Ted Wheller just said he's concerned about violence in Oregon from...

Trump has made, and continues to make, comments that can fairly be read to justify or even celebrate violence so long as it supports him.

I've been saying this for the better part of two decades on VN: the demographics of the country are changing and people feel threatened by it. The phenomenon of Trump and his rabid supporters is a manifestation of that and the country just had to endure it. True conservatives, if they want to have a viable political party and path forward after this, need to stop using race and ethnicity as a proxy for "be afraid of the poor."

GOP support of people like Trump are their own worst enemy in the long term.

Just ignorant. You cant even compare the small handful of people that supposedly cause violence. your comrads are getting pallets of bricks and weapons dropped of at certain staging areas for violence. Are you really this out of touch? Or are you hust a complete leftist hack? You're reality is that of Biden's
White supremacists exist. I KNOW they exist, but they are far... FAR less of a threat to America than Antifa & BLM mainly because they are few in number and nobody takes them seriously. Unfortunatly, there's a wave of young people who think supporting BLM & Antifa is cool. They want to be part of a revolution, but they are ignorant and they don't understand what they are asking for. They don't understand what they are destroying or why and what they think they understand, is a lie.

Police brutality is not a major problem and there's nothing wrong with being a white kid with successful parents who worked their whole life to leave their kids with a brighter future than their own.

You can't provide stats or facts to marxists. They reject them
He's the Mayor of Portland. Not the Governor of Oregon. The Governor of Oregon is Kate Brown. I would say "Try to keep up." but that would be childish and unnecessarily disrespectful.

Oh come on...give it a shot. He won't even realize you did it.
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Just ignorant. You cant even compare the small handful of people that supposedly cause violence. your comrads are getting pallets of bricks and weapons dropped of at certain staging areas for violence. Are you really this out of touch? Or are you hust a complete leftist hack? You're reality is that of Biden's

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Trump has made, and continues to make, comments that can fairly be read to justify or even celebrate violence so long as it supports him.

I've been saying this for the better part of two decades on VN: the demographics of the country are changing and people feel threatened by it. The phenomenon of Trump and his rabid supporters is a manifestation of that and the country just had to endure it. True conservatives, if they want to have a viable political party and path forward after this, need to stop using race and ethnicity as a proxy for "be afraid of the poor."

GOP support of people like Trump are their own worst enemy in the long term.

And yet, Trump seems to be polling higher with Black and Hispanic Americans at record levels for a Republican presidential candidate. The reality is that Trump's Republican party is more black, brown, more populist and blue collar, more law and order while getting rid of the neocons and the industrial warmongers. What will be left of the Dems is the fascists, police statists and rabid socialists. Good luck with that.
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Fascism is an extreme RIGHT WING ideology. Read a book

I wouldn't describe Hitler or Moussilini as fiscally conservative or strict interpreters of the law unless you are describing the "right wing" as white supremacists and war mongers. Progressive Democrats have gotten the US into just as many if not more wars than the "right wing". You should read a non-fiction book
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I wouldn't describe Hitler or Moussilini as fiscally conservative or strict interpreters of the law unless you are describing the "right wing" as white supremacists and war mongers. Progressive Democrats have gotten the US into just as many if not more wars than the "right wing". You should read a non-fiction book
My post was 100% accurate. I've read more non-fiction books in a single year than you have in your entire life
Trump has made, and continues to make, comments that can fairly be read to justify or even celebrate violence so long as it supports him.

I've been saying this for the better part of two decades on VN: the demographics of the country are changing and people feel threatened by it. The phenomenon of Trump and his rabid supporters is a manifestation of that and the country just had to endure it. True conservatives, if they want to have a viable political party and path forward after this, need to stop using race and ethnicity as a proxy for "be afraid of the poor."

GOP support of people like Trump are their own worst enemy in the long term.

And Democrats haven't?
My post was 100% accurate. I've read more non-fiction books in a single year than you have in your entire life

Clearly you haven't, I have a master's in history boy wonder. You don't know the first thing about Hitler or Moussilini to make such an idiotic statement. What is your "highly intelligent" definition of "right wing"?

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