Texas law effectively banning Critical Race Theory in classrooms leads to inclusion of Holocaust denialism materials



Easy target
Nov 5, 2008
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Books on Holocaust should be balanced with 'opposing' views, Southlake school leader tells teachers

As the result of confusion stemming from a Texas bill designed to prevent discussion of Critical Race Theory in classrooms, administration in one school district are telling teachers they must include books that provide "alternate theories" to the Holocaust if they keep any books that discuss the Holocaust in their classrooms.
WTF? There's no confusion the holocaust is purely facts. This screams of sour grapes. Whoever's responsible should be relieved of duty.
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WTF? There's no confusion the holocaust is purely facts. This screams of sour grapes. Whoever's responsible should be relieved of duty.

“How do you oppose the Holocaust?” one teacher said in response.

“Believe me,” Peddy said. “That’s come up.”
Well that person is clearly wrong on interpretation of the law change. When the change first occurred there were all sorts of news stories with similar claims that turned out to be bad reading of the law. Clearly the language isn't clear.
Well that person is clearly wrong on interpretation of the law change. When the change first occurred there were all sorts of news stories with similar claims that turned out to be bad reading of the law. Clearly the language isn't clear.
It isn’t very well written and along the lines of the abortion legislation. Pandering emotion based legislation. What could go wrong 🤷‍♂️
Well that person is clearly wrong on interpretation of the law change. When the change first occurred there were all sorts of news stories with similar claims that turned out to be bad reading of the law. Clearly the language isn't clear.

When you're rushing to get a law codified for political points instead of taking time to get it right with clear, unambiguous language, this is what happens. Over and over.
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Yes that's exactly what's going on. That's all that ever goes on. It's literally the answer to everything. Don't like it or agree with it? It's the leftist red commie socialist pinko Marxist Dems. Always.
Lol. I said that because have you read any articles on anything lately? Every time a group shows up at school board meeting expressing their difference of opinion, they're characterized as far right wingers. If you leftist don't like it, quit doing it.
Lol. I said that because have you read any articles on anything lately? Every time a group shows up at school board meeting expressing their difference of opinion, they're characterized as far right wingers. If you leftist don't like it, quit doing it.

Not a leftist, thanks. I don't buy into simplistic dualist mindset.
When you're rushing to get a law codified for political points instead of taking time to get it right with clear, unambiguous language, this is what happens. Over and over.

happens with almost all new laws/regs.

just saying that the media reaction to the law was almost completely wrong and hyperbolic. political points are coveted by entities beyond politicians
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Ideologies are simply collections of ideas. They neither tend left nor right until manipulated and applied by individuals or groups.
"Something a leftist would say for $1000, Alex."

When all or most of your ideas tend to be in agreement with liberals, that kind of makes you a liberal. I hate to break it to you.
"Something a leftist would say for $1000, Alex."

When all or most of your ideas tend to be in agreement with liberals, that kind of makes you a liberal. I hate to break it to you.

When you have to put everyone into a category based on manufactured political dogma instead of just letting people be themselves, that kind of makes you immature. I hate to break it to you.
When you have to put everyone into a category based on manufactured political dogma instead of just letting people be themselves, that kind of makes you immature. I hate to break it to you.
I've never seen so many liberals that detest being called a liberal.

If you identify with liberal values, why the disdain for being called a liberal. Call me a conservative, go ahead, I dare you.

You want to tell me what's immature, denial.
Books on Holocaust should be balanced with 'opposing' views, Southlake school leader tells teachers

As the result of confusion stemming from a Texas bill designed to prevent discussion of Critical Race Theory in classrooms, administration in one school district are telling teachers they must include books that provide "alternate theories" to the Holocaust if they keep any books that discuss the Holocaust in their classrooms.

So like alternate realities? What if the Nazis was good people and the Jews really was plotting world domination. Not going to say I agree with it, but I can see some funny books coming out of this. "The Holy Bible Part Three the Jewish Revenge". I will stop there before I really screw up with a dark joke. I am a walking trigger warning anymore.

Edit: Can we get a Civil War alternate ending too? I mean once you close the book you know its not real, but for those few minutes you can live a dream.
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I've never seen so many liberals that detest being called a liberal.

If you identify with liberal values, why the disdain for being called a liberal. Call me a conservative, go ahead, I dare you.

You want to tell me what's immature, denial.

Some people just aren't hardwired to handle complex individuals, and that's ok.

I don't dig CRT. I like guns and am Pro2A. I can't stand American Fundamentalist Evangelicalism. I believe [insert Nicene Creed]. I can't stand most unions but I value workers' rights. I believe quality public education is the key to a viable representative Republic but I absolutely detest the federal department of education and standardized testing companies. I believe a strong itinerant worker visa policy is part of the solution to border and immigration issues, especially when coupled with a robust border security program. I love our Armed Forces, make legislative contacts for veterans issues, and take flag code seriously.

I could go on, but there's no point. There's never any point. If you want a simple little box to shove me in for simplicity's sake, just call me human. That'll cover the complexity.
Some people just aren't hardwired to handle complex individuals, and that's ok.

I don't dig CRT. I like guns and am Pro2A. I can't stand American Fundamentalist Evangelicalism. I believe [insert Nicene Creed]. I can't stand most unions but I value workers' rights. I believe quality public education is the key to a viable representative Republic but I absolutely detest the federal department of education and standardized testing companies. I believe a strong itinerant worker visa policy is part of the solution to border and immigration issues, especially when coupled with a robust border security program. I love our Armed Forces, make legislative contacts for veterans issues, and take flag code seriously.

I could go on, but there's no point. There's never any point. If you want a simple little box to shove me in for simplicity's sake, just call me human. That'll cover the complexity.
Do you belive crt is liberal ideology? If so do you believe the actions in the article are in retaliation for the Texas ban on crt?

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