Tenn Fans: How would you grade your position units Nationally? (from a Duck)

What are the minimum number of posts required to start a thread? I'm not suggesting it is a bad post, but OP doesn't appear to have been here long.

Edit: I see a thanks to Freak, maybe this is an exception.

Thats the good part about allowing other teams fans to post here. They do not know a lot about our team so as good sportsmen or good fans its our chance to tell them about Tennessee.
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And I agree with you buddy, that is why I ranked them a "B" last year, and a "B+" for guessing on this year.

I think you, along with many others, got confused with one of your own fans, posting his detail grades of Tenn, but made the mistake of copying and pasting "Oregon" at the top of it. I easily figured out he was not grading Oregon because his rankings were way off, plus at the end of it, it said, "jury still out on in game coaching too", as I had said- and he was only echoing me on that one point for you all too there. So anyways, even though it headed the listing with "Oregon", that is just a typo, it is really his feelings on Tenn... Though I cannot speak for him, does this clear it up?

I like this guy. Him and GoDucks349 are top notch. Very hospitable.

I imagine a phrase Roy Hibbert would use should go somewhere in this post.
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Cs, Ds, Bs all over. Didn't you guys finish ranked second in the nation last year. A bit conservative IMO.
To be honest, I think our success has WAY more to do with our system(coaching/designs/plans) then it does the raw skill of our players. Back 2 years ago, many were saying LaMichael James was more a product of our system/Offense then his raw skill. Actually, I agreed. I thought he was good, very good, but not the best back in the country raw skill wise. It is our system that puts guys into space. Even on D, we have a very good coach. And over-all, they have been at Oregon more in total, more years, then any other CFB program- our coaching staff. We actually do not get a lot of elite recruits, save only a couple small fast playmakers every year. But is our system and coaching them up/ training which makes them shine, ie takes best advantage of their talents. LMJ has done nothing with SanFran 49ers. But place him in the right system,(like ours) and he shines. Also, people just do not realize how good of a Strength Coach we have. He is way diff then any other one out there. We do not build our team for power, that is not our system or way. We build it for speed. As with Bama, we are a run first team. But we just go about it totally differently. But both are very good at it, at their own system and elite in the Nation. We just do not have the type of players to play that way, power I ect... We invent other ways to take use of what we do have. And so far it has worked for us. I really wish we got to play Bama to see how we could of done. I really think we match up well vs Bama(last year) Perhaps this year we may get our chance...

In the past we were small and lean/ fast. Now these last few years we are tall and lean/fast(according to the Virginia Head coach I heard yesterday)
And yes, I may of been under-rating some of our positions in raw skill, as i am sure if I had posted that Oregon board they would of crucified me. But I was being honest, and I watch way more CFB all around the country then they do...And I can easily be unbiased...But at the end of the day, only one team can say they accomplished more then us the last 3 years, Bama. However, we have won more games then them in that same time frame... It would of been nice to actually get to play them...January 2014 cannot get here soon enough to be able to look up and see if we made it to the Natty and who we are facing...For us, like last year, it's Natty or bust.
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Show me once where i said our D was best in the Nation?
Go back and read my posts, any of them, and show me once where i typed anything you claimed. Please in the future, do not misquote me or put words in my mouth. But since you(not I) brought it up, I think our D, overall(as I was just ranking certain position groups, not overall) is heavily under-rated. In the past, our D has been pretty good, if one looks at the best measurement for UO, YARDS PER PLAY. Why? Well, as you know, UO scores so quickly. Thus, like our game last weekend, spending only 20 mins on Offense, but 40 mins on Defense, the more time one is out on the field on D, the more yards/points one gives up= common sense. I did not rank in any of my posts UO's overall D for this year or last. But if asked, I probably would of given it OVERALL, a B last year and maybe a B- or C+ for coming into this year. Why is I think our LB's are going to be 3 or 4, or 5 notches worse then the ones we had last year. (all our good LB's went to the NFL). So please in the future, do not put words into my mouth.
Dude I took your quote, "This year A-(even though been called best in Nation by almost all sports writers)" as being your overall rating for your D, my bad if that's not was intended. Not my first mistake in life wont be my last. That said, Oregon's D in your best year with whatever NFL caliber players you have is still a midrange SEC D. The Pac12 just does not play the fast AND physical D that happens in the SEC. Just check your recent record against the better SEC teams, every time you get on the field with a Bama or LSU, you get steamrolled out the stadium by a basic SEC playbook on D ... they don't even have to do the tricky stuff ... granted you have a very good D for the PAC12.
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i could sit here and pretend to be nice and hospitable. bur i remember your players talking smack to our fans and grandstanding last game, as we got our rears whipped.

