Tennessee Football boldly supporting BLM

I doubt many of the rioters, looters and non-peaceful protestors will ever vote. In fact most of them will never have a job again because the crap chain restaurant they worked for went out of business.

Pelosi wants to see to it that even the unmotivated has a mail in ballot with free postage.
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So, are the black people that claim they experience systemic racism liars or just too stupid to understand what they are experiencing?
I dont think so.
I think some firmly believe what they express and are correct. I dont think that covers everyone tho. And thats not to say they don't believe it, it just may not be the case.
Racism still exists. And its not going anywhere because it comes from within an individual. You cant legislate it out of any person.

Our political system thrives on division. Its why Obama didn't magically bring the country together in harmony with 8 years and Trump hasnt either in 4.

I can't speak for anyone else other than myself. Only can give an opinion based on what I see but I have a hard time seeing this getting better. There is a level of hate right now that is scary.
How can they know what I know about what they have experienced? They have no idea what it's like to live as a white person, after all, and they would have no idea if our experiences were identical.

While everyone else comes to grips with what subjective experience actually means and what it implies, I'll be waiting in the real world with the rest of the adults to see what kind of concrete facts and data are being produced.

So far, just a lot that says black people are not victimized by the cops or anyone else in this so called systemically racist country.

Black people in America are the most prosperous black people in the world. Are there some white racists in America? Yes. Are there some black racists in America? Yes. Are there racists all over the world? Yes, racism is not exclusive to America.

Even though there are some racists in America this is not even remotely close to the majority nor is it in any policy that has been created in the last 50+ years.

We cannot take the few instances of police brutality and apply the stereotype to all cops. Just like should not take crimes committed by those in the black community and apply the stereotype to all blacks.

This is not that difficult to comprehend.
I just saw a piece on television where single mom's who have lost their jobs during COVID-19 are struggling to pay rent/mortgage. This one mom and young kid was having to sleep in her car. A good samaritan helped get a hotel room for a few days.

Disclosure: I didn't see the entire piece. I don't know where her family is. I don't know if the lady that helped is part of an organization. I don't know if she was getting $600 a week unemployment benefits and if that was more or less than she was making on her job. I do know it was sad.

Then it got me to thinking, why are groups like the NBA and Hollywood not trying to help people like this. It doesn't move the needle for them that is why. They don't want to help real people. They want to help lawbreakers. They want power. Instead of taking personal responsibilities to help organizations that enrich people lives they want a "look at me" podium. They are doing the left's business. They are trying to find a way to win the election. They don't care about who is really struggling. They don't care about real sustainable solutions.
Black people in America are the most prosperous black people in the world. Are there some white racists in America? Yes. Are there some black racists in America? Yes. Are there racists all over the world? Yes, racism is not exclusive to America.

Even though there are some racists in America this is not even remotely close to the majority nor is it in any policy that has been created in the last 50+ years.

We cannot take the few instances of police brutality and apply the stereotype to all cops. Just like should not take crimes committed by those in the black community and apply the stereotype to all blacks.

This is not that difficult to comprehend.

The overwhelming majority of people screeching about racism in this country have never been anywhere in the world but here. They've never seen poverty, they've never seen institutionalized oppression, they've never seen wide-scale state overreach. The ignorance ought to be humiliating, but humiliation is not something the ignorant tend to feel.

EDIT: if they want to see real injustice, they ought to go to Indian reservations out west and see socialism in action.
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I just saw a piece on television where single mom's who have lost their jobs during COVID-19 are struggling to pay rent/mortgage. This one mom and young kid was having to sleep in her car. A good samaritan helped get a hotel room for a few days.

Disclosure: I didn't see the entire piece. I don't know where her family is. I know know if the lady that helped is part of an organization. I don't know if she was getting $600 a week and if that was more or less than she was making on her job. I do know it was sad.

Then it got me to thinking, why are groups like the NBA and Hollywood trying to help people like this. It doesn't move the needle for them that is why. They don't want to help real people. They want to help lawbreakers. They want power. Instead of taking personal responsibilities to help organizations that enrich people lives they want a "look at me" podium. They are doing the left's business. They are trying to find a way to win the election. They don't care about who is really struggling. They don't care about real sustainable solutions.

They always point to "outcomes" as if "outcomes" are the indicators of our "systemic racism". If they want better "outcomes", they ought to be backing up people that want to make things better, not literal convicted criminals and miscreants.
Well...at least losing to UGA and Bama this year won't bother me as much.

Fact is, UT has been on a "political downslope" for a number of years now. We've all seen it; we just hoped it would stop before it got inside the gates of Neyland Stadium. It didn't.

I have some adjustments to make. In the end, I'll have more money and more free time. UT Football won't miss me, but I sure will miss it.
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As far as I can tell these are the demands of BLM. Is the UT Athletic Dept in full support of all of these demands? If not , which ones? and why? Is the university in any way directing funds into these demands now?
  1. End the war on black people.
  2. Reparations for past and continuing harms. (Reparations)
  3. Divestment from the institutions that criminalize, cage and harm black people; and investment in the education, health and safety of black people. (Invest-Divest)
  4. Economic justice for all and a reconstruction of the economy to ensure our communities have collective ownership, not merely access.(Economic justice)
  5. Community control of the laws, institutions and policies that most impact us. (Community control)
  6. Independent black political power and black self-determination in all areas of society. (Political power)
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If a group of people had organized a crime that was going to happen at Wal Mart and I knew this in advance, wouldn't it be smart to not be around it instead of complaining people are mixing me up with it just because I had some shopping to do.


And I will add.

So some BLMers have caused millions in damage and assaulted people. But I am told they are different, dont confuse those with the good BLMers. Give some people holding a BLM sign the benefit of the doubt.

BUT, if one cop does something wrong (actually doesnt even have to be wrong), and it is ALL COPS BAD. DEFUND THE POLICE.
Well...at least losing to UGA and Bama this year won't bother me as much.

Fact is, UT has been on a "political downslope" for a number of years now. We've all seen it; we just hoped it would stop before it got inside the gates of Neyland Stadium. It didn't.

I have some adjustments to make. In the end, I'll have more money and more free time. UT Football won't miss me, but I sure will miss it.

We start boat racing Bama you’ll be back. Not that I think the gump can get that done but just saying.
I’m good with this message.
I’m all for unity. I’m all in with equality.
I’m absolutely for judging someone on the content of their character as opposed to their appearance.
There’s a huge difference between the Black lives matter movement and the class warfare being progressed in their name.
As far as I can tell these are the demands of BLM. Is the UT Athletic Dept in full support of all of these demands? If not , which ones? and why? Is the university in any way directing funds into these demands now?
  1. End the war on black people.
  2. Reparations for past and continuing harms. (Reparations)
  3. Divestment from the institutions that criminalize, cage and harm black people; and investment in the education, health and safety of black people. (Invest-Divest)
  4. Economic justice for all and a reconstruction of the economy to ensure our communities have collective ownership, not merely access.(Economic justice)
  5. Community control of the laws, institutions and policies that most impact us. (Community control)
  6. Independent black political power and black self-determination in all areas of society. (Political power)

So in short they want white people to leave them alone but pay for their ****. Am I close?
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And I will add.

So some BLMers have caused millions in damage and assaulted people. But I am told they are different, dont confuse those with the good BLMers. Give some people holding a BLM sign the benefit of the doubt.

BUT, if one cop does something wrong (actually doesnt even have to be wrong), and it is ALL COPS BAD. DEFUND THE POLICE.

You my friend are wrong.

It is damages to thousands of businesses and 100's of millions of dollars in losses.
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As far as I can tell these are the demands of BLM. Is the UT Athletic Dept in full support of all of these demands? If not , which ones? and why? Is the university in any way directing funds into these demands now?
  1. End the war on black people.
  2. Reparations for past and continuing harms. (Reparations)
  3. Divestment from the institutions that criminalize, cage and harm black people; and investment in the education, health and safety of black people. (Invest-Divest)
  4. Economic justice for all and a reconstruction of the economy to ensure our communities have collective ownership, not merely access.(Economic justice)
  5. Community control of the laws, institutions and policies that most impact us. (Community control)
  6. Independent black political power and black self-determination in all areas of society. (Political power)
7. Move to wide-open spaces like Montana Wyoming or South Dakota ..... set up your own black city just for yourself & rule.
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So in short they want white people to leave them alone but pay for their ****. Am I close?

I would like to know if Phil and maybe some of the bigger boosters are for things like reparations and restructuring our economic system to some other 'ism besides capitalism (light). I don't think they are, so this is all a bunch of bull. So, then we get down to this is nothing more than going along "with some of that" to somehow satisfy the mob at the moment.
So now we’re Missouri?

This will end up being a prophetic statement. In 2014, Mizzou was in the process of winning their 2nd SEC East title. In only their 3rd year in the SEC, Mizzou had defied all predictions and shocked the SEC traditionalists by winning their 2nd SEC East title. Mizzou Football had arrived in the SEC, with a bang.

FYI, "Ferguson" started in August of 2014. Before long, Mizzou football and then head coach Gary Pinkel had gone all-in on Ferguson. Coincidental or not, it marked the begining of the decline of Mizzou football.

There were rumors of divisions in the locker room. Recruiting fell off. Enrollment fell off. And then Mizzou football fell off. In the 2013-2014 seaons, Mizzou went 23-5. Since then? 30-32.

Coincidence, or not? What cannot be argued, be it sports, politics, inner cities, or economics, is that anything infected by the BLM virus eventually withers and dies. Mizzou football was an example. So are the cities that are literally burning because they are unwilling to call BLM, and by extention Antifa, what it is.

Pure stupidity, with a side of evil.

I will not be a part of it, and I will not support it. My father raised me to be better than that.

So yes, UT Football is on the same path as Mizzou was back in 2014. If you are saving up for a trip to UT's next National Championship game, I'd go ahead and take the Alaska vacation you've always dreamed about instead. Alaska is within reach.

So long as UT Football is in bed with BLM, a national championship is not. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and eventually this will divide the UT locker room.

Dang shame. We were so close to being back.....

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