A lot of truth in the first paragraph..
. especially this line.... " Officially, I think that’s his 100th column on the subject, which moves him just past Thayer Evans’ (with 99 or so stories on Auburn) for the title of “Mr. Vendetta.”
So what Bruce did is worse than paying $180,000 for a QB.... ha ha ha ha ha...
Go ahead now and post, that is not the same and Bruce is a liar ect... we all know this, but com-on this is out of hand.
Now before you blast me for being a blinded Pearl loving idiot who knows nothing bout BB, I want to go on record that I believe Pearl should resign for the betterment of the program, (not because of impending punishment, or because he is a "liar" or because he can't coach", but because we are a divided fan base and it seems to me we may have reached the point of NO RETURN
But until that day comes, or Hammy grows a set and fires him then he is my coach and I will do all I can to continue to support him.