What everyone doesnt realize is this... Every time we pull for an SEC team to win another NC, or to win another bowl game... that is one more 4 or 5-star recruit Tennessee misses out on. We are pulling for the very teams we recruit against every year, yet we wonder why we cant close the gap between us and them???
Its the dumbest notion ever. Look, Im proud to be in the SEC, and there was a time where I did pull for the SEC over whoever else... but that was before wed won 6 in a row. Everyone in the whole damn nation knows we have the best conference, we dont need Bama to win another championship to prove that...
Another truth is that when your team sucks like the Vols do.. we tend to pull for the SEC because we have nothing else to be proud of, nothing else to hang our hat on... The truth is, the longer Georgia, LSU, Alabama, Florida, etc... continue to go to SEC championships, win titles and win bowl games... we are never going to be able to close the gap.