Texas law effectively banning Critical Race Theory in classrooms leads to inclusion of Holocaust denialism materials

Liberal = Democrat
Leftist = left of Democrat, likely does hate liberals
Progressive = liberal pretending to be a leftist for brownie points

A leftist might find themselves frustrated with liberals, but doesn't hate them. Sinema being a current focus of frustration, as a case in point. I hate Manchin. I don't hate Sinema. I hate the progressive label. Based on who holds it, it's hard to tell what it even means.
The difference between Ash and Me being that I don't care to be "put in a box" as someone who thinks the SJW mob are a cancer to the planet, and I really could give two cow sh*ts if any woke imbeciles think I'm a knob.

If you feel the need to say you don't give two *****, then you quite obviously give two *****, my guy.

Of course you don't care to be put in a box. You live in that box. You've decorated that box. You host cookouts in that box. That box is your home.

And there you go again, using terms like SJW mob and woke imbeciles. You really do look ****in' DUMB when you make the effort to criticize someone's verbiage as partisan when you do the EXACT same thing. It's not about whether you're proud of being put in an idiot box or not... it's about the fact that you're being a hypocrite.
I didn't expect some of you to care. Dudes in Jim Crow era didn't care. People opposing civil rights didn't care. People opposing MLKjr out of Marxist concerns didn't care.

Just think about how much you hate wrongly being called a racist by strangers and then picture your grandkids asking, "damn, did they ban these ideas because they were racist?"

We literally just "celebrated" a holiday for Chris Columbus who was an absolute piece of sh*t. The uneducated and misinformed will continue to buy what's being sold.

We literally just "celebrated" a holiday for Chris Columbus who was an absolute piece of sh*t. The uneducated and misinformed will continue to buy what's being sold.

The BBQ and fireworks were off base? Not sure anybody even knew other than the people who had the day off, and even they did not celebrate anything, If anything it is the government that established the day as of any significance. Rather fitting.
If you feel the need to say you don't give two *****, then you quite obviously give two *****, my guy.

Of course you don't care to be put in a box. You live in that box. You've decorated that box. You host cookouts in that box. That box is your home.

And there you go again, using terms like SJW mob and woke imbeciles. You really do look ****in' DUMB when you make the effort to criticize someone's verbiage as partisan when you do the EXACT same thing. It's not about whether you're proud of being put in an idiot box or not... it's about the fact that you're being a hypocrite.
WIsh this was like reddit and I could give you an award.

Excellent post.
The 1619 project and holocaust deniers are no different. Don't @ me.

If black people truly wanted some better curriculum in schools they would be pushing for something like 1776 Unites, not CRT.

But this isn’t about better curriculum.
If you feel the need to say you don't give two *****, then you quite obviously give two *****, my guy.

Of course you don't care to be put in a box. You live in that box. You've decorated that box. You host cookouts in that box. That box is your home.

And there you go again, using terms like SJW mob and woke imbeciles. You really do look ****in' DUMB when you make the effort to criticize someone's verbiage as partisan when you do the EXACT same thing. It's not about whether you're proud of being put in an idiot box or not... it's about the fact that you're being a hypocrite.

Nothing hypocritical about it. It isn't about partisanship. Sjw isn't a party. It's a category of sniveling victims who I regard as being extremely irritating and destructive. I'm tired of their crap and the influence they're having on the culture. So with that, take your "othering" and stuff it.
I would say they actually do teach that, not that it changes a whole lot about slavery

No they don’t. Of course you know that. It really doesn’t change how terrible slavery was but learning the full history definitely shows whitey isn’t solely to blame and nobody alive today damn sure is. There’s nothing to gain from that though.
Yes that's exactly what's going on. That's all that ever goes on. It's literally the answer to everything. Don't like it or agree with it? It's the leftist red commie socialist pinko Marxist Dems. Always.

Explain t me how it's the fault of the left when it was the Texas Republicans who wrote that bill.

And does anyone doubt that Holocaust deniers vote Republican? After all David Duke won elective office as a Republican.
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Explain t me how it's the fault of the left when it was the Texas Republicans who wrote that bill.

And does anyone doubt that Holocaust deniers vote Republican? After all David Duke won elective office as a Republican.

I was being facetious and should have used blue font. Poking a little fun at the people who always have to use as many adjectives as possible (or any at all) when not using one at all works just as well.
Indeed. Sure BLM and Nation of Islam have no Holocaust deniers.
Ever noticed how the left's anti Israel behavior is almost exactly identical to that of David Duke? Duke has also flipped parties several times over the years. At one time he even claimed he was a born again Christian and denounced his previous views. He has also praised democrats Ilhan Omar and Tulsi Gabbard in the past.

Richard Spencer openly supports Biden now. He has since before the election. Of course, completely ignored and complete silence from democrats regarding his support.

One of Biden's mentors was James Eastland. Hillary's main mentor was Robert Byrd. Bill Clinton's mentor was J. William Fulbright. Al Gore's mentor was his daddy. All their mentors were segregationists.

As far as Nation of Islam goes. I definitely would not call them a left wing group or a group that supports democrats.

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