i respect your team and they fought hard and put it to us. and yea we may get our butts hammered again.

but ill never go into a fight thinking we lost it. oregon is down i think. u guys are our adversaries, and i hope we run all over ur pac-10, 12, er whatever hides

oh i give us a B at all pos except qb. a C, he unproven
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The strength of our team is the rbs, OL and def front seven. Those units rate anywhere from a B+ to an A. The rest of the units are hard to say right now including coaching until after this weekend.

UT will run the ball a lot the first half of the season behind a very good OL. North is a very talented WR who will make some noise the last half if he can build some chemistry with Worley.

If we become a team nobody wants to have to play the last 3-4 weeks of the season our fan base will be ecstatic!
Go vols
I would rather read post from fans of other teams on here at times than some of the posts from Vol fans. The truth.
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Did we get a new kicker today or something because there are a lot of people giving our kickers, or excuse me... kicker a good grade when he has been terrible since he's been here. At least he didn't miss an extra point last week though because I think we missed one in just about every game last year.
Dude I took your quote, "This year A-(even though been called best in Nation by almost all sports writers)" as being your overall rating for your D, my bad if that's not was intended. Not my first mistake in life wont be my last. That said, Oregon's D in your best year with whatever NFL caliber players you have is still a midrange SEC D. The Pac12 just does not play the fast AND physical D that happens in the SEC. Just check your recent record against the better SEC teams, every time you get on the field with a Bama or LSU, you get steamrolled out the stadium by a basic SEC playbook on D ... they don't even have to do the tricky stuff ... granted you have a very good D for the PAC12.
A) We have not played Bama(at least even semi recently-or ever). And I do agree that the D is better in the SEC. Even our former Coach Rich Brooks who started the very accent of Oregon, who also coached later on for Kentucky said, "PAC teams can have the best Offenses and easily hold their own vs the Nation on Offense. But on D, the SEC is superior vs the Nation for one reason- the D-lines." He said, "I do not know if it's cause of the food, or if they just grow them big in the South, but that is the one single thing that the SEC has way better at vs the Nation, D-lines". And You know what, I do easily agree. As I CFB purist, who watches more CFB then 99.89% of America, I do easily agree. BTW

But Remy, come on now. Read my actual words and in their context. You say you are a USC grad, and perhaps because of me admitting that i do not like USC(which I do not) perhaps angered you? But did you also read where I thought USC had the #2 fight song in the U.S ? Dude I have much respect for SC. They held our Conference when most all sucked long ago. But read my actual words buddy. For I wrote that A- for our Secondary grade. And I put in quotes that almost every sports writer has us listed has having the very best secondary in the Nation(which would be a A+) however I gave them the grade(downgrade)(two) of A-. Many of my fellow Ducks would be peeved at me for giving our secondary a A-, but I was just being honest. And you, being from USC, probably are biased, cause your offense, with Lee and Woods, lit us up last year. I DO AGREE!!! However, those two studs were the best WR's in the Nation, and even though, that is why I, against the grain, DOWNGRADED them, to a A-. And keep in mind, many sports writers have said our 2 deep at corner, would start for most teams. And that our 1st deep our the best in the Nation. But yet I gave them a A- grade. Why? Well, in my mind, they played the best, USC, and got lit up, even though their stats, Nationally were #1 in America(for pass breakups and interceptions). Still, USC Burnt us there. That is why.

