1. Partly, wasn't it also about the Britons lowering the taxes on East India Tea with the intent of increasing sales for the struggling company, which led to a drop in sales for American companies? I may be wrong, but that's the version I have heard most often (surprisingly) I guess I either have had great or crazy teachers.
I'm not attempting to describe what the original tea party was about - just the lamo criticisms the critics used. I heard/read many criticisms where the critic described the original BTP this way then went on to explain why yesterday's were dumb because the situation (as they described it) leading to the original are not true today.
3. Not in my town, at least the signs I saw. They were hanging upside down American flags on Bart Gordan's office (leaving the Republican headquarters alone. Again, at least from what I saw) and holding signs referencing the Saudi king and Obama the communist. The people that were on message seemed vastly outnumbered, but Murfreesboro is obviously not indicative of the entirety of the protests. I didn't see any out and out racism, but that doesn't mean it wasn't there. It doesn't mean it was either.