Ever seen Boise States schedule? Not that hard to get up for 2 games a year at the most. So why don't you not do this.
You guys are hilarious picking games by using rivals ratings. Johnny football 3 star mean anything to you? Even great classes have a 50 percent attrition rate. Just don't do it. The ratings mean nothing after they get on campus and you have a chance to see who was under rated and who was over rated. Just don't do it. Utah state has a d lineman that is a projected 1st rounder and a qb that will be drafted.:lolabove:
Everyone loves to use this example, but all you're doing is pointing out the exception to the rule.
For every 3-star Johnny Football there are 10 5-star Tim Tebow/Cam Newton/Jameis Winston's out there. Also note the 5-stars listed here all have something in common that the 3-star doesn't share, can you guess what it is?
Stars and recruiting rankings absolutely matter.
You guys are hilarious picking games by using rivals ratings. Johnny football 3 star mean anything to you? Even great classes have a 50 percent attrition rate. Just don't do it. The ratings mean nothing after they get on campus and you have a chance to see who was under rated and who was over rated. Just don't do it. Utah state has a d lineman that is a projected 1st rounder and a qb that will be drafted.:lolabove:
Not with picking games. That's nonsense. Until there is a system that explains Stanford and Michigan state other than the catchall of coaching and development, I'll choose to believe ratings for the most part are bunk. If tge ratings were gospel, where was Bama's dominant defense last year? Where were the dominant pass rushers? Why did they give up 30 plus three times? Why does Bama average a 45 percent attrition rate? There are literally thousands of high school kids playing ball. There is no way the rating systems are accurate. Too much diversity between levels of play all across the nation. Good grief, even the nfl scouts get it wrong with only a fraction of players to evaluate with unlimited access. You guys read far too much into stars. I want to beat Bama and Florida for players because it means our recruits have been vetted by staffs that should know what they're doing but to look at two schools and rivals ratings to determine the outcome? Lol
Recruiting classes.
Offers from certain schools drives the rating system. It perpetuates itself. If Fsu and Bama both offer someone you are inclined to believe he is better than a guy not offered, but was offered by miss st. Maybe it was because he was two inches too short. Far far far far too many kids for these charletons to evaluate. They take the easy way out, look at offer sheets and call it evaluating. But keep believing in the Easter bunny.
Not what I said. Not much difference in the number 4 guard and the number 30 guard is what I said, basically.
So, there's no difference between a highly rated player and a non-highly rated player ...
You guys are hilarious picking games by using rivals ratings. Johnny football 3 star mean anything to you? Even great classes have a 50 percent attrition rate. Just don't do it. The ratings mean nothing after they get on campus and you have a chance to see who was under rated and who was over rated. Just don't do it. Utah state has a d lineman that is a projected 1st rounder and a qb that will be drafted.:lolabove: