I am not parroting “mainstream media” when I observe that a properly implemented regulatory framework would have deterred that problems being experienced during the latest plunge of Arctic air mass into Texas. Nor am I parroting “mainstream media” when I observe that implementation & funding of such a regulatory framework has been consistently opposed by politicians professing to be “conservative Republicans.” Nor am I parroting “mainstream media” when I note that conservative Republican governments in other states have supported such a regulatory framework. Nor am I parroting “mainstream media” when I point out that precedence foretold of the need to prepare, a need which was neglected, and that neglect was championed by those espousing a rigid ideology of deregulation. All of the facts which I cite may be found in the annals of Texas journalists. Now, if you lump decades of Texas journalists into “mainstream media,” it’s on you to defend that position.