Tennessee Vanderbilt Game Thread - 1/10/2007

No you did not. :crazy:

They are 9-7. Not to mention, it's Oral Robers. Not to mention it was at Kansas. :spank:
Watch what ORU does in the Mid Continent. There's certainly nobody in that league appreciably better than they are.
Anybody got the scoop on wht Chism left the bench with 8 minutes to go in the game?
It was said in another thread that Chism and Crews got into a bit of an argument on the bench, and a coach pulled them both back into the tunnel for a bit...
Well as bad as I hate it, somebody should of got in my boy Jujuan's a$$ last night!
We are watching a young team grow. There will be bumps in the road, yeah OK potholes. All in all though, it's fun to watch as this bunch grows up. Bruce will keep them focused on the target and, with a little good fortune, the mistakes will become fewer and less costly. This is gonna be a quality team. Watching the growing pains will make enjoying the end product sweeter...

Glass half full.
Oh I agree, but I kind of have a personel interest in Jujuan and it gets to me when he starts getting wild and out of control! I have seen it many times in his younger days!
Did I not hear Chris Lofton say in the post-game interview with Bob Kesling that they were only instructed to foul if Vandy got it in scoring range? I am not positive that I heard that right. If I did hear it right, that might explain why the Lofton post-game audio is not available on the UT website.

If they weren't instructed to foul this game was lost due to coaching error.
In the Post Game interview, the where told to foul, lofton said. He said that he went to foul and was bump by another player and was not able to foul before he got the shot up. Pearl told them to foul.

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