Tennessee Football boldly supporting BLM

I have zero issue with peaceful protest, I have zero issue with protest for injustice. I dont think Tennessee is affiliated with the national group BLM. I have no issue with this

Agree. I don’t agree with aspects of the BLM movement on the national level, but a peaceful protest I don’t have any issues with.
I’m so tired of these groups acting like me and others like me are racist.

In a country with 330,000,000 people... only 10 unarmed black people were killed by police in 2019. At least 5 of those attacked police first. 1 other was an accident.

Injustice happens, but this is NOT a racist country. So much BS.
But muh systemic racism!

You really know systemic racism exists when every major corporation posts in support of a movement like blm, and when governments allow their "protesters" to run rampant, vandalizing and burning down cities.

You know too, the systemically racist country that elected a black president and has an over-representation of blacks in government offices, entertainment, media, athletics. That racist country.
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I disagree here. I think guys like Trey Smith have a true desire to create some change, I think he is misguided, but I think it is sincere and has nothing to do with recruiting.

I love that we have droves of white people telling 90+% of black people they are misguided and the racism they experience isn't real.
I was just informed everyone commander level or higher in the Navy is being forced to watch videos right now about white privilege and how there is systemic racist in the military and US.
When are they going to Chicago & put an end to all the violence & the killing there. Let's do that first.
Black Lives Matter ......... but not in the Chicago killings of the other black lives and to other parts of the USA.

Want to stand in unity for BLM ....... clean up places like Chicago & NYC Portland LA first before you come preaching that BS.

It's never mentioned. It doesn't move the needle. Shooting and killing each other for nothing doesn't count even if kids are in the crossfire.

No, just a random police incident where you find out the victim was fighting back. They seem to want to weaken the police department which leads to more innocent violence.

The football program has been in the lower part of the SEC for over a decade anyway so they need a distraction.
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I love that we have droves of white people telling 90+% of black people they are misguided and the racism they experience isn't real.

How can they know what I know about what they have experienced? They have no idea what it's like to live as a white person, after all, and they would have no idea if our experiences were identical.

While everyone else comes to grips with what subjective experience actually means and what it implies, I'll be waiting in the real world with the rest of the adults to see what kind of concrete facts and data are being produced.

So far, just a lot that says black people are not victimized by the cops or anyone else in this so called systemically racist country.
I could almost agree with you except for the BLM part. The camouflage of "well we arent like that BLM over there" is a pile of BS.

Find a new slogan.
I think people saying black lives matter is different than the organization......I have no issue with peaceful uniting protest although I may disagree with some of the things they are protesting about.
The key is to remain peaceful..... period.
I was thinking about this today..... I honestly don’t recall ever doing anything to harm a black person in any way .....physically, financially, personally, etc..... I’ve always gotten along well with black coworkers.... some of which I truly enjoyed working with.... I went to TSU where I was the minority and never had any issues..... other than getting “big timed” by a few guys early on.
The elementary, middle and high schools I went to never had any racial issues either. We all grew up together, played little league together and my senior year our HC Queen was black..... this is in spite of the black enrollment being less than 10%.
I’m 52 so I was in school from 72-85.... my daughters are all athletes and have had numerous black teammates and friends.... school teams.... AAU teams.... club teams and etc. as a result of this, I’ve become friends with a lot of their parents and etc.. I can honestly say, that I’ve personally never seen any of the white people I know treat any of these black folks any differently. With all of this being the case for me, it’s difficult for me to understand where all of this “systemic racism” and etc. is coming from.
I think people saying black lives matter is different than the organization......I have no issue with peaceful uniting protest although I may disagree with some of the things they are protesting about.
Then those people are irresponsible morons.

"I support ISIS!"


"Not the terrorist ISIS. The other ISIS"
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I think people saying black lives matter is different than the organization......I have no issue with peaceful uniting protest although I may disagree with some of the things they are protesting about.

Not sure how you'd delineate between the 2. There is a lot of destruction and mayhem associated with BLM. A wise person wouldnt want to give the perception of supporting such an organization.

Seems fairly easy to protest without pimping BLM.
To be fair, there are a lot of white idiots right in the middle of it too.... and many times they’re the instigators
This is true. A lot of the Antifa... probably most of them, are white. A lot of women too.

Doesn't help the BLM cause that they are fomenting riots, looting and arson though. And attacking police.
Then those people are irresponsible morons.

"I support ISIS!"


"Not the terrorist ISIS. The other ISIS"
I feel like to a lot of people they feel partially through media manipulation that cops are targeting black..... Black Lives Matter is just taking advantage of that feeling no different than al sharpton does or a fake pastor takes advantage of someone seeking god.
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Not one bit.... it’s incredibly polarizing
You made a good point in an earlier post... about keeping it non-violent.

That genie however has been out of the bottle for weeks now and is still being allowed to spread.

Just have to hope the powers that be can deal with it and get it under control before things get too much worse.

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