet my kid's college fund that if it was an anonymous person claiming to be affiliated with the proud boys, in some capacity the headline would contain the words "proud boys" somewhere within.
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We actually don't know who sent the threats. We know who the anonymous party claims to be. It's probably more disingenuous to take the claim as fact than it is to exclude it from the headline. The headline doesn't mislead at all. It does get you to click. On a scale of 0-10 of things that make the media "garbage", this is a 1. Hold right-wingy clickbait to the same standard, Benji.

Having the work "removed" in the headline would give perspective and context. It is just one word with 7 letters.
Having the work "removed" in the headline would give perspective and context. It is just one word with 7 letters.

We've already determined that the threats were a hoax. There were no bombs placed anywhere, as was claimed, so why conclude that certain parts of the threats can be taken on their face? It's a fkn hoax from anonymous person(s). An accurate headline would actually have to include all of that, if we're being fair.

They want the click. That's how you get a click. They can't pay the bills without getting the click. It's the nature of the business model now. Calling them "hot ****ing garbage" for doing what everybody does, often in very misleading ways, is a joke. He knows and understands the business model.
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Why do you think it's ridiculous? It's becoming obvious that a good portion of the populace is sick and tired of all the gay pride events being shoved down peoples throats. It's starting to cost companies big money, and who wants to be the next Bud Light or Target?
Not surprised at your answer. Very troubling you leftists want 5 year olds exposed to grown men in g strings
So I don’t put much faith in the intelligence of the right BUT in your little mind do you just think drag queens walk into schools or libraries unannounced and just sit down and start telling kids stories? Do you think that maybe, just maybe they’ve been invited? Instead of using your fake outrage on drag queens, why don’t you raise hell on the people or places that invite them?
I won’t be able to sleep at night.

Yeah, it makes no difference to my life, I just can't believe the pushback on giving the gays a day is so strong that it makes more sense to not give the gays a day. This is America in 2023. In this case, we have regressed because of fear and/or hate. Either explanation is stupid.
Yeah, it makes no difference to my life, I just can't believe the pushback on giving the gays a day is so strong that it makes more sense to not give the gays a day. This is America in 2023. In this case, we have regressed because of fear and/or hate. Either explanation is stupid.

Everything I disagree with is hate!
Yeah, it makes no difference to my life, I just can't believe the pushback on giving the gays a day is so strong that it makes more sense to not give the gays a day. This is America in 2023. In this case, we have regressed because of fear and/or hate. Either explanation is stupid.
If I was gay, then every day would be my day.
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So I don’t put much faith in the intelligence of the right BUT in your little mind do you just think drag queens walk into schools or libraries unannounced and just sit down and start telling kids stories? Do you think that maybe, just maybe they’ve been invited? Instead of using your fake outrage on drag queens, why don’t you raise hell on the people or places that invite them?
How about both? How about if a drag performer walks out and there are kids they refuse to perform? I know that may be a lot for your little communist brain to comprehend but give it a shot
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How about both? How about if a drag performer walks out and there are kids they refuse to perform? I know that may be a lot for your little communist brain to comprehend but give it a shot

The guy pushing against the nanny state is not the communist here.

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