Tennesse 51 point favorite over Austin Peay

Your right, but i'm sure they are used to it. Like central Michigan, central florida, and the likes.

But it still sucks for them. Their university reaps a good paycheck and they get their a$$ kicked...mentally and physically.

C'mon, you seriously cant put UCM and UCF in the same boat with AP.
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AP was rated the 33rd worst out of 127 FCS teams by the Gridiron Power Index. Computerrankings.com has them listed as 79 out of 127 for 2013. They are predicted to finish last (9th) in the Ohio Valley Conference this year by Lindy's. This game could get uglier than the WKU blowout in Lane Kiffin's inaugural game as Tennessee's HC.
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In a preseason poll Austin Peay was picked dead-last in the Ohio Valley Conference. Still, it's the opening game & my hope is that nobody gets hurt. My pick: 65-13 Vols.
I know AP is bad but we may not want to run up the score. It rarely does any appreciable good and even with 2nd team or even 3rd team offense playing it does start to gas the offense to stay on the field as much as they're predicting.

I hope for a big win but I hope it doesn't come at the cost of wearing out our own offense or subjecting them to injury.
I don't know about the spread but I'll consider it a bummer if AP scores more than a field goal.
Take the points, I can see a 35 pt spread. But a new offense with few playmakers and so many freshmen, we may not even score 40 pts. I'll take the 51 and look for the 35-3 blowout.
I would rather have played a slightly better opponent first, this year like western Kentucky. The reason is this game is like a scrimmage. I would like to get a better feel for our QB position now for example than jump up and down over a 50+ beating of AP. I would play them next week. Just my 2 cents that's all.
I seriously feel sorry for the guys playing for AP, they are going to get beaten down, it won't be good for their confidence. Not the way to start a season....

Don't feel bad. They could have said no when scheduling. Further, their players get the thrill of playing inside Neyland Stadium which is a very unique experience. Plus they get a boat load of money to play us. Certain too is curiosity of how well they do against Tennessee which will impact their confidence in what to expect performance-wise in their own conference. Even if we end up beating them so bad, we insert our third team offense and defense on the field by the 2nd quarter, they benefit. Because our third string players would actually be closer to the teams they play in their regular conference. How well they do against third string helps them again gauge their readiness for conference play.

So we get a tune up practice game and they get a measuring stick for conference readiness, plus a boat load of cash.
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Agree with the consensus to take the points. As bad as they were last year they didn't lose any game by more than 50 and played Virginia Tech and a very good Western Kentucky team. I see a 30-35 point spread with lots of players playing.
and every now and then...you have THAT upset by the crap school that brought all their players to town in 14 short buses.
Take the points, I can see a 35 pt spread. But a new offense with few playmakers and so many freshmen, we may not even score 40 pts. I'll take the 51 and look for the 35-3 blowout.

According to sports insights 56% are taking that we don't cover the points
I think we'll definitely score 50+ on these guys. They haven't had a winning season since 2007 and routinely get routed by 40-50+ every other game. Hell Butch beat 'em in 2011 72-10.
I know AP is bad but we may not want to run up the score. It rarely does any appreciable good and even with 2nd team or even 3rd team offense playing it does start to gas the offense to stay on the field as much as they're predicting.

I hope for a big win but I hope it doesn't come at the cost of wearing out our own offense or subjecting them to injury.
I understand your point but exactly what are we going to do? Tell our offense to take a knee three times and punt? We should be able to call all run plays and still be able to overpower their d.
I know AP is bad but we may not want to run up the score. It rarely does any appreciable good and even with 2nd team or even 3rd team offense playing it does start to gas the offense to stay on the field as much as they're predicting.

I hope for a big win but I hope it doesn't come at the cost of wearing out our own offense or subjecting them to injury.

So do we take a knee after the first quarter or what, i would try to score 50 by half then play the FRESHMAN the second half like the QB.:dance2:
I understand your point but exactly what are we going to do? Tell our offense to take a knee three times and punt? We should be able to call all run plays and still be able to overpower their d.
With our Big OL we should be able to run run run with no problem we should score 50 by doing nothing.

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