It was only open to season ticket holders, right?
I never got a notice saying it was open to anyone else.
Damn I've been living under a rock when the hell did they start taking pre-orders?
You are correct. The diagram they showed on the reservation form basically took up all the seats goal line to goal line on one entire side of the stands. This is why I went ahead and made the move to reserve seats. Those end zone seats are going to be horrible the further back you get looking at the placement of the field in relation to the ends of the track. You'll be watching a lot of the big screens if your in the end zone seats come game day at Bristol.
I am in same boat. I live 20 min from Bristol and been waiting on this game forever! The last several years UT has been begging me to get season tix again . I was a season tix donor 7-8 years before a our 2 year old girl was born. If I can get bowl tix, mini packs, single tix, and season tix last several years then why has not UT contacted me like they do every year? I also registered with Bristol too but no feed back.I went to the Battle at Bristol website and registered so I would get a notice when they would allow us to start sending deposits for tix. I never got a notice and now I find out that there was a notice on the UT website. A little aggravated over it, but I think it should be pretty easy to find tix somewhere. Depending on how much one is willing to pay. Still plan being there.