Tennessee Wins Hottest Girls Title



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2012
Does this count toward the all sports tittle? :)


Tennessee Has Hottest Girls In SEC According To Football Recruits | TFM News
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In before someone says we only backed our way into this title because the SEC was down this year
Went to UT and can testify there are chicks so hot i don't know in what parts of Tennessee they breed them in. Country, tan and blonde. Nothin's better
While I appreciate a charming southern belle, the women in the Nation's Capital (mostly foreign), have tainted my draw to southern women much to the chagrin of my mother.
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While I appreciate a charming southern belle, the women in the Nation's Capital (mostly foreign), have tainted my draw to southern women much to the chagrin of my mother.

Know what u mean..My uncle lived in New Hampshire for awhile and he lost his drawl, his love of grits, and college football..it took almost two years but we were able to finally reeducate him :)
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