Tennesse 51 point favorite over Austin Peay

One thing I don't agree with is the modern idea of letting them get a few scores once you have the game... The proudest accomplishment for a defense is a goose egg. Teams used to go for that more. Neyland got 17 goose eggs straight over two seasons. Let the defense get its goose egg, would be great for morale.
With our Big OL we should be able to run run run with no problem we should score 50 by doing nothing.

This big OL has struggled to open holes against teams just as bad the last couple years. However I think they have matured now and gotten stronger so this will be the year they put it all together

I expect 35 points by halftime and then cruise control in 2nd half
I doubt we cover because it will be an audition for so many 2nd and 3rd string players that might move up the depth charts but just need more time to prove themselves. But a 24 point half time lead is very attainable.

If Sal were the DC for AP, then a 71 point lead at the half would be in the bag.
We are going to run our vanilla plays and get them down pat. But don't expect us to give away any trade secrets on the playbook until OR/FL. With WKY, we will run varitions of our Vanilla package and then we will open it up but hopefully have the luxury of saving some special plays for tight games down the stretch.
I would rather have played a slightly better opponent first, this year like western Kentucky. The reason is this game is like a scrimmage. I would like to get a better feel for our QB position now for example than jump up and down over a 50+ beating of AP. I would play them next week. Just my 2 cents that's all.

In no shape, form, or fashion would I want to start a new QB with new receivers against the tougher opponent of the two.first. I don't think that's a very good plan.
The reality is that schools like AP get a check for playing a school like Tennessee. That's where schools like AP get their funding. Sad, but true.l

Plus their players get to play in Neyland Stadium. Most of them are probably Vol fans!
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Seriously, I just dread the countless threads of either, "We's goin' undefeated!" or, "Far Butch!"; based on this first game.

I'm not expecting many of those...altho there probably will be a couple.

The ones I'm dreading more is those same kinda threads about players...qb, wr, cb, ect...
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I'm not expecting many of those...altho there probably will be a couple.

The ones I'm dreading more is those same kinda threads about players...qb, wr, cb, ect...

It worries me that the ten win crowd is going to turn on this staff and team if and when bad things happen. It could get ugly.
It worries me that the ten win crowd is going to turn on this staff and team if and when bad things happen. It could get ugly.

Well....Koolaider here but I usually hold out hope long after most have done exactly what you said.

Gotta admit tho...I was on the lane train and dooley short bus WAY too long.
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Take the points CBJ has to much class and back ups running the ball thee whole second half.

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