Texas law effectively banning Critical Race Theory in classrooms leads to inclusion of Holocaust denialism materials

Keep trying to find a box to put people in. Othering makes them easier to dismiss.
So you have never put people in a box on here? You have done it plenty.

You're also not as intelligent as you think you are either. Constantly repeating narratives that I can go read over at Slate or any other left leaning website.
Yeah, I refer to them as liberaltarians. I have friends like that.
I personally wouldn't use the word liberal anymore when referring to the left or anyone who wants to win brownie points with them. I call them leftists or left leaning because that's what they are.
The use of this cringe inducing woke expression makes you sound like a world-class knob. If you would like for people to stop confusing you for a left wing SJW apologist, it would help if you would quit talking like one.
The use of this cringe inducing woke expression makes you sound like a world-class knob. If you would like for people to stop confusing you for a left wing SJW apologist, it would help if you would quit talking like one.

Feel free to send me the VolNation Vocabulary List so I'll know how to talk to be accepted here.
Some people just aren't hardwired to handle complex individuals, and that's ok.

I don't dig CRT. I like guns and am Pro2A. I can't stand American Fundamentalist Evangelicalism. I believe [insert Nicene Creed]. I can't stand most unions but I value workers' rights. I believe quality public education is the key to a viable representative Republic but I absolutely detest the federal department of education and standardized testing companies. I believe a strong itinerant worker visa policy is part of the solution to border and immigration issues, especially when coupled with a robust border security program. I love our Armed Forces, make legislative contacts for veterans issues, and take flag code seriously.

I could go on, but there's no point. There's never any point. If you want a simple little box to shove me in for simplicity's sake, just call me human. That'll cover the complexity.
Sounds like you are a classic liberal which is completely different than a progressive liberal, which how the previous poster views ALL liberals
The opinions of people who are 100% sure that they’re sure that the Civil Rights Era was probably 160 years ago, before color photography, aren’t super interesting to me. 😂

What's I find truly sad is that those rushing to back him up don't respect him enough to tell him his reading comprehension skills are **** and he went off half-cocked on things that weren't said.

They don't give a **** about Involuntary the person, just InVOLuntary as a means to an ideological end.
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I like how he tries to point out the use of jargon while proceeding to use the expression "left-wing SJW apologist."


Absolutely zero awareness to call someone else a world class knob.

The difference between Ash and Me being that I don't care to be "put in a box" as someone who thinks the SJW mob are a cancer to the planet, and I really could give two cow sh*ts if any woke imbeciles think I'm a knob.
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The difference between Ash and Me being that I don't care to be "put in a box" as someone who thinks the SJW mob are a cancer to the planet, and I really could give two cow sh*ts if any woke imbeciles think I'm a knob.

Hey, I don't like Social Justice Warriors either.

I especially don't like Status Quo Warriors.

They both suck.
What's I find truly sad is that those rushing to back him up don't respect him enough to tell him his reading comprehension skills are **** and he went off half-cocked on things that weren't said.

They don't give a **** about Involuntary the person, just InVOLuntary as a means to an ideological end.
Reflective of the tribalistic, dumbed down society we've become
He posted a number of specific beliefs of his on several issues. He sounds pretty centered ideologically. Classic liberalism is a centered ideology
He actually does not sound centered at all by constantly repeating the leftist, cathedral media narratives.

Most people I have met over the years who claimed to be classical liberals despised the corporate media and are aware of the dangers the current woke left ideology is to this country. And would more than likely not vote democrat.

So my opinion is that certain people on here come across as blue pilled or left libertarians.
The difference between Ash and Me being that I don't care to be "put in a box" as someone who thinks the SJW mob are a cancer to the planet, and I really could give two cow sh*ts if any woke imbeciles think I'm a knob.

Don't underestimate yourself. Everybody thinks you're a knob.
He actually does not sound centered at all by constantly repeating the leftist, cathedral media narratives.

Most people I have met over the years who claimed to be classical liberals despised the corporate media and are aware of the dangers the current woke left ideology is to this country. And would more than likely not vote democrat.

So my opinion is that certain people on here come across as blue pilled or left libertarians.
Ok. How do those people feel about right wing groups?
He actually does not sound centered at all by constantly repeating the leftist, cathedral media narratives.

Most people I have met over the years who claimed to be classical liberals despised the corporate media and are aware of the dangers the current woke left ideology is to this country. And would more than likely not vote democrat.

So my opinion is that certain people on here come across as blue pilled or left libertarians.

I despise corporate media. It exists to make money, not to inform or report.

Ideological populism across the full spectrum of political beliefs is dangerous.

I cannot stand any political party that I have encountered thus far.
The difference between Ash and Me being that I don't care to be "put in a box" as someone who thinks the SJW mob are a cancer to the planet, and I really could give two cow sh*ts if any woke imbeciles think I'm a knob.
I’d wager that exactly nobody here cares about being “put in a box” by you or cares what you think about them.

But you’ve missed the entire point of the rest of the conversation so no sense in hoping you’d be able to understand that.
I despise corporate media. It exists to make money, not to inform or report.

Ideological populism across the full spectrum of political beliefs is dangerous.

I cannot stand any political party that I have encountered thus far.
I will bet a shiny new dime Donjo doesn't know that southern conservatives were mostly Democrats until the late 60s
I despise corporate media. It exists to make money, not to inform or report.

Ideological populism across the full spectrum of political beliefs is dangerous.

I cannot stand any political party that I have encountered thus far.
If you despise corporate media then why do you continue to repeat some talking points from them?

There are more than just 3 or 4 political parties. I've looked into several myself. Which is why I don't identify with one myself.

I even had to explain to my son years ago, when he was in middle school, that there was more than two political parties. Because that is what they were teaching.

Anyways. It's time for me to get to work.

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