TARGET Unveils Pride Collection That Includes LGBT Rainbow Onesies For Newborns

Did your views change after a Road To Damascus moment, or was it a slow osmosis?

I guess you could say it was an epiphany where I asked myself wtf I even go to church, and I never went back. Agnosticism came slowly. It was a bunch of questions about scripture that made me realize I'm not sure I believe in the God I was raised on. The flood. Bears killing 42 kids bc they called a prophet "bald." Etc. I can't reconcile Jesus' teachings with the God of the OT, moreso than anything.
I guess you could say it was an epiphany where I asked myself wtf I even go to church, and I never went back. Agnosticism came slowly. It was a bunch of questions about scripture that made me realize I'm not sure I believe in the God I was raised on. The flood. Bears killing 42 kids bc they called a prophet "bald." Etc. I can't reconcile Jesus' teachings with the God of the OT, moreso than anything.

It sounds like you might like the bible that founding father Thomas Jefferson put together.
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and they also believed in segregation. where is that in the good book?

And King David committed adultery AND murdered --

listen: people sin, AND the word of God stands ; i.e. someone (Nathan) visited King David, told him of his sins, then David recognized his sins and repented of his sins and then David proceeded to teach us to refrain from sin (repent and turn) ;

e.g. (just as Moses had instructed King David, who have instructed us)

20And you shall not lie sexually with your neighbor’s wife and so make yourself unclean with her.
22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
and they also believed in segregation. where is that in the good book?

taunting the truth did not get Goliath anywhere, no matter how big he was or thought he was --

Again: King David knew better (just as they could read the Bible and learn that color-of-skin segregation is not justified Biblically << the Bible warned them about the pitfalls of segregation JUST AS the Bible warns us about adultery and homosexuality) ;

King David was tempted by his own lusts just as they were tempted by their own lusts of segregation (right, lust); he was told of his sins ; he repented.
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and they also believed in segregation. where is that in the good book?

the Bible is opposed to color-of-skin segregation (fortunately, men like MLKJr helped remind us of this fact) ; they were obviously tempted by their own lusts

14But each one is tempted when by his own evil desires he is lured away and enticed. 15Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

the "birth" occurs after the desire/lust << you can see this in the context of Leviticus 18

20And you shall not lie sexually with your neighbor’s wife and so make yourself unclean with her.
22 You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.
and they also believed in segregation. where is that in the good book?

Is yours a photo of T. Roosevelt / and what is it about his photo-image that you are trying to portray to the character and likeness of your UserName ?

Can you imagine T. Roosevelt involving himself in a parade of persons dressed in dragg , drapped in flag of colors meant to represent that 'right' ?

i.e. by his own writings and deeds ("patterns"), how would he have related the rainbow flag to morality and righteousness ?

Look --

"All this, then, leads to at least two lessons 21st-century Christians might learn from Theodore Roosevelt. Positively, believers can be inspired by Roosevelt’s stress on righteousness and morality."

Lessons from the Faith of Theodore Roosevelt on the Centennial of His Death (

"While Christian historians can never know with certainty if people from the past were truly born again, they can point to patterns in people’s lives."
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and they also believed in segregation. where is that in the good book?

"He (T.R.) likely would not have reacted well if someone had questioned the authenticity of his faith or pointed out that he was departing from important doctrines that had defined orthodox Christianity for centuries."
and they also believed in segregation. where is that in the good book?

regarding your rendetion (in orange jacket) of T.R. as profile pic (and correct me if that's not T.R.) --

you are likely familiar with T.R.'s beliefs on race and superiority (?)

"Roosevelt “admired individual achievement above all things,”"

“I cannot consent to take the position that the door of hope—the door of opportunity—is to be shut upon any man, no matter how worthy, purely upon the grounds of race or color.”
Conservative Attorneys General Condemn Target for 'Pride' campaign, 'transanity'

Indiana Republican Attorney General Todd Rokita and six other attorneys general condemned Target for the company's LGBT pride campaign, referring to it as "transanity."

In a letter, signed by Attorneys General Tim Griffin of Arkansas, Raul Labrador of Idaho, Lynn Fitch of Mississippi, Daniel Cameron of Kentucky, Andrew Bailey of Missouri, Alan Wilson of South Carolina, and Rokita, the figures accused Target of promoting and selling harmful material to children. It also accused the company of violating its fiduciary duties.

Conservative attorneys general condemn Target for 'Pride' campaign, 'transanity'
Conservative Attorneys General Condemn Target for 'Pride' campaign, 'transanity'

Indiana Republican Attorney General Todd Rokita and six other attorneys general condemned Target for the company's LGBT pride campaign, referring to it as "transanity."

In a letter, signed by Attorneys General Tim Griffin of Arkansas, Raul Labrador of Idaho, Lynn Fitch of Mississippi, Daniel Cameron of Kentucky, Andrew Bailey of Missouri, Alan Wilson of South Carolina, and Rokita, the figures accused Target of promoting and selling harmful material to children. It also accused the company of violating its fiduciary duties.

Conservative attorneys general condemn Target for 'Pride' campaign, 'transanity'


Look, at F.Z. speaking about the protection of young people (VS today, where Corp Am and Pub Schools are throwing it directly to them) --

"give them the type of information (they) need" --

Lev 18:16You must not have sexual relations with your brother’s wife; that would shame your brother.
20You must not lie carnally with your neighbor’s wife and thus defile yourself with her.

22You must not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination.
Target Pride backlash adds to sales woes as culture wars rage in corporate America

CEO Brian Cornell said “negative reaction” to the retailer’s Pride merchandise hurt sales and contributed to the disappointing quarterly results that the company reported Wednesday.

But Cornell stood by the decisions both to celebrate Pride month and to take some items off of shelves or move them to other places in the store after customer backlash. He said the company saw behavior by some shoppers in June that “caused our teams to feel unsafe at work.”

“We certainly saw some angry guests that were intimidating our team members and damaging merchandise and defacing some of the signage,” he said on a call with reporters. “Once we took those actions and addressed the situation, we certainly saw things normalize and we certainly think we took the right steps during that moment in time.”
Some say that companies don't care about politics, their moves are always calculated towards business.
Well if Target did this to increase sales it was a very dumb move
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