That would be true, if all teams were equal. By that logic, the betting line on all games should be even.(GVF @ Jun 15 said:They have a 1 in 12 chance of winning the conference. And that is a realistic number year in ad year out, no matter how good or how bad they may be. They will always have a 1 in 12 chance.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 15 said:The final records of the two teams last year are all the proof I need. Typical Fulmerite. Grasping at flukes to try and prop their Rotund Emperor up.
(LadyinOrange @ Jun 15 said:Last season was a disaster from the get-go. All those arrests and would hurt ANY team. The team AND staff know that last season was unacceptable and that a repeat will not be tolerated. I could be wrong, but it looks like conditions are favorable for the Vols to have a good season.
I guess 2000 and 2002 were good seasons.(allvol123 @ Jun 15 said:Not grasping at anything, the genius Hatevol proclaims how secretly talented LSU is, I just pointed out that they must have left the secrets in the bag that night. Hatevol loves the miserable season we had last year, it is the ammunition he needs to argue for the return of Johnny Majors probably. I hated last season too, but the I will look at the whole picture and not one lousy season.
(LadyinOrange @ Jun 15 said:Nobody is arguing that Tennessee didn't stink last year. At least I'm not. I AM arguing that last season was an aberration brought on by discipline problems and a desperate need for a new offensive coordinator. Well, it looks like both problems have been taken care of, so what's stopping us from having a stellar year? Other than CPF ( before you say it)?
Why does the blame continue to be placed on Randy Sanders?? I believe I've explained my opinion on that matter... Get over it, your fantasy that our offense was good last year, and the problem was the coordinator is a crock of ploop, ploop...
(OrangeEmpire @ Jun 15 said:Lack of "discipline" by the entire offense, players and coaches........