Be quick not to assume things, or quick to judge. Read, then re-read or else words/context is out of place...
A) We have not played Bama(at least even semi recently-or ever). And I do agree that the D is better in the SEC. Even our former Coach Rich Brooks who started the very accent of Oregon, who also coached later on for Kentucky said, "PAC teams can have the best Offenses and easily hold their own vs the Nation on Offense. But on D, the SEC is superior vs the Nation for one reason- the D-lines." He said, "I do not know if it's cause of the food, or if they just grow them big in the South, but that is the one single thing that the SEC has way better at vs the Nation, D-lines". And You know what, I do easily agree. As I CFB purist, who watches more CFB then 99.89% of America, I do easily agree. BTW

But Remy, come on now. Read my actual words and in their context. You say you are a USC grad, and perhaps because of me admitting that i do not like USC(which I do not) perhaps angered you? But did you also read where I thought USC had the #2 fight song in the U.S ? Dude I have much respect for SC. They held our Conference when most all sucked long ago. But read my actual words buddy. For I wrote that A- for our Secondary grade. And I put in quotes that almost every sports writer has us listed has having the very best secondary in the Nation(which would be a A+) however I gave them the grade(downgrade)(two) of A-. Many of my fellow Ducks would be peeved at me for giving our secondary a A-, but I was just being honest. And you, being from USC, probably are biased, cause your offense, with Lee and Woods, lit us up last year. I DO AGREE!!! However, those two studs were the best WR's in the Nation, and even though, that is why I, against the grain, DOWNGRADED them, to a A-. And keep in mind, many sports writers have said our 2 deep at corner, would start for most teams. And that our 1st deep our the best in the Nation. But yet I gave them a A- grade. Why? Well, in my mind, they played the best, USC, and got lit up, even though their stats, Nationally were #1 in America(for pass breakups and interceptions). Still, USC Burnt us there. That is why.

Be quick not to assume things, or quick to judge. Read, then re-read or else words/context is out of place...

Had Auburn not got ripped in 04' (I think) I believe SC would have one less Trophy in that case. Just my opinion
The strength of our team is the rbs, OL and def front seven. Those units rate anywhere from a B+ to an A. The rest of the units are hard to say right now including coaching until after this weekend.

UT will run the ball a lot the first half of the season behind a very good OL. North is a very talented WR who will make some noise the last half if he can build some chemistry with Worley.

If we become a team nobody wants to have to play the last 3-4 weeks of the season our fan base will be ecstatic!
Go vols
If what you say, from your D, your front 7, then you should totally be in the game.
Vols, could you please grade out your positions for me, from last year to expected this year to compare/contrast if better/worse please. I confess, I do not know anyone on your 2013 team and how you stack up. I will do the same for my Ducks, being completely unbiased(taking my green/yellow glasses off). Please do the same with your team. And do not let the haters tell you, you do not have a chance against Oregon, as you do. As coaching/motivation/passion/gameplan/system all has just as much, if not more to play then player unit talent, I do agree. Please just be honest in your evaluations of talent groupings. And do not give a total "A" unless that unit (that whole group) is perfect. You will see that I am ranking my units under-ranked maybe at times.

IMO, how my Ducks Rank Nationally vs all the other 120+ teams position by position. Please use this same outline perhaps if you desire to share with me your team:


QB: Last year B+
This year A-(though this is just our starter)
O-line: Last year B
This year B+
TE: Last year B
This year B
WR: Last year C-
This year B-
RB: Last year B+
This year B (though we are thin of depth)

D-line: Last year B
This year B
LB'ers: Last year B+
This year D (in time they may prove me wrong though)
DB: Last year B(even though lead Nation in interceptions)
This year A-(even though been called best in Nation by almost all sports writers)

Kickers Last year D
Kickers This year D+


Coaching System Last year A
This year A-(ie exact same system)
Coaching play calling Last year A-
This year- Jury is still out, no one knows???

Keep in mind, I am ranking my units to everyone, Bama-LSU ect, and with every other team Nationally.
Some Ducks may think I am being too hard on some units, but that is just my humble honest opinion/Nationally.

Vols: Please rate your units for me. Thanks!
And VOl FREAK: Thank You Sir

Grades for each overall unit (preseason)

QB's = C
really hard to grade a unit when you haven't really seen anything from any of them. But I think either Worely or Peterman could end up being a solid QB for us this year. make good decisions and dont turn the ball over and we should be fine with either guy.

