Sound analysis. If the action caused no real damage, there's no rational basis under the law for punishing the conduct.I'm fairly certain that puns could theoretically be awarded, but it very rarely happens in contract cases. And if no tangible damages could be proven, there absolutely won't be punitive damages. In that case, the most the Titans would get would be nominal damages, which recognizes a technical breach of contract without the plaintiff being able to prove any real damages.
Why the hell have contracts in the first place then? If there is no plenty for not honoring the contract why even bother?
So does this lawsuit mean usc violated any of their probation with the ncaa. if soy they and kiffen are done
Florida State has won it all. Thus, the Oilers don't deserve that comparison.
Then being a part of a fanbase that abandoned teams they had rooted for and jumped on the Oilers bandwagon because Phil Bredesen bowed before an idiot like Bud Adams must be tough.
One small run? Florida State finished in the top 5 something like 15 straight years. The Oilers are mere filler in the NFL.florida state's one small run of being good in the 90s and being bad elsewhere seems to favor it
2 championships each and multiple years of either being terribly incompetant or good better never great enough to be the best so they get waxed by another, better team (sounds very similar honestly)
(I get you want to insult the oilers/titans as much as you can, but they're not vandy/UK/KSU....that's the lions, browns, Cardinals, texans more than anyone else....heck honestly you could throw Jax in there too as well as Seahawks and probably panthers - sorry panthro)
The Cardinals, Panthers, and Seahawks all have just as many Super Bowl appearances as the Oilers.florida state's one small run of being good in the 90s and being bad elsewhere seems to favor it
2 championships each and multiple years of either being terribly incompetant or good better never great enough to be the best so they get waxed by another, better team (sounds very similar honestly)
(I get you want to insult the oilers/titans as much as you can, but they're not vandy/UK/KSU....that's the lions, browns, Cardinals, texans more than anyone else....heck honestly you could throw Jax in there too as well as Seahawks and probably panthers - sorry panthro)
The Cardinals, Panthers, and Seahawks all have just as many Super Bowl appearances as the Oilers.
The Cardinals, Panthers, and Seahawks all have just as many Super Bowl appearances as the Oilers.
Sacramento sold out about a trillion straight NBA games at one point. Didn't mean they weren't a meaningless, jerkwater franchise. It proved, like Mullet City, they have nothing else to do.Titans have sold out every single game, including pre season games since their existence. Not too bad for a used car lot franchise.
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