"Tennessee will get Hammered like a Nail"

The article is also written by Gregg Doyel, one of the biggest homer-riffic Florida taints to ever grace the pages of journalism. I have a hard time ever reading anything he puts out because any chance he gets to bash UT, he does. Besides, he looks like a felon in his column pictures. Fits right in down at the University of Felons.

If other writers & commentators for CBS, Sports Illustrated, The Sporting News, ESPN, College Football News, the Associated Press and across the country weren't saying some variation of the same thing, then that point would be more arguable. But his opinion is just a more aggressive version of what practically everyone -- outside some insular Tennessee fans and Mike Hamilton -- is saying.
Absolutely true. Since 19 of 20 caught lying to the NCAA received at least a 2 year ban, it really is silly to think he would only get a one year ban. However, we stick with him even with a 5 year ban.

Worse yet, to set a message in basketball (due to the early departure of many NCAAB players), they are more likely to issue longer post-season bans (thereby allowing more of those players to transfer). That's why he's floating the 3-year post-season ban idea.
Scotty and Tobais are both elite talents. However, USC has had no trouble bringing in elite football talent after their punishments. I think it is to early to tell whether or not this will kill UT's bball recruiting. I will note that our PG recruiting has been dead for a while.

Except USC hasn't been punished yet; they got a delay pending appeal. The only guy "punished" was McNair, whose contract wasn't renewed after his show-cause order.
Scotty and Tobais are both elite talents. However, USC has had no trouble bringing in elite football talent after their punishments. I think it is to early to tell whether or not this will kill UT's bball recruiting. I will note that our PG recruiting has been dead for a while.

While the article is over the top and with all due respect he is in LA and USC on probation can still keep some home grown elite talent from their own backyard. Tennessee basketball has enough trouble just keeping UT kids at UT without the probation..vandy, Memphis ect.....

Misleading and false comparison.
Doesn't matter what they do. Pearl is more important than the program. We keep him regardless of the damage he causes. We'll see how good of a coach he is with absolutely no elite talent.

You've got to be joking :crazy::loco:
Pearl has made the University a lot of money. They'll wait around see what the penalties are and if they're too bad they'll all look like fools. Pretty much the end of that deal. They're not budging until the NCAA gives their final ruling in 90 days or whenever it is.

This crap will drag out forever and it's not going away soon in the media. When Tennessee plays ball for the next couple of years you'll here all about it all game long.
If other writers & commentators for CBS, Sports Illustrated, The Sporting News, ESPN, College Football News, the Associated Press and across the country weren't saying some variation of the same thing, then that point would be more arguable. But his opinion is just a more aggressive version of what practically everyone -- outside some insular Tennessee fans and Mike Hamilton -- is saying.

I getcha, but I still stand by my statement of how big of a taint the guy is. :) That is all.
Uh, the best players of his tenure were here when he arrived.

Maybe some more exclamations would help.
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Haha! I know! This guy personifies the "Pearl is UT bball" crowd. They fail to see that Pearl came to UT with Watson, Loftonb, JuJuan, Bradshaw and the talent is worse than it was now, judging by production. I also wouldn't go so far as to say anyone on this roster measures up to Grunfeld, King, or Houston. Best talent in 50 years? Google exist for a reason.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Can we protest like these countries are doing and force MH to resign ?We can all gather and let the people bring their Mattresses for the burning.
If Pearl get fired MH needs to go with him.MH needs to go regardless if BP goes or not.
The article is also written by Gregg Doyel, one of the biggest homer-riffic Florida taints to ever grace the pages of journalism. I have a hard time ever reading anything he puts out because any chance he gets to bash UT, he does. Besides, he looks like a felon in his column pictures. Fits right in down at the University of Felons.

But that's MrSec's way of injecting another negative piece himself. Does it all the time. That way he can say "I wasn't the one being negative."
Fire them both! Integrity is more important than the ongoing target the bb program is wearing. Pearl doesn't have enough class to resign for the school's integrity. Hammy doesn't have the stones to fire him either. I am all for supporting the guy if he deserves it but neither of these guys deserve our support any longer.

Please explain why you say this? I hope you are right, but am afraid your not
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I think he is thinking that the underlying penalties that
these people lied about were much more severe. They were trying to cover up paying players in one form or another when they lied. Hence the show cause came into play.
Absolutely true. Since 19 of 20 caught lying to the NCAA received at least a 2 year ban, it really is silly to think he would only get a one year ban. However, we stick with him even with a 5 year ban.

No, that's 19 of 20 charged with "unethical conduct". That doesn't mean lying to the NCAA necessarily. In fact, looking at the list of unethical conduct charges, all of them were much worse than what pearl did (we're talking running gambling rings and such).
No, that's 19 of 20 charged with "unethical conduct". That doesn't mean lying to the NCAA necessarily. In fact, looking at the list of unethical conduct charges, all of them were much worse than what pearl did (we're talking running gambling rings and such).

The "gambling ring" was just a golf coach with a fantasy football league that some of his golf players got involved in. It was far from a "gambling ring" in the way implied by some. Many of the others involved practice violations and the like.

Bottom line is no program has ever tried to keep a head coach accused of unethical conduct. We're doing it with a high-profile head coach who has 3 assistants accused of dishonest conduct, who is personally accused of major violations, who is accused of trying to taint the testimony of kid recruits and their dads, and whose team will be in the tourney while our AD's office is advising some in the Tennessee media we will ignore a show-cause order to Pearl as inapplicable to us.

Don't bank on Pearl being the first exception to a show-cause order when so much of what is exceptional is worse for us, not better.
The "gambling ring" was just a golf coach with a fantasy football league that some of his golf players got involved in. It was far from a "gambling ring" in the way implied by some. Many of the others involved practice violations and the like.

Bottom line is no program has ever tried to keep a head coach accused of unethical conduct. We're doing it with a high-profile head coach who has 3 assistants accused of dishonest conduct, who is personally accused of major violations, who is accused of trying to taint the testimony of kid recruits and their dads, and whose team will be in the tourney while our AD's office is advising some in the Tennessee media we will ignore a show-cause order to Pearl as inapplicable to us.

Don't bank on Pearl being the first exception to a show-cause order when so much of what is exceptional is worse for us, not better.

Someone at UT stated they would IGNORE a show cause ? First I have heard that. Wow.
I know this may be a stupid question..but what is a show cause??

The NCAA puts a restriction on what an employed member of an NCAA institution can do for certain period of time, and enforces it against NCAA institutions by requiring they "show cause" to the NCAA why the restriction should not be in force. Practically nobody ever tries to "show cause" to the NCAA why their employee should not abide the restrictions and it is very rare for a program to employ such an individual during the time period of a show cause.

A show cause can restrict a coach in a variety of ways (no phone contacts, no off-campus recruiting, no on-campus recruiting, or, the most severe, no contact of any kind with any scholarship athlete). A show cause can be of a short duration (a few months) or a long duration (8 years, in the case of former Cal coach Bozeman), with the median at 2 years for "unethical conduct" findings.

Pearl will get a show-cause; the question is how severe the scope of restrictions will be (off-campus recruiting, phone contacts, on-campus recruiting, or coaching). My guess would be a 3-year show cause restricting all forms of recruiting, then they may add a postseason ban of 1-2 years as a way to punish the program for intending to keep him as a coach.

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