RB's = B
Rajon Neal is poised to have a break out year in 2013. he has all the physical tools to be a stud speed, size, and quickness Add that to the fact he will be running behind the best Oline in the SEC and we have a recipe for a great year. outside of Georgia you will be hard pressed to find a better backup thn Marlin Lane. Lane is a natural runner with great vision and quickness. If he had the breakaway speed Neal has we would be talking about Lane as one of the best backs in the country.

WR's= C-
At first glance the WR position looks like it could be one of the worst units on the team. Its a very inexperienced group but i think the talent is thr. But just because a player is inexperienced doesn't mean he cant come in and be good right away. Pig is a perfect slot receiver and he will be very productive this season. Croom is a huge target in the red zone and if he has any speed and hands to go with that size we could have a beast on our hands. i also predict North will be starting very early in the season and he is another big target that can run like a deer. If these youngsters can step up and step up fast we could be looking at one of the better groups on the team instead of the worst.

TE's= C
boy would it be nice if Cam Clear wasn't catching passes from Johnny Football and was wearing orange instead. But Downs has shown flashes of being a solid TE and hopefully he can hold down the spot because i dont see anyone behind him being a play maker for us this year.

Oline= A+
Studs beasts animals freaks. by far the best group on the team i expect nothing but greatness from this Oline. a group of vets that will set the tone for our Offense. our seasons depends on these guys living up to the hype and i believe they will.

Offense overall= B-
If we can run the ball and give whoever is behind center time to throw i think we will be a pretty solid offense capable of good things this year. Wont be the explosive O of last year but an O that will be able to sustain long drives and run the ball down the D's throat.

Dline= B
Its an experienced group albeit not the most productive. With the mountain in the middle i think this group will surprise fans this year. Jaq smith will finally start to play like he looks, a beast. Walls, Williams, and Miller are big bodies coming after the QB. behind MCcullers, Couch and Hood will help stuff up the middle for our athletic linebackers to roam free.

LB's= B+
Big Fast Athletes all over our LB core. All SEC LB AJ Johnson will be the rock of this group and the whole defense. When healthy Maggit is an All American type of player. Sapp is the wildcard of this group he is undersized but can run like a deer and i like his ability to make plays other bigger LB cannot. Bynum Harris and Brewer will be more than serviceable backups I like the skills of all 3 and will be able to step in and spell the starters.

Safety= C+
The success of this group will hinge on the health of Brain Randolph and how far along McNeil has come from a year ago. I like BMoores nose for the ball but the kid is just to slow to be a starting safety in the SEC. If healthy Randolph will be a rock for us at the SS position. McNeil needs to step up and play fast like the athlete he is. If we start the season with Bmoore on the field i lower this rating to a C-.

ex termly inexperienced and a sever lack of depth. very nervous about this group in 2013. I like Coleman and have heard good things about Jones but behind those 2 i see no help at all. The loss of Eric Gordon at the nickle will really hurt us. hopefully they will grow up fast and stay healthy or we could be in for a loooooong season.

Defense overall= B
The strong play from the Line backing core as-well as the Dline will cover up some of the weakness in the secondary. As long as we can pressure the QB unlike in years past i think this defense will be fine. nowhere to go but up
QB- C+ (Worley will be fine, unsure about Peterman)
RB- B- (Neal/Lane looking great, and Smith/Hill/Summerhill looking like serviceable backups)
WR- C+ (slot showing promise, looking for an outside/deep threat)
TE- C+ (bodies, but don't know what we have yet)
OL- A (starting 5 and Jackson are more than solid, reserves need experience)
DL- B (lot of bodies, should stay fresh an entire game)
LB- B- (aside from starting 3, don't know what we have yet)
DB- B- (deep at S, thin at CB)

K/P- C+ (we'll see)
Grades for each overall unit (preseason)

QB's = C
really hard to grade a unit when you haven't really seen anything from any of them. But I think either Worely or Peterman could end up being a solid QB for us this year. make good decisions and dont turn the ball over and we should be fine with either guy.

RB's = B
Rajon Neal is poised to have a break out year in 2013. he has all the physical tools to be a stud speed, size, and quickness Add that to the fact he will be running behind the best Oline in the SEC and we have a recipe for a great year. outside of Georgia you will be hard pressed to find a better backup thn Marlin Lane. Lane is a natural runner with great vision and quickness. If he had the breakaway speed Neal has we would be talking about Lane as one of the best backs in the country.

