How generous of you.
Also told you that you ignored the fact he sought to be employed at UT but was ignored.
I "ignored" this because the person who "ignored" him previously was no longer there. Speaking of "assuming and presuming about something you don't know about." You have no idea if this played into his decision at all.
But you insist on assuming and presuming about something you don't know about.
You either failed to comprehend what I said, or you're reading words that aren't there. What I said was: "For me personally, it isn't just that he turned down UT, but who he chose to coach for *instead of* UT. He professes to be VFL, yet he turned down UT to coach for the man who set his alma mater back several years at least."
It is a fact that he turned down UT. It is a fact that he chose to coach for USC & Lane Kiffin. This isn't assuming and/or presuming anything. These are facts. He could have chosen to coach at UT, which would have put him very close to his kids, but he ultimately chose to coach at USC, which is on the other side of the country from his kids. Again, this is a fact. Nothing is assumed or presumed in any of this.
Seriously, how do people like you get to be the way you are? It's like you just can't stand the thought of NOT arguing with someone, so you pick a post and ignore the content that is actually there while responding to content that you whip up in that scrambled brain of yours.
But now I'd say, Tee, stay away to avoid more hating already evident.
Hating? Who said anything about hating him? Again, you show your inability to simply discuss/respond to what was said, and instead fabricate things to respond to in order to justify your soiled panties being all bunched up.
You're likely one of those tools who gets on facebook every other day and makes post after post thanking all their "haters" for giving them their motivation. I'm starting to become upset with myself for even responding to your nonsense in the first place.
I hope Tee never comes to the UT and becomes extremely successful elsewhere. Too many snots here
This is the perfect example of how ridiculous you are. Because a handful of people on a website said some things that made you all butt-hurt and immediately require telephone pole-sized tampons, you want Tee to never come to UT.
I am officially upset w/myself for responding to such lunacy.