
The question doesn't matter in the first place. Are they a private entity? If yes, then they should be protected by the bill of rights and enjoy control of speech on their platform.
Without any liability or responsibility for the content posted on their platforms?

Libel & defamation come into play if they’re a publisher.
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Without any liability or responsibility for the content posted on their platforms?

Libel & defamation come into play if they’re a publisher.

Are you responsible for what guests say in your house? Do you have a right to control speech in your house?
What doesn’t Google have to follow the laws as they are written?

Are you an anarchist?

Yeah, I am kind of an anarchist, but that's beside the point.

I'm talking about what's proper and I'm talking about the bill of rights. You are talking about how the law is currently enforced, which as we all know, flies in the face of the constitution in a thousands ways, and has little to do with what's proper.

Do you have a right to control speech on your property, yes or no?
Yeah, I am kind of an anarchist, but that's beside the point.

I'm talking about what's proper and I'm talking about the bill of rights. You are talking about how the law is currently enforced, which as we all know, flies in the face of the constitution in a thousands ways, and has little to do with what's proper.

Do you have a right to control speech on your property, yes or no?

I’m not interested in talking to a fence post. You never legitimately consider anyone else’s opinion.

No need to post anything else in this thread @Wafflestomper, this was, and is, the only one that matters.

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