I'm continually entertained by critics that:
1. Make up what they think the events were about then trash their own version (e.g. the original BTP was about taxation without representation - don't these morons know they have representation? Duh.)
2. Claim it's not a grassroots movement - it's orchestrated. No crap sherlock of course it's organized just like the Million Man March was, just like all those war protests were. Unless all the attendees were paid to attend, it still qualifies to be called grassroots as much as any of those other events do.
3. It's simply hate-mongering, racists who hate Obama and poor people. Wrong again. The vast majority of signs were about irresponsible tax and spend actions of Congress and the White House --- coincidentally the purpose of the events. Wow. How did that happen.
4. References to attendees as whiners, sore losers, etc. Interesting that these comments come from many who screamed bloody murder about anything the previous administration did.