WR's= C-
At first glance the WR position looks like it could be one of the worst units on the team. Its a very inexperienced group but i think the talent is thr. But just because a player is inexperienced doesn't mean he cant come in and be good right away. Pig is a perfect slot receiver and he will be very productive this season. Croom is a huge target in the red zone and if he has any speed and hands to go with that size we could have a beast on our hands. i also predict North will be starting very early in the season and he is another big target that can run like a deer. If these youngsters can step up and step up fast we could be looking at one of the better groups on the team instead of the worst.

TE's= C
boy would it be nice if Cam Clear wasn't catching passes from Johnny Football and was wearing orange instead. But Downs has shown flashes of being a solid TE and hopefully he can hold down the spot because i dont see anyone behind him being a play maker for us this year.

Oline= A+
Studs beasts animals freaks. by far the best group on the team i expect nothing but greatness from this Oline. a group of vets that will set the tone for our Offense. our seasons depends on these guys living up to the hype and i believe they will.

Offense overall= B-
If we can run the ball and give whoever is behind center time to throw i think we will be a pretty solid offense capable of good things this year. Wont be the explosive O of last year but an O that will be able to sustain long drives and run the ball down the D's throat.

Dline= B
Its an experienced group albeit not the most productive. With the mountain in the middle i think this group will surprise fans this year. Jaq smith will finally start to play like he looks, a beast. Walls, Williams, and Miller are big bodies coming after the QB. behind MCcullers, Couch and Hood will help stuff up the middle for our athletic linebackers to roam free.

LB's= B+
Big Fast Athletes all over our LB core. All SEC LB AJ Johnson will be the rock of this group and the whole defense. When healthy Maggit is an All American type of player. Sapp is the wildcard of this group he is undersized but can run like a deer and i like his ability to make plays other bigger LB cannot. Bynum Harris and Brewer will be more than serviceable backups I like the skills of all 3 and will be able to step in and spell the starters.

Safety= C+
The success of this group will hinge on the health of Brain Randolph and how far along McNeil has come from a year ago. I like BMoores nose for the ball but the kid is just to slow to be a starting safety in the SEC. If healthy Randolph will be a rock for us at the SS position. McNeil needs to step up and play fast like the athlete he is. If we start the season with Bmoore on the field i lower this rating to a C-.

ex termly inexperienced and a sever lack of depth. very nervous about this group in 2013. I like Coleman and have heard good things about Jones but behind those 2 i see no help at all. The loss of Eric Gordon at the nickle will really hurt us. hopefully they will grow up fast and stay healthy or we could be in for a loooooong season.

Defense overall= B
The strong play from the Line backing core as-well as the Dline will cover up some of the weakness in the secondary. As long as we can pressure the QB unlike in years past i think this defense will be fine. nowhere to go but up
Thank You for taking the time to explain Sir, like all, thank you for taking the time to explain your team and you did it very well!
This guy asked us to rank our units.

what you did, I c

QB: Worley looked decent but not great against one of the worst teams we've ever faced. Behind him we have a RS freshman who looked horrible and two true feshmen.
RB: Neal and Lane are a solid 1-2 punch, and the depth behind them is decent.
WR: We have alot of undeveloped talent here, but very little experience. If one or two playmakers emerge it could be a strength by the end of the year.
TE: is a complete unknown.
OL: All 5 starters will be drafted. We need to build depth though.
DL: The starting 4 are solid. McCullers is an absolute beast. As with most positions on our team, depth is the primary concern here.
LB: Should be the strength of our defense this year.
DB: Biggest concern on defense. We have several walk-ons in the 2 deep.
ST: Our kicking game has been atrocious for years now. Also, our primary return man is injured so that is a huge question mark.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I an A+ is the best and a F- is the worst I would rank all of our units a combined Green.
What are the minimum number of posts required to start a thread? I'm not suggesting it is a bad post, but OP doesn't appear to have been here long.

Edit: I see a thanks to Freak, maybe this is an exception.

For some reason some of you (mostly with large amount of post) believe that since you have posted more you have a better intelligence.of the game. Well from what I have seen of some posters that dog won't hunt. Some of the dumbest remarks have come from high posters. So think before you trash a poster for something you find trivial. You were once there